Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Seems like quite a lull for news out there.
All this coverage of John Edwards fathering a kid to one of his campaign groupies while his wife is battling cancer..
I really don't care who he porks or who he impregnates.
Both he and his wife seem like assholes, but who am I to talk?
Like I said.... we're kind of in a lull.

Maria Rowen said...
...an affront to the flag he stands in front of...White: Signifies purity and innocence Red: Signifies valor and bravery
Blue: Signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice...John Edwards: Signigies low-life, scum-sucking, sewer rat...

Tuna Lips said...
Ize can not imagine throwin' a hump into that saucer-faced bridde of his, nor go guessin' on who would. Its dissgusten. I am keen on hearin' about these other jezebelles he is pleasurin' from behind, like livestock does. Sorta ow natural, like them Frenchies says.


Maria Rowen said...

...an affront to the flag he stands in front of...White: Signifies purity and innocence Red: Signifies valor and bravery
Blue: Signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice...John Edwards: Signigies low-life, scum-sucking, sewer rat...

Tuna Lips said...

Ize can not imagine throwin' a hump into that saucer-faced bridde of his, nor go guessin' on who would. Its dissgusten. I am keen on hearin' about these other jezebelles he is pleasurin' from behind, like livestock does. Sorta ow natural, like them Frenchies says.