Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Final Bash Prep

Tommy O dropped by last night with the tent and two gallons of his brother's award winning Bobby Byrnes Clam Chowder.  We set up the 10' x 10' tent on the deck over the turkey fryer last night and it survived an inch of rain and some major wind gusts.
So this morning, I'm going to make the dough for the White Trash Balls, get to the Marblehead Post office to mail some certified public hearing notification letters, then over to the oral surgeon to extract that infected wisdom tooth.  On the way home from the Dentist, I'll pick up the ice and some firewood.
Then it will be limited activity until 5:30 PM when we fire up the turkey frier, cut the chicken wings, crack a beer and wait for you Peeps to show.
Soon the 2011 Night Before Thanksgiving Bash will be a hazy memory.

Jim L. said...

I'll check out the the Channel 7 news at 11. They usually have the spectacular stuff.

1 comment:

Jim L. said...

I'll check out the the Channel 7 news at 11. They usually have the spectacular stuff.