Say Again?
For the past couple of years, we have been enduring ads by Eric H. Schultz, President & Chief Executive Officer at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc.
I think that the agitation that he causes me in his ads is a health hazard in and of itself.
This guy has corporate speak down to a science. He could describe wiping your ass and make it sound like its the latest procedure in modern medicine. Guys like that make a living in corporate Amerca, wafting away in corporate doublespeak, making the normal and mundane appear all complicated and sophisticated.
It seems to me to be a contrived phonyness designed to hide basic incompetence.
I don't know this asshole personally .... I'm sure he is a decent person who is kind to children and animals... but I endured his type for the dozen years of corporate life purgatory that I spent rubbing elbows with dipshits who would starve if they didn't have a corporate suite to hide in.
Ok... I'm calm now... my skin has stopped crawling. Now I can watch George Stephanopoulos on ABC News.
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