It's feasible to launch the tender now by Thanksgiving. But I think I'll give myself leeway and launch over the holidays. Not the time to take shortcuts or rush things after so long.
With the seat support planks in place, and the flooring supports down, everything else should measure fairly easily.... theorizing of techniques is no longer required. Now the process is "do it", not figuring out how it should be done.
With the seat support planks in place, and the flooring supports down, everything else should measure fairly easily.... theorizing of techniques is no longer required. Now the process is "do it", not figuring out how it should be done.
By the way, this Peapod and shop on the right is not mine. (I wish!). I'll probably build a double ender like this for my next project. Also, the guy in the Dory below is not me. (Thank God).
Tomorrow I'll take the afternoon off, get Mark my tax and deposit information for the the Sundance School acquisition, and get a couple of things done on the tender, hopefully ending with a coating of epoxy. A mild November day is forecast and I'd like to take advantage of the higher temperatures for epoxy and varnish curing as much as possible.
Once I finish the tender, I'm going to find time to row around the harbor on weekends and at least one or two weekdays every week. I will utilize it to find my buff inner self. I like building boats. It remains to be seen whether I will like rowing or sailing them.

Once I finish the tender, I'm going to find time to row around the harbor on weekends and at least one or two weekdays every week. I will utilize it to find my buff inner self. I like building boats. It remains to be seen whether I will like rowing or sailing them.

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