Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuna Lips Disclosure.
The Truth is that I'm sworn to secrecy. I simply can't disclose the person that is Tuna Lips. If you know me at all, you know that I can never betray a confidence.
Yes.... Tuna Lips is a real person, but here is where it gets complicated. Tuna Lips is a guy who is writing in the persona of another guy that we have labeled as Tuna Lips. Does that sound confusing??? It should because it makes my head hurt.
So, there is the real Tuna Lips, and a guy who writes as if he is Tuna Lips.
I'm starting to loathe myself.
1 comment:
Anonymous said...
Like Yahweh (that is the God of the Jew in the old testermint for you ignant types) I am who am. Slow to anger, but you git my hackles out I am gonna bring my wrath upon yerself like one of them fire-breathin' lizards that attacked those sneaky Japs in the movin picture shows. But fear not, I am a gentle type. I knows how to act in polite society. And see, the ladies, they like ole TL. All of 'ems wants to get rutting around with me, their eyes tear up when I breath across they necks, can not control their emotions. Several have lost bodily control, upchucking undigested vittles, so vaclempht they gets near me. In most cases, they could stand to lose a couple pounds, but really, it aint natural. Shoot, the courts have used their broad intercessory powers on occassion, aiming to settle the women folk down by asking me to just stay out of their general quadrant. Its a burden, but I carry on. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. I aint no commie, but there is a ring of truismness in that pertaining to my experience.
The Sizzler is havin' an All U can Eat buffet of USDA grade C beef(stored in only the best brine) and creamed corn. Gotta run. -
12:07 PM
Like Yahweh (that is the God of the Jew in the old testermint for you ignant types) I am who am. Slow to anger, but you git my hackles out I am gonna bring my wrath upon yerself like one of them fire-breathin' lizards that attacked those sneaky Japs in the movin picture shows. But fear not, I am a gentle type. I knows how to act in polite society. And see, the ladies, they like ole TL. All of 'ems wants to get rutting around with me, their eyes tear up when I breath across they necks, can not control their emotions. Several have lost bodily control, upchucking undigested vittles, so vaclempht they gets near me. In most cases, they could stand to lose a couple pounds, but really, it aint natural. Shoot, the courts have used their broad intercessory powers on occassion, aiming to settle the women folk down by asking me to just stay out of their general quadrant. Its a burden, but I carry on. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. I aint no commie, but there is a ring of truismness in that pertaining to my experience.
The Sizzler is havin' an All U can Eat buffet of USDA grade C beef(stored in only the best brine) and creamed corn. Gotta run.