Tuesday, September 06, 2011


Today I was about 28 minutes into my 45 minute Cybex workout when the cell phone rang.  Normally I would ignore it, but when I checked it was my business partner, Mike Elsier, and I had a nagging need to respond.   Glad I did, because it was something that needed immediate attention... even in my sweaty and winded condition.
The crisis was handled in short order and I was still sweating, so I decided to get out and do a three mile running loop, down to Grace Oliver's Beach and back.  This was accomplished with surprizing ease, since I had not intended on pounding the pavement until I lost 20 lbs or so.
If this is boring to you, don't feel bad because it is actually tedious for me to write it.  But hang in there... I'm sure that the'll be some more exciting shit in the future.

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