Saturday, December 05, 2009

POTW Week 49

We went to Mistral in Boston's Back Bay last night after a Fresh Ayer visit with Harvey and Lisa Rowe.
I wanted to see if if it was as good as it was the first time I went there.
It was.
I felt a little guilty leaving Ryan to go to Mistral, which is one of his favorite restaurants.  But he'll have plenty of time to catch up... as long as the Mayan Prophecy is wrong. 

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 49th Week of 2009

Isam Halwani
Mike Chandler
Bill Hillegas
Mike Rockett
Linda O'Shea
Phil Mickelson

Harvey had the pasta because he was planning a 10 mile training fun for this morning.  I had the filet because I will be going substanially less than ten.  Plus Harvey picked up the check, which always makes the meal taste better.

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