The Mark of Squaw Sachem
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
As much as that sucked, I think that the environment that my grandkids will grow up in is worse, where people from a range of countries wish to bring havoc upon us for reasons that make no sense. How do you defend against an enemy that has no distinct country, and hates with no distinct reason?
At least fearing the Russians was easy and logical.
Not a Setback
Negative One.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
New Motivation

My appointment with Dr. Casale is in Mid-March, and he wants me on fish oil, aspirin and the HBP med. I'm also supposed to exercise for at least 30 min per day. As much as the Cybex stationary bike is great, I think it would be cool to get that half hour in rowing around the harbor.
That means I have to get the trailer assembled, registered and finish the damn Tender. Probably a good motivation. I'll be honest. I'd like to lose 20 lbs. in the next 50 days before my appointment. That's 3 lbs. a week for the next seven weeks.
Really, How hard can it be??? Go low on carbs, cut down on portions, no cookies, lay off the scotch (weekdays anyway). Get the 30 Min. in everyday, and gut it out for 7 weeks.
Time for a gut check.... literally.
I'll let you know how I'm doing, +/- , when I publish the Peeps of the Week each Thurs. for the next seven weeks.
Vertical Lift
I don't even mind the matching handicapped "his" and "her" bathrooms on the bottom level, because I know that they will at least be used, but the elevator requirement is silly and bureaucratic, based upon the amount of times that it will be operated for the use intended.
I have to bite the bullet and make the order, because there is a four to five week factory lead time.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Melt Down
I did manage to read up a little on high blood pressure on the internet. Apparently one in three adults has HBP. Looks like I have to get serious and attend to this. Means losing weight and working out. How bad is that? I have another check up with Dr. Casale in mid March, and hope to make a push to change things between now and then.
Tomorrow, I'll be up at 5:30 AM, heading for the ariport to fly to LaGuardia for my Paramus Meeting with Cingular. I hope the lethargy has left by then. There is too much to do for this couch potato bullshit to be in the mix.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Sunday Anticipation

I'll leave North Conway by 9:00 AM after a quick try out of the new XC Skis. Home by noon, and hopefully I can fit in 2 hours of sanding then. Leaving 17 eventful hours. I don't care. The Tender will rock when it is done. And I'm not taking any shortcuts.
More basement clean up in the late afternoon, then get ready for the Paramus trip. No more Patriots games tying up productive Sundays.
I still haven't heard from my book agent. Looks like I have to toss the passive waiting mode and start barking. Nobody said it would be easy.
Time for the Time
My walk today convinced me that I should get out in the cold and solitude more often. Very cleansing, both physically and spiritually. So I figure that with skis, all that good stuff can get done quicker. Just kidding. But I think that physical exercise in solitude can get rid of a lot of demons. The key is to find the enablers to do it... XC skis, rowing the tender, jogging (ouch).
It's time to find the time.
Winter Stroll

Probably a three mile loop. I brought my camera, but didn't see any wildlife or birds, however, heard some chickadees. They obviously were mocking me.
BTW, the Scenic Vista is the sight of an annual Abenaki Tribe summer camp, whereby the Indians made a trek down from Quebec to fish and trade. The last encampment was in 1964.
It was pretty cold... under 10 degrees.
Friday, January 26, 2007
BC-BU Hockey

Watching the BC - BU hockey game. BC is winning 3-2 in the second period.
Maybe I should root for BU where I went to grad school, but my son, Mike, played with the the BC goalie, Cory Schneider, in Youth Hockey and on the Marblehead Hockey Team. Then Cory went on to glory at Phillips Andover and BC. Cory is a great kid. It's kind of neat to see him excel at BC, and move on to the pro ranks next year.
Brings big time hockey to a personal, manageable level. I'm happy, though, that I'm not slepping to rinks every weekend now, like Cory's parents are still doing.
I know what you're thinking..... He's old, he's out shape, he's going to hurt himself.
Yeah, I think I will go skiing...... Screw you.
I'm freaking fine.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Thursday POTW Time
Imagine if I had forgotten to select the POTW???
Earthquakes, Tsunamis, possibly the end of life as we know it would undoubtably have been the result.
So don't panic. Ease the drama already. Here's the selections.
Announcing Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week 4-07
Amanda Johnson
The Bali Hai waitress who remembered that I always order the No. 32
Maddie Gill
Nancy Bruett
Alan Hezekiah
Bobby Wojcik
That's it. Now you can relax.
Reasonable Query
Building Permit Granted
Another Run
I really hope that the permit phase is behind us by the end of the day.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Buried with Paper
No More! For now on, every piece of mail will be either filed or thrown away.... every day. The criteria for keeping something will be if I owe money, or can immediately make money. Otherwise, it gets tossed.
Magazines will be held for one week, then gone. (except for Wooden Boat and Fine Woodworking). I am going to clear the decks for action.
Let's see how long this resolution lasts.
All Fired Up
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Thanks for the Inspiration
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26
times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed
over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
- Michael Jordan
Thanks to Balzac for this great insight by basketball legend, Michael Jordan.
The interesting fact is that we have unlimited strikes at the plate... we have unlimited downs to make a touchdown. We just have to keep stepping up to the plate and take our swings. You won't be remembered by the number of swings you took, only by the hits that you made.
So... just keep running plays.
Common Sense

But the system dictates that competent professionals must say "There is nothing I can do. Despite the inapplicability of it all, the law is the law."
You have to wonder if the sturdy Marbleheaders who rowed Washington across the Delaware would be satisfied with this type of response.
Have you checked your pay stub lately? We are unbelievably accepting of the huge levy that the government exerts upon us. I doubt that our forefathers, who wouldn't stand for a tax on tea, would admire our acquiescence.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Big Push
Sunday, January 21, 2007
AFC Champions.
The Patriots played very well to stay with the Colts, who just seemed to be relentless on both sides of the football. It was a great season.
My only problem is Tony Dungy thanking the Lord for the win. I think that the Lord is probably neutral with regard to who wins a professional football game.
Sunny and Cold
When I was a kid, I loved the snow. I guess you never get over that basic emotion. But now, snow costs money. Plowing at Sundance. So I'm happy both ways this winter.
Pats at Indianapolis tonight. I'm not going to predict a win, but I never saw the Patriots get this close without going to the Dance. The Bruett's invited us over to watch the game, but I don't know. The chances of losing are slim, but it would be embarrassing for Greg to see me weeping like a girlyman.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Jeremiah Johnson
Easily my favorite movie ever. I must have watched it fifteen times before tonight. The soundtrack is great if you like acoustical music like I do. Very simple, brutal, survivalist theme. I've often wondered why I like this movie so much, and have developed a few theories, which I don't think I am ready to share with you.
"The way that you wander, is the way that you choose.
The Day that you tarry is the day that you lose.
Sunshine or Thunder, a Man will always wonder,
Where the fair wind blows.
Where the fair wind blows."
Friday, January 19, 2007
Tender Waits

Darwin and Sundance have me straight out, plus some more stuff that I'll tell you about later.
About 19 hours of interior sanding remain on the Tender before we can install the seating and sail supports.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week - 3-07
Man, the weeks are spinning by. The Sundance school is progressing acceptably, except for some asshole who creeped out the Building Dept. I'm not going to mention his name, but we'll keep the cross hairs on him for years to come. Bad move on his part, and he'll never know what hit him when the time comes. I'm not vindictive, but that m-----f---- is going down.
Now for the Nanepashemet Peep of the Week Selections.
- Steve Lewis
- Nathaniel Clarke
- Ryan Nestor
- Ivan Salaberrios
- Dan Ross
- Frank Gaul
I was tempted to break the rule on the animals given the last two posts, but you have to keep some standards. It would be nice, though, if someone used the Lagavulin loophole one of these weeks.
Halifax and Rigger
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Exception to the Rule

So no matter how Jack Dog tries to convince me that he is worthy, it is to no avail.
I don't care how sad he looks.... POTW must be denied to him.
It's out of my hands.
So stop looking at me.
There's nothing I can do.
If I made an exception for JackDog, then how could I ever face Ronick. Plus it's pretty cold tonight, and I need Ronick the cat to warm my feet at the foot of the bed. So I can't afford to piss Ronick off.
Jack Dog, you're plumb out of luck.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
Bears Repeating
From Investor's Business Daily.
Always be positive. Think success, not failure. Beware of a negative environment.
Write down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them.
Goals are nothing without action. Don't be afraid to get started. Just do it.
Go back to school or read books. Get ` training and acquire skills.
Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Never give up.
Get all the facts, all the input. Learn from your mistakes.
Don't let other people or things distract you.
Following the herd is a sure way to mediocrity.
No person is an island. Learn to understand and motivate others.
Otherwise, Nos. 1-9 won't matter.
Disciplined Action
Probably for the first time in history, we are not preoccupied with getting enough food. We are obsessed with finding ways to keep from eating too much!!! I suppose this is one of those good problems to have.
All achievement comes from discipline.... taking a course of action and maintaining the discipline to stay the course.
Getting into shape and losing weight is the most obvious example.
Business success requires that you identify what you should be doing, and what you shouldn't be doing and continually redirect yourself to take consistent and coordinated actions.
Better said than done.
There are so many diversions, and uncertainties that interfere with your ability to take concerted, direct action. Basic lazyness and procrastination lie in between the diversions and uncertainties. Also time constraints and conflicting interests become deterents to disciplined action.
No wonder it is so hard to lose weight... or succeed in business.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
From Good to Great
He asks three fundamental questions.
1) What are you deeply passionate about?
2) What are you are genetically encoded for -- what activities do you feel just "made to do"?
3) What makes economic sense -- what can you make a living at?
If you can come to the brutally honest answers to these questions, and discipline yourself to adjust your actions to work in concert with them, you can achieve greatness. At the very least, you could be happier at your everyday work.
Pats Beat SD Chargers
On to Indianapolis and Peyton Manning again in the AFC Chamionship Game next Sunday. Good Stuff.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Looking Back, Thinking Ahead
Balzac Discovered
I can't reveal his identity. If he were to be known to be corresponding with Nanepashemet, the retribution from his peers and colleagues would be swift and deadly.
I simply respect the fact that he mustered the fortitude to unmask his burdensome secret identity. A true profile in courage.
Once again.... Mike and Tyler.... I am sincerely sorry. But then again, both of you are capable of saying the same stupid shit as the real Balzac. So I don't feel that bad.
Waiting Patiently
No response.
How do they expect me to help millions of peeps in need if I can't get one freaking book published??? Do these literary agents realize that they are delaying the advance of culture in our society??? Do they realize that people's livelyhoods and well being depend on this book being published? How do they live with themselves??
Looks like I might need some divine intervention. I can't leave something this important in the hands of fallible humans.
Logo Update
At Home Depot, I picked up a 12 MM piece of poplar plywood that will be painted white and used as a backdrop for the logo. Primed everything with Rustoleum white primer and I will paint and install tomorrow.
Rockett cut down the four spruce trees for the Sundance parking lot on Friday. It's too bad, they were over twenty five years old, but I have to deal with this rediculous off street parking requirement.
In the meantime, Joanne has been wonderful to live with in response to Michael's relocation to Washington, DC. This will be an interesting transition.
Tuna Fish and Ginger Ale

I'm sure you wise asses will come up with some other lewd combos. This is just a simple observation. Why do you have to drag everything into the gutter? Perverts!
Sundance Logo Sign
I'm thinking that I can change the method a little bit and make the sign logo out of birch plywood which will be painted, rather than the redwood that I edge glued last time. It will go faster and look just as good from the street.
Off to Home Depot.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Stupid Bureaucrats
Can there be organization without the decay of bureaucratic behavior? Can people be tasked to act in keeping with truthful and forward moving endeavor? Bureaucracy is the manifestation of conflicting self interest. It rewards mediocrity and despises truthful and inspirational acts.
The dedicated bureaucrats are denizens of purgatory. They are not content to see anyone expose their inadequacies by talented and forward moving action.
Happy and Sad
Thursday, January 11, 2007
BTW, do you know what a WhaleEye is?
Nice talks with DiMatteo and Steve Garten at the Darwin meeting.
Peep of the Week - 2007 Week 2
I have an all hands meeting at Darwin this evening, so I probably wouldn't be able to make the selections at my usual 7:00PM time. And I don't want to stress anyone out unnecessarily by delaying the all important selections.
So Here Goes.....
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 2 of 2007
- Lenny Cameron
- Suzanne Somers
- Donald Trump
- Jeff Reed
- Linda Mirasolo
- Joe Sweet
Peep of the Year Feedback
As you know, the reasons for Peep selections can never be disclosed. It is the one sacred, unalterable rule that we must abide by here at the Nanepashemet Blog.
However, I can give you some clues without fear of ripping a hole in the outer lining of the universe.
By process of elimination, McMahon is not dead, nor is he an animal. And he didn't give me any Lagavulin over the year. That leaves only three selection criteria to consider.
McMahon had to be especially annoying, stupid, or inspirational to be selected as the Nanepashemet Peep of the Year.
..... or could it be that he was a combination thereof????
That is as far as I dare go. The consequences of breaking this rule would be tantamount to risking the end of life on Earth as we know it .... worse than being caught in the car with gassy Ryan... worse that asking Katelyn to take out the trash... worse than seeing DiMatteo in a good mood... worse than expecting Mike to pick up a meal tab .... worse than playing 18 holes with me.... worse than misplacing a bottle of Lagavulin.... worse than seeing Buck Johnson's bare chest....
It would be that bad.
So don't ever ask me again.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Piantedosi Rigs

These "Row Wing" sliding rigs are made of quality marine grade aluminium and are very well crafted.
At the time, I was going to rig them up to a type of catamaran that I was thinking of converting my two 14 foot sea kayaks. I never did the project, but now will retrofit the Herreshoff tender to be able to use both of these sliding seat rowing rigs, as well as traditional oar locks. The units will be designed to be removed for sailing and traditional rowing while fishing.
I think that it will be cool to pull the tender around Marblehead harbor in tandem with a friend. I'll have to find someone who is robust and fit enough to keep pace with my rowing cadence though.
Piantedosi Oars
-=[ Piantedosi Oars - ]=-
A Clear Path
Another trip to see Bob Ives with Paul Lynch, then Mike Rockett and Sparky Spillane can go to town, as only they can.
This is going to be a great facility, and a lot of kids will have a wonderful start at this site that offers so much in terms of parkland, open space and water access.

The playing field is getting more and more level. The only thing between us and success is truly us.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Second Thoughts
Back on Track
With the other projects, the Tender lies fallow due to losing the weekend on the wireless stuff, and I'm waiting for my literary agent to give me feedback on the Boatbuilding Book proposal.
Joanne is nervous about Mike relocating to DC, and there is some more stuff going on that I'm not going to tell you about now.
Lots of balls in the air.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Pats Trump Jets
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Sixty Degrees
We took Mike to the Landing last night for a family dinner - the last time the family will be together for awhile since Mike is relocating to Washington DC for his new job at Bearingpoint. It felt like winter in California with the temperature so high.
Too bad I'm not far enough along with the sanding on the Tender, since this temperature is perfect for coating epoxy and varnish.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Irons in the Fire
The weekend will be killed because I will have to go to Darwin Saturday and finalize the draft network services submittal, and we have customers going to the Patriots – Jets Playoff game in the Darwin Box at Gillette Stadium. You have to meet the customers at the Box and act like you enjoy all of the eating, drinking, and climate controlled playoff football action. I don’t know how I’m going to pull it off.
Between Darwin, Sundance, the Boatbuilding Book and a couple of other entrepreneurial exploits, wouldn’t you think that I would be raking in the dough with all of these irons in the fire? My rake must be missing some tines.
Can’t see much hope in gaining some hours on the nineteen estimated to be left in interior sanding on the Tender. Maybe one or two on Saturday afternoon.
1-07 POTW
Nanepashemet Peeps OTW 1-07
- Dale Johnson
- Steve Livermore
- Sarah Jane Freymann
- Michael Porter
- Jim Hormann
- Jay Ohanian
Rumpf and Livermore
A Special Role
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Darwin Account Reviews
A New World of Information
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Nanepashemet Peep of the Year - 2006
In a light hearted process of acknowledging the triumphs and foibles of various Peeps every week, I have caused a strange and invective cult to emerge, filled with hundreds of mindless drones whose only life function is to anguish and obsess over the merits or inequities of the Nanepashemet Peep of the Week selection.
If only I could turn back time, I never would have set this juggernaut in motion. Woe that I have lifted the lid on this Pandora's Box.
What's done is done. I will have to live with this burden of my own making, trying to make the best of a whirlpool of bad karma.
There can only be one Nanepashemet Peep of the Year 2006.
I have selected the one Peep among you who has solved the riddle of the shroud.
Only one of the multitudes has found the truth... that the shroud is not linen wrappings of antiquity, but a sheet of Big Brawny brand paper towel.

To those of you who know McMahon, it cannot come as a surprise.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Matinicus Island
Competition to Shroud of Turin

This one is especially baffling.
Don't be distracted by the devastatingly good looking image on this ancient shroud of antiquity.
Some say it's not a man at all... but some sort of a Greek God. I don't think he is Greek though. In fact, nix the Greek idea altogether.
To me, this man exudes deep knowledge, and animal sexuality. His piercing, intelligent gaze, and confident smile portend superiority, yet ultimate humility.
Please help us find the truth! If you have any idea of his identity, please email me at this special address that will support the mountain of mail that this mystery will generate.
Send to
Cure the Common Cold
Shaping up to a Happy New Year
There really are some great things to look forward to.
Ryan and Courtney's gift to the world,
Michael and Katelyn's great emerging careers,
Joanne's new Sundance location,
WiMax wireless technology deployment,
Launching the Herreshoff Columbia Yacht Tender,
Building the Maine Matinicus Peapod,
Publishing the Nanepashemet Boatbuilding book,
Fishing for Tuna on Stellwagen,
Remodeling the basement,
Kicking back with Joanne, Izzy and Ronick,
Fly Fishing the Saco River and NH Lakes,
Getting rid of this Wicked Head Cold,
Weddings for Murph, Tina, Stacy and Brian,
Selecting the Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week,
Man, I've got to stop before I get emotional. Too many good thoughts at the same time can even make a rough, tough, hard to bluff, mountain of a man like me break down and cry like a baby.
Not a pretty sight.
Why don't you make your own list of great things to look forward to, and stop bugging me about mine??? Obviously, 2007 will also have some annoying segments to it.