Big mistake for progress on the Tender.
Greg stopped home and came by Sundance with two Coors Light Beers.
A classy move.
Beer always is the perfect refreshment following some physical work. After showing him around the place, I asked if he wanted to join me for a beer at Maddies. I had a pass since Joanne was going to Boston with her mother and sisters, so Greg called Nancy, got permission, and we were headed for Old Town.

We could'nt find a parking space at Maddies, so we headed for the Landing. Fine with me since I belong to the Dark and Stormy Club at the Landing and needed to add some stamps to my card. Ten stamps, and you get a free Dark and Stormy.
The only problem is that the Dark and Stormies at the Landing suck. They are all ginger beer, and hardly any Black Seal Rum.
Whatever... Three stamps later, and lot of man talk under the bridge, we were headed for home, but it was 5:30 PM and there was no boatbuilding energy in sight.
Tomorrow is another day.
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