Friday, July 01, 2011

POTW Week 26

As I was reading "Nanepashemet 2007" I noticed that I have been particularly lax in selecting the Peep of the Week on a weekly basis in the past year.    And I know why too.
It's because it is a big time pain in the ass.  If I could include dead people and animals, the weekly selections would be far easier, but I'm forced to limit the choices to those who have either been annoying or inspirational in the previous week. 

And, it's been a long time since I've gotten an automatic... which is making a Peep of the Week of the person who lowers himself to present me with the gift of Lagavulin, the King of Scotch..... which explains why my supply of that beloved beverage is so low these days.


Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 25th Week of 2011
  • Ben Mottola
  • Brian Butler
  • Kevin Callahan
  • Lou Panakio
  • Chris D'Orio
  • Mark Ryan
Time to get the discipline back.

pat pisc said...

How about doing a semi regular post on the tribe for which this blog is named, drop some knowledge and shizzle

1 comment:

pat pisc said...

How about doing a semi regular post on the tribe for which this blog is named, drop some knowledge and shizzle.