Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Walnut Wallop

I read an article somewhere that said eating a handful of raw walnuts every day is good for you because of the anti-oxidant property of the nuts.  Plus they are supposed to be a good source of Omega 3 Fats.   So a handful of walnuts seems like a reasonable practice to ward off cancer and heart disease.
What the article left out is the tendency for the tasty little nutmeat to make you glued to the shitter for the better part of the afternoon, after munching on your happy little handful for a late morning snack.
The first time this happened to me, I thought that I had contracted a bug.   But now I know it is the freaking walnuts.  They should label freaking walnuts with a warning...."Eating this product while driving can leave you screaming for a McDonald's or highway rest stop."

Tuna Lips said...

I could a learnt yiz about them walnuts affectating the need to squat and deliver. Hooooey, etted me enough Horse Chestnut Stew back in the lean days of '59. Rubbed my copper penny raw with oaks leaves and loose scraps o' burlap tryin' to stem the seepage. It was a mean brew, found it efficashus in keepin' panthers out the camp area. Wearing skivvies was out the question. A sound practicum at that soily juncture.

1 comment:

Tuna Lips said...

I could a learnt yiz about them walnuts affectating the need to squat and deliver. Hooooey, etted me enough Horse Chestnut Stew back in the lean days of '59. Rubbed my copper penny raw with oaks leaves and loose scraps o' burlap tryin' to stem the seepage. It was a mean brew, found it efficashus in keepin' panthers out the camp area. Wearing skivvies was out the question. A sound practicum at that soily juncture.