Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fat Shit Affliction

Just got back from two Dark and Stormies on the Boston Yacht Club porch.... so bear with me.
Tomorrow I have a golf tournament for the New England Wireless Association at a course in Nashua, NH. Then I have to deadhead it to the Salem Hospital where I am spending the night doing a sleep study to identify the extent of sleep apnea that I have been diagnosed with.
Sleep Apnea is an affliction that attacks fat shits like myself who snore due to growth in the size of their tongues and other stuff in their air passages.   The snoring is something that I really have to attend to, because it is uncomfortable to me and obnoxious to anyone who attempts to sleep less than 20 feet from me.
I've been working out for the past two weeks like a mofo.  Really getting some intensive sweats in afer 45 minutes on the Cybex.
My theory is that this habit will eventually shed the pounds that is the ultimate culprit behind this condition.
But until then, I'm sure that the medical industry will see me as a cash cow and I will be strapped with all sorts of apparatus to buy that will be the interim diagnosis for this fat shit affliction.

ndonesiatooverseas said...

Get better soon.
I hope you wil l enjoy your life as usual.

1 comment:

indonesiatooverseas said...

Get better soon.
I hope you wil l enjoy your life as usual.