Monday, October 24, 2011

Jettison Jane

Senator Scott Brown called for the removal of Jane Lubchenko as administrator of NOAA recently.
I have to agree with the level headed Senator.
Jane is in lock step with the Al Gore theory of environmentalism... which is make it up as you go.  Her idea of helping the fishing industry is to foot the $7.5M bill of having regulators sit in on fishing trips.
I'm not against government regulation.  I'm against insincere, agenda minded moonbats implementing the regs.  Brown is in concert with Congressman Tierney and Frank who also get it when it comes to supporting fair fishing industry regulation.
Jane must go.  But it will take the removal of Obama to make it so. 
If it was up to me, I'd appoint the NorthShore Waterman, Dougie Maxfield, to the post.  It's time for a Gloucesterman who has a stake in a healthy balanced fishery to call the shots.

Tuna Lips said...

Why, Ise did not realize that the jail house matron of my yuthe, Mrs. Hortense Grottlesnatch, has a chillun' done gone into the fishery business. Fishy stench probably don't trouble her so much, livin' like them Grottlesnatch done, down in the Beef Curtain district of town.

dougmaxfield said...

Interesting timing for her announcement regarding the observer bill. I fear that when she is 'released' the damage will be done. Expecting the new stock surveys soon with rumors of another 50% cut in allocations. No doubt the fishermen will be blamed for this tragic state of our inshore stocks. I would immediately decline the position to head NOAA, I would have no more business there than the recent head of the Environmental Defense Fund who is currently dumping on fifteen years of sacrifice and well planned conservative measures.


Tuna Lips said...

> Why, Ise did not realize that the jail house matron of my yuthe, Mrs. Hortense Grottlesnatch, has a chillun' done gone into the fishery business. Fishy stench probably don't trouble her so much, livin' like them Grottlesnatch done, down in the Beef Curtain district of town.

Anonymous said...

Interesting timing for her announcement regarding the observer bill. I fear that when she is 'released' the damage will be done. Expecting the new stock surveys soon with rumors of another 50% cut in allocations. No doubt the fishermen will be blamed for this tragic state of our inshore stocks. I would immediately decline the position to head NOAA, I would have no more business there than the recent head of the Environmental Defense Fund who is currently dumping on fifteen years of sacrifice and well planned conservative measures.