They can't... because the Democrats truly believe that we are sheep. That we will believe the type of positioned statements that they throw in these situations. Maybe they take this position because a sizable amount of them do have these herding, unthinking tendencies. It takes a Village for them, Not their own two feet and initiative.
Already, his announced Democratic opponent, Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, has hauled out this juicy bit from when Brown was stupid college student like all of us. If I had his looks and could have cashed in when I had college bills, I would have been all in.
The Democrats are trying to rev up outrage that Brown has made fun of her looks. He basically said that he would not like to look at her with her clothes off.... an honest answer that I wholly concur with.
Brown will elicit a ton of negativity this election season... just like the last. Because the lefties can't believe that there are people that don't need them in their stronghold here in Massachusetts Kennedy country.王治詔 said...
Tuna Lips said...
Why, I did not knowed that my old school marm, Mrs. Margery Thistlesnatch, had a child that done gone into politickin'.
Why, I did not knowed that my old school marm, Mrs. Margery Thistlesnatch, had a child that done gone into politickin'.
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