Friday, February 22, 2013

Hacks, Scammers, and Lowlifes

There are a lot of creeps, losers, and lowlifes out there who spend their time on earth trying to hack into our email accounts, on-line accounts and social profiles.  You would tink that these hackers could do something better than work their illegal attacks on us, but a Loser is a Loser.
It seems like everyday that some of these sorry losers makes a run at my stuff, and  I always fend them off by myself with little effort.   For the most part, it is enough just to rebuff the hacks which is easy.
But I ran into a highly successful company which gave me a reasonable proposal to not only perform cyber detection to identify the losers, but their legal department will also file suit and prosecute!   And they quickly ran down one of the perps who has been bothering me and started the process.  There is a good chance that I will get a judgement and make some money.
Oh Baby!   Nothing I like better than going after scammers and low lifes.   This should be interesting.

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