Thursday, August 27, 2009

POTW Week 34

Last week I missed the Peep of the Week selection.
Didn't even think of it.
It shouldn't be such a big deal. So why is everyone so freaking irate!
If you're expecting me to come up with some momentous reason for neglecting this thing, I suppose that I could.
If you think that I might come out with some diatribe about the evil effects of lies and lying and how it will eventually destroy any vestiges of character that you can salvage, I suppose that I could.
But I won't because I am conducting a slightly more expensive approach.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 34th Week of 2009.

Sarah McCormack
Brian Butler
Phoebe Crawford
Tom Raiche
Charlotte Murphy
Carol Kenner

I'm pretty sure that I won't forget the selection next week, because I don't want to put up with all the whining and lamentation.

"This above all. To thine own self be True" - Shakespeare

Peep of the Year, Lauren Rathbone said....
My guess is Brian Butler was the one to complain that you missed a week.!!

There were many, Lauren, but I'm not inclined to make any specific disclosures.