Sunday, December 31, 2006
Jill and Thomas
The last day of the year. A day for reflection and resolution. Obviously, a central resolution is to finish the Tender and begin the work on your Peapod. But I do have some other concerns.
Next year, I resolve to open my mail, everyday, even the bills. I resolve to pay attention to the details, so that things don’t end up looming so big that is seems like a tsunami of stress engulfs me.
I resolve to pay attention to what I eat, and get an exercise burn in every day. I can’t predict weight loss here, because I’m sick of worrying about the number of lbs. that show up on the scale when I step on. I just want to feel good and move easier.
I resolve to clean up after me… everyday…everywhere. This means my truck, my bedrooms, the kitchen, the garage, my office…. everywhere. Keep the decks shipshape for action.
That’s it. Pretty simple. Build the boats, workout, eat right, check the details, and clean up afterward.
In past years for New Year’s resolution, I’ve tried to outline detailed economic and career results that I would like to attain. A lot of that stuff was out of my control… and hardly ever occurred the way I was resolving. This year, I’m going to be more of a receiver of the big stuff, and less of a controller. My resolutions are designed to deal with what life flows my way, not direct the flow.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Courtney's Cupcakes
Awesome cupcakes.

Big mistake for progress on the Tender.
Greg stopped home and came by Sundance with two Coors Light Beers.
A classy move.
Beer always is the perfect refreshment following some physical work. After showing him around the place, I asked if he wanted to join me for a beer at Maddies. I had a pass since Joanne was going to Boston with her mother and sisters, so Greg called Nancy, got permission, and we were headed for Old Town.

We could'nt find a parking space at Maddies, so we headed for the Landing. Fine with me since I belong to the Dark and Stormy Club at the Landing and needed to add some stamps to my card. Ten stamps, and you get a free Dark and Stormy.
The only problem is that the Dark and Stormies at the Landing suck. They are all ginger beer, and hardly any Black Seal Rum.
Whatever... Three stamps later, and lot of man talk under the bridge, we were headed for home, but it was 5:30 PM and there was no boatbuilding energy in sight.
Tomorrow is another day.
Tender Neglect
Today though, I'm planning to rev it up again. I'm going to the Sundance site with my reciprocating saw to prune some of the tree limbs and open up the area to give us better insight into the location of parking spaces. That will get my rhino-virus-wracked body back in motion.
Then I'm going to resume sanding the interior of the Tender.
Take It Easy
Some people always seem to overreact.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Permission Granted

Thanks to Bob Ives, Marblehead Building Commissioner. Took a big step in the Sundance project today because of his insight and consideration. Many hurdles remain, but at least the race has started.
Dave Bruett, Paul Lynch, Sparky Spillane and Eric "International Man of Mystery" Rumpf can all take a bow. Their contributions will be duly noted for future Nanepashemet Honors.
Nice Beavers
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Legal Help
Saddam Hussein will be put to death within the next thirty days under Iraqi law. Somehow, I didn’t think justice would be this swift.
While we’re on the subject of law and death, what is it about lawyers that make even the most law abiding, peaceful, God-fearing person contemplate methods of torture and murder?
The times when you consult with an attorney usually have stressful components. Especially in business, you ask a lawyer to do something for you when you fear a certain consequence. In business, though, time is money. Do something quickly, reduce expenses, make some money, or at least, avoid losing too much.
For the lawyer, money is time. Delay, process… there is always tomorrow. Then… when they finally get around to returning your call, they usually find some reason to blame you for the reasons for delay. But you maintain your composure and play along with the ruse, because you feel like they have you by the gonads.I know that there are exceptions, but trust me, I’m talking about the general rule.
No Pity
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week - 8
The rest of you didn't heed my suggestion, and must be evaluated by the remaining criteria.
So be it. Here Goes....
- Jay Turner
- Paul Lynch
- Susan Raiche
- Mitt Romney
- Dan Brown
- RobbyDoyle
Now for the biggest challenge yet...... the Peep of the Year selection.
You're automatically in with a case of Lagavulin if somebody wants it bad enough.
The big day is Mon. Jan. 1, 2007. Even I can't wait for this one.
POTW -8 The Final Designations for 2006
Because today is Thursday.... and Thursday is Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week Day. The last one in 2006.
Don't put pressure on yourself. There is still life for those who are not chosen. A lesser life, yes, but all is not lost. There is still time to meet the automatic selection criteria. Just do what a few brilliant individuals have done - have a bottle of Lagavulin delivered prior to 6:00 PM EST.
Good luck
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Bird Bonanza
Book Proposal
The proposal will take some preparation. I actually bought some books on Amazon detailing a successful book proposal. They should be delivered today.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Head Cold
All day long, she gives me dirty looks when I cough and sneeze. Let's be honest. I'm only sneezing, hacking and snotting to annoy Joanne. This head cold is a ruse to be extra irritating to her. Maybe I'll really piss her off and get pneumonia.
Christmas Presents

... with some assemble required. Then she got me a paper towel holder for the kitchen counter. I was so sick of always looking for the paper towels. And the kids gave me some more really neat stuff.

Mike gave the the National Audubon Society, state of the art, Sibley Guide to Birds.

Boats and Birds.... some serious reading enjoyment.
Katelyn bought me a sweater and a Dark and Stormy Gift Box, with Ginger Beer and Goslings Black Seal Bermuda Rum. You will recall that Dark and Stormies are the official Nanepashemet Drink of Summer. I wore the sweater during the Chistmas Eve parties and emerged stain free by the end of the evening. That's a great omen.
Jay Turner gave me a bottle of Lagavulin... you know what that means!!! He is an automatic for POTW. Brilliant move.
All in all, some thoughtful presents from an awesome family.
Sundance Chores
I also talked to both Paul Lynch and Mike Rockett regarding the permit submittal. Hopefully to be done tomorrow with the parking spaces laid out. Kept Sparky in the loop.
Design Review
Flashing the Bird
Don't they know that at any time, I can lose my senses, go beserk and pummel them mercilously?

Apparently not.

Lucky for them that I am the poster boy for tolerance and self-control... that I'm able to see beyond the gutteral meaning of such base expressions....
.... that I'm cool and they suck.
I will continue to ignore their juvenile assertions, and seek the truth through the lens of my honest Canon Digital Camera.
Don't worry Peeps... it takes alot more than a lousy middle finger to make me forego my obligation to bring you your daily life's inspiration. I won't be deterred!
Katelyn's Christmas Collage
Monday, December 25, 2006
Tighty Whities v. Boxer Shorts
My boys wear boxers exclusively, while I have carried on with my tighty whitey briefs. Joanne bought me three pairs of Tommy Hilfigers for Xmas.
It will be interesting to see which choice that the grandkids follow.
Maybe it's a generational thing.
Merry Christmas
Then the usual crew showed. The roast beef was awesome and Joanne's new Rachel Ray Furi knives made short order of the slicing chore. It was Jay Turner's first Christmas in Marblehead. All in all, no incidents, nothing particularly annoying. A nice day except for a wicked head cold that took root in me.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Literary Agent
The book will be a daily journal that details in words and pictures the process of building a traditional wooden boat. The story will have technical details which will allow the reader to construct a Maine Peapod Lobster Dory for sail and oar, but will also have insights into all of the issues that confront the Builder who tries to maintain family relationships, friends and outside career obligations.
It will be in greater depth than a “how to” book, and will be non-fiction which I prefer due to the strange and bizarre nature of the non-fiction genre.
The intended audience will reflect those who seek the need to inspire their daily thinking, as well as those who may technically wish to take on this kind of project. Sound familiar, Peeps?
If you wish advance copies or want your name mentioned in the book, please send me cash.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Christmas Eve
We'll start out with Cocktails and Dinner at Jellison's. Last year we really kicked back and had a great time... we never got to any of our other obligations.
We'll leave Jellison's and head to Murray's, then end the evening at Bruett's great new home. The trip home from Bruett's in previous Christmas Eve's were harrowing affairs. Ten mp

I'm hoping this year to behave myself, but the Nance Nog cannot be denied. Should be alot of POTW at Bruett's. The infamous Murph will definitely be there. It is always a highlight event.
Jumping the Gun
Old Clothes
Sometimes, things like old clothes have all sorts of memories attached to them so that I can't throw them away. It's like if I don't see the clothes, then I'll forget the memories behind them. This too seems pretty neurotic.

Sooner or later, I muster up the guts to put the clothes into a plastic bag and haul them to the Salvation Army dumpster. Hope today will be one of those days.
Rainy Saturday
So I got a haircut and am planning to actually clean around the house. Joanne is giving me dirty looks while I blog this, because she got up and got into action in the heavy cleaning routine. It's hard to just jump in though.... I have to get my big toe wet first.
Can't work on the tender when it is raining, because I have to move stuff into the driveway to make room.
Friday, December 22, 2006
General George S. Patton

Christ says to turn the other cheek if someone offends you. Practical advice to exterminate the pattern of revenge and retribution.
So often it is the opposite tack from what our ego demands, or comfort level urges, that is the prudent course of action.
"L'audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace"
Patton offended his peers, his superiors, and his men. But his passionate and forthright actions saved the world. Thank God for assholes like General George S. Patton.
Finally Friday
I am looking forward to kicking back and low keying the Christmas celebrations. Fat chance of that!
Mild December

Too bad I'm so far behind on the Tender. I could varnish in these temperatures, but I haven't had the luxury of getting into the garage and putting the hours in.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Merry Christmas for the Politically Correct

Because December 25 is a national holiday. Everybody has it off. It's Christmas Day. It is a day of peace on earth, good will toward men. Most of everything we do on Dec. 25 has nothing to do with your religion or your cosmological beliefs.
Santa is not Jesus, and Jesus never saw a Christmas Tree. There were no reindeer in the frigging manger.
So... Merry Christmas.
If you don't like it, then screw you.
Joy and Peace.
Tao Te Ching

and people will live a hundred times better
get rid of kindness and justice
and people once more will love and obey
get rid of cleverness and profit
and thieves will cease to exist
but these sayings are not enough
hence let this be added
wear the undyed and hold the uncarved
reduce self-interest and limit desires
get rid of learning and problems will vanish"
- Lao Tzu
Simple Rules for the Chosen
Did the Peep do something stupid?
Did the Peep do something annoying?
Did the Peep do something inspiring?
Is the Peep living and not dead?
Is the Peep a Human and not an animal?
Did the Peep give John Nestor a bottle of Lagavulin in the past seven days?
So you see, it's easy to become a repeat Peep of the Week every week by invoking the automatic Lagavulin gift criteria. Much more difficult to fill the other criteria.
Peep of the Week - 7

Since I just announced that anyone who asked to be a POTW would be automatically denied, I expected that no one would be stupid enough (not to mention annoying enough) to ask to be named a Peep.
Enter Murph, alias Michael Murphy, who sent me the following comment....
"Hey Jay I want a POTW Nomination…IF I drink a ton of Nance Nog do I get one?"
Stupid and annoying, yet subject to automatic denial. It's sort of like an endless loop.... like infinity. What would you do if your were me? Keep thinking about it until your head throbs in wild palpitations??? I already tried that.~
Stupid and Annoying, yet against the Peep Rules to make him a POTW!!!!
So I made Murph a Peep. I know that it is wrong, so DEAL WITH IT!
- Michael Murphy
- Dave Fortier (automatic Lagavulin Default Rule)
- Emily Roach
- Peter Brown
- David the Waiter at the 99
- Tammie Pham
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
POTW Nominations
Must be that people are busy during the Holiday rush.
It doesn't matter. POTW Thursday waits for no man and doesn't take a day off.
Tomorrow is the big day.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Microsoft Project
Project is a bear to work with. It is so packed with features, that it is far too complex and requires detailed knowledge and regular use. If you worked with it everyday, that would be one thing, but to come back sporadically every couple of months and try to fire it up is really painful.
Years ago, I developed a Gantt chart program that worked in an Excel template as an alternative to Project. At that time, Project was even worse to work with. I'll admit that it has become easier, but it is still a program that is too complicated for casual use.
International Man of Mystery
Sparky also got the fence contractor up at the site today. The deadline setback will take the craziness out of the project and will end up producing a better project in the long run.
Some Assembly Required
It will take me two full days to put this thing together, days that I absolutely don't have with the Darwin and Sundance obligations. There is no way that the Herreshoff Columbia Yacht Tender will be launched in 2006.
Monday, December 18, 2006
New England Ecology
Dramatic changes in a short period of time involving the wildlife and vegetation of this region.

It would seem that the land has always been in a state of flux. Incredibly, there is probably more woodland and wildlife in New England now than at the beginning of the eighteenth century, since we do not look to the land as our primary sustenance and are not grossly effecting land use changes. Deer, moose and turkeys were all harvested and not in any abundance 100 years ago.
I've noticed increases and fluctuations in wildlife in my own time here.
Sundance Hurdles
A rough start, but with the involvement of Rockett and Lynch, we will smooth it out.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Chicago Bound
Spent an hour with Sparky on the Microsoft Project Gantt Chart. With the holidays smack in the middle of the project schedule, there are extra challenges. If the office phase is not completed, that is not a problem, but the interior classrooms and playground fencing must be in place.
The Sundance parents are betting that the work will not be ready for Jan. 2. I told Amy that I would cover the bets.
Gillette Again
But there are a couple of customers coming to the box that I have to put the vibe on. Viva la Evolution!
I have to get a Sundance renovation project schedule for Sparky together before I leave this morning.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Happy Home
Friday, December 15, 2006
No Hitches
Thanks to Mark Ferrante, Peter Caruso, Gail Smith, Sparky Spillane, Mike Rockett, Steve Lewis, Dave Bruett, Harry Christensen, Charles Ball, Dana Lothrop, and Paul Lynch. You all had key roles in making this happen.
Thanks to the Sundance parents and staff.
This is going to be a great facility for children on the North Shore. We'll be sharing the construction details in the next two weeks.
Bust a Move
Paramus Results
Next Phase
We have to take down all of the non bearing walls and reconstruct four classrooms, all without major disruption to the existing finishes. On the outside, we have to fence in the play area, and build an office addition in the back. We don't have the budget for a gut remodel, and it is crucial that the building be ready by Jan.2 to handle students returning from the holiday break.
Once again, we have the right guy for the job, and that is the critical detail.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Christmas Shopping
I'm so thankful that Al Gore invented the Internet!! Maybe I'll even vote for Hilary.
For Senor Balzac
From Wikipedia....
The assault was later revealed to be a hoax. The chief of police of Odessa Texas released a statement which read in part: "After viewing the video, the officer who was employed at the club in an off duty capacity, was contacted by investigators. The officer reported he had met with Mr. Shore prior to his set, and was asked to participate in the skit. The officer stated that the skit went as designed and that Shore was not injured in the designed skit."
Missing Tuna
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week - 6
The honor today goes to the below individuals. None gave me Lagavulin, so it is up to them to determine if they were named for Annoyance, Stupidity or Inspiration.
- Linda O'Shea
- Dave Bruett
- Barach Obama
- Sarah Pooper
- Frank Gaul
- Daisuke Matsuzaka
Last week, a number of you contacted me regarding the reasons why some of the Peeps were chosen. Please don't do that again. It is none of your business.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Office Holiday Party
Bruett Comes Through
BTW, if you ask to be a POTW, you have just forfeited your chances forever....or at least until I forget that you asked. So keep your mouth shut and don't blow it.
POTW Tomorrow
Busy EOY
I will definitely take a vacation - probably a week in North Conway during January or February - when the smoke clears.
Moonshadow Details Today
- Meet with Mike and his framer.
- Check on the perimeter survey.
- Call the fence contractor.
- Receive moving bids.
- Finalize Schedule and Budget.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Two Week Renovation
The Darwin Evolution
Monday, December 11, 2006
Clear to Close
Courtney's Cookies
Courtney's cookies.
They brought a bunch over on Sunday, and I really didn't get into them until tonight. I could easily eat them all, before hitting the sack tonight. It is only through my superior will power and self control that I am able to limit myself to five.... or six.
Nice Round Trip for Lunch in Mahwah
DiMatteo, Ohanian and I are driving down in the morning, having a meeting, giving out Golf Shirts, buying lunch and driving back.
It's actually faster to drive. By the time you get to the airport, park, go through security, board the plane, rent a car, drive from Newark to Mahwah... you are better off just driving from Marblehead.
I know what you are thinking. How can I spend 6 plus hours in the car with DiMatteo without my head exploding? I haven't figured that part out yet.
View from Monday Morning
It will all get done. We'll see another Saturday.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Nanepashemet's Deed to Marblehead
On September 16, 1684 his (Nanepashemet's) heirs gave Marblehead a deed to their town, it was signed by
Joane Ahawayet, Squaw, relict, Widdow of George Saggamore, alais Wenepauweekinwwekin or George No Nose;
Joane Quanapohkownat, the widow of John Quanapohkownat of Natick:
James Quanapohkownat, alais James Rumneymarsh,
Isreal Quanapohkownat, Sarah Quanapohkownat all of Natick;
Susannah Wenepawweekin, Sarah Wanapawequen daughters of Sagamore George;
Joseph Quanophkonatt, alais Joe English, son of old John ( Essex Reg. Deeds, 11,132 )
( 1.) ( 2.) (3.) ( 4.) ( 5.) ( 6.) ( 7.) ( 8.) ( 9.)
The Marks of: 1.David Nonnuphanohow, 2.Sam Wuttaannoh, 3.John Tontohqunne, 4.Cicely Petaghuncksq, 5.Thomas Vsqueakussennum, 6.Isreal Quanophkownatt, 7.Jane Quanophkownat, 8.Yawata, 9.Wattawtinnusk*. James Rumneymarsh signed the deed in English. From the Salem Deed 1686
* Wife of Peter Ephraim - all signers give their home as Natick
Woodworking Secrets

As I get more experienced, especially in building boats and projects with curved surfaces, I've had to understand how to use chisels, planes and scrapers. ~
The essence of these tools is a sharp blade edge.
I've found that Japanese waterstones progressively up to 6000 grit can put a razor sharp, polished edge on a chisel or plane iron. But it is tedious business to do it by hand. Last year, I bought the Makita

For my scrapers, I use the Veritas burnisher to get the right hook and sharpness to the blade.
Understanding your saws and other power tool and tuning them correctly is the other secret,

Basically, to become a good woodworker, you have to be very good with metal. Seems wierd.
Heartburn and Hangovers
BTW, Hangovers suck.
I used to be good to go by 12 noon the next day, no matter how bad the morning was. You would think that over your lifetime, the recovery period would improve, but no, I still feel like crap at 4:45 PM.
It gets worse as you get older.
Mike just ordered two pizzas from Vesuvius. Tom McMahon is over and we're having a pizza party. This wil be the Gaviscon test.
Senor Balzac....
Not Looking Good
2 possessions needed and some big plays.
Now 10 minutes. Pats have the ball but not showing any luck. Just fumbled. I hate to do it, but I'm going to concede this to the Dolphins.
This is all Jay Turner's fault. If he hadn't flown down to Miami to watch this game, everything would have been fine.
My brother in Ft. Laud. should be happy. Thanks Jay.
Stapleless Planking System

Not because of aesthetics. I doubt that any untrained eye can spot a staple hole in the hull.

I'm using it because it should align the planking strips together better, thus saving time against the horrendous amount of sanding that these projects entail.