Thursday, November 30, 2006
Great Grandfather
That is a whole life that went by, directly related to your existance, and you don't know jack about him - even his first name.
How important can our life's issues be if in less than 100 years, nobody will know if you even lived?
Makes you wonder about sweating the small stuff, or taking life too seriously.
"Try not to try too hard... It's just a lovely ride."
- James Taylor
Just 400 years ago, thousands of Native American Indians lined the shores of New England. In less that 100 years, 95% of them were dead with no progeny - victims of European microbes. We have virtually no record of this rich culture - even the widespread decimation is theory and conjecture. That happened in a blink of our human existance - a relative nanosecond in man's time on earth. Right in the land that we dwell. All of their issues and experiences - like they never happened.
See 1491 by Charles C. Mann
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week - 4
Can you feel the excitement? Some peeps lives will change tonight as they achieve the coveted, cherished, and richly rewarding status of being named a Nanepashemet Peep of the Week.
Those of you who have experienced this status know of which I speak.
Thanks for your nominations. Literally hundreds of emails received that even took a while for a mass delete. Naturally, I didn't read any of them.
Now, without further ado (what the hell is "ado" anyway?) I now announce this week's NANEPASHEMET PEEPS OF THE WEEK.
- Emily Buttorff
- The Nurse Who Gave Me My Flu Shot
- Yang Sihamoni
- James Taylor
- Brayden Turner
- Kim Reny
For the vast amount of losers, the holiday season should be enough to shake off the dissapointment of not being named. For the rest of you chronically depressed losers, what can I say? There is still a chance in a million that you will be named next week. Don't give up hope.
Favorite Day
Why?... Because Thursday is the day that we choose the Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week. I'm open to your comments for nominations up to 7:00PM EST when the life changing selections are made. Make sure that you observe the rules in your recommendations. (Annoying, Stupid, or Inspiring - not an Animal - not Dead - or automaticially in because of the gift of Lagavulin to me.)
Good luck to all of the aspiring Peeps. And remember... most of you will still be losers after 7:00PM tonight.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
James Taylor Gets it Right
Any fool can do it
There aint nothing to it
Nobody knows how we got to the top of the hill
But since were on our way down
We might as well enjoy the ride
The secret of love is in opening up your heart
Its okay to feel afraid
But dont let that stand in your way
cause anyone knows that love is the only road
And since were only here for a while
Might as well show some style
Give us a smile
Isnt it a lovely ride
Sliding down
Gliding down
Try not to try too hard
Its just a lovely ride
Now the thing about time is that time isn't really real
Its just your point of view
How does it feel for you
Einstein said he could never understand it all
Planets spinning through space
The smile upon your face
Welcome to the human race
Some kind of lovely ride
Ill be sliding down
Ill be gliding down
Try not to try too hard
Its just a lovely ride
Isnt it a lovely ride
Sliding down
Gliding down
Try not to try too hard
Its just a lovely ride
Now the secret of life is enjoying the passage of time
Marblehead Stripers

Then it became obvious..... We are not talking Marblehead Strip Teasers, we are talking Marblehead Striped Bass.
As much as I am looking forward to winter, snow and embarassing myself on New Hampshire slopes, it was a fun summer fishing.
Full Swing
Fat Attack
I've got to find a way to get on the Cybex everday. Morning is probably the best option. By the time I get home from work, I'm usually pretty bushed and Joanne cooks too good to push it off and exercise beforehand.
In the meantime, I feel tight pants, lard ass, big gut, FAT!!!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Bank of America
I'll be pulling all of it out and finding a new bank as soon as this transaction is complete.
Pope's Trip
I had hoped that the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the initial Gulf War had signaled an age when that world could be policed without huge threats and insecurities. Now, it is not major superpowers that threaten, it is small dissident have-not groups.
In retrospect, mankind has never had total security. There was always the chance that your village could be raided and pillaged by marauding outside forces. It is pretty much the same deal today on a global scale.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Clear the Decks
Days Off
Screw it. Bring It ON.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Weekend Wrap Up
This morning, I got up and took the clamps off of the floor boards on the Tender. I don't like the fit and will have to plane down one of the floor stakes.
Leftover Macaroni and Cheese for breakfast. I'm an idiot!
at 11:00AM, I will get on the Cybex for 1/2 hour then get ready to go to Gillette for the Pats-Bears game.
Ryan and Mike were offered the Darwin Box tickets by Frank Robinson in a transaction that I had nothing to do with. Nonetheless, Katelyn charged favoritism. Just accuse me of anything - I'll admit it and take the blame.... It's freaking easier. The game will be good though - even without Katelyn.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
A Special Peep
Saturday Night
Favorite Winter Cocktail
The Summer Drink - Dark and Stormies.
The Classic Autumn Drink - Seagrams and Cider.
Now, hundreds of you have emailed me incessantly to reveal my favorite winter recipe. If I told you to get a life, it would do no good... obviously this advise is hopeless by evidence of your pathetic attention to this blog. Also, I have to be honest with myself. Who am I to tell anybody else to get a life, when all I write about is booze, boats and blogs? Enough of this insightful introspection of you and me.
What was I talking about?..... Oh Yeah - the Winter Cocktail. Here it is....
Once again, I have to establish the disclaimer that this drink in no way usurps Lagavulin, the King of Scotch as the ultimate preferred alcoholic repast. I don't want you to think that I'm cheating on the King. BTW, I've completely replenished my supply thanks to the kind folks (now POTW) who answered the bell at the Thanksgiving Eve Bash. After consuming one bottle, we have three left, which is my largest standing inventory of Lagavulin ever.
Now for the subject at hand....
The Winter Cocktail is as much about color and presentation as it is about drinking satisfaction.
Take a full bodied Scotch glass, and fill half full with ice. Cover the ice with Canadian Club

That's it! The Winter Cocktail - CC and Cranberry! Your urinary tract will thank you. Enjoy in moderation and stop emailing me.
Now is the Time, This is the Place

Friday, November 24, 2006
Dory Alternative

I bought the plans to build this Alpha Dory a few years ago. These dories were adaptations of the Swampscott Fishing Dories, and were used for club races around Marblehead at the turn of the last century.
I also was very interested in building a Chamberlain Marblehead Gunning Dory along the lines preserved by John Gardner in his landmark Dory Book. The Gunning Dory is a double ender that was used for duck hunting among the islands in Salem Sound.
I've seen great dories reproduced out of the Lowell Boat Shop on the Merrimack River in Amesbury. As much as I'm tempted to build one of these, I still think that I am going to build a Peabod next.
The Dory will have to wait a year or so. I also have plans to build a canoe, but I may pass on this unless one of the kids wants it as a gift. By the time I do the canoe, I'll probably be too old to be flipping over in the Saco. Although, I'll also have a few years of rowing the Tender under my belt by then, so I could be up for it.
Moving Forward
Charlie Jellison dropped by and we discussed the great news.
Trash Talk
Granted, a lot of it was Bash Trash. But still, it's amazing how one household can generate so much waste.
Buck Johnson must be into something with his Ontario recycling venture.
(Note to Self. Stay on Buck's good side. He is going to be filthy rich someday and might need to buy a yacht tender.)
Feeder Count
By 9:30 AM
1 Grey Squirrel
1 Tufted Titmouse
I'm remembering next June. A wonderful year to look forward to.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week - 3

So the evolving rules are....
You must have done something annoying, stupid, or inspiring that week, you can't be an animal, you can't be dead, if you gave me a bottle of Lagavulin you are a POTW regardless.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week Trois (that's 3 in French)
- Bobby Brown
- Jay Turner
- Chris Crawford
- Ryan Nestor
Courtney Jellison Nestor
Special salute to Sarah and Lauren Crawford for their tasteful and practical Scotch plates (more on this when I get AA batteries for the digital Camera.)
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Not to Panic
The day before the Bash.
Don't worry though, the King is usually in stock at Beacon Hill Licquors in the Community Store.
Plus Bobby Brown is coming tomorrow, and he always knows enough to pack a
bottle with him. Bobby is such a mountain of a man.
No Worries.
Crawford's Modest Request
Chris Crawford has continually tried to break me - asking how I made my Buffalo Wings, how I made my White Trash Balls, etc., etc. I've always been able to dodge these questions. But now Chris pitifully tells me that he is frying his first turkey, and wants to know some of my coveted

Since Chris' wife, Sarah, always dances with me at weddings, even though I am a fat middle aged white guy, I guess I owe him this one.
OK Chris, here are my turkey frying recommendations.
Don't Skimp on the Peanut Oil. You will pay twice as much for this as for the turkey, but get enough to cover the submerged bird.
Fill the fryer pot with water, then place the turkey in to displace the water and see the resulting level of the liquid. Take out the turkey, pat it dry, and make sure that all of the water is wiped clean in the fryer. Make sure that the level of the water is not too close to the top of the fryer pot. This is Important. When you first put the turkey in the hot oil, it will boil up and if it crests the top of the pot and falls onto the propane fuel, run. You are screwed and Thanksgiving is a bust.
BTW, do this all outside.
Make sure that you have a long stemmed thermometer. Wait until the oil is well above 350 degrees - up to 400 degrees is acceptable. When you put the turkey in the pot, the oil will cool down and it is important to keep it at 350.
Know the turkey's weight. Calculate 3 1/2 minutes for each pound of turkey. Before you lower the turkey into the pot, inject it with some spices mixed in olive oil. Pick your poison - make sure that the spices are savory.
Put the turkey into the frying basket and lower it into the pot. Use gloves or the oil will splatter you, burn you, and make you cry like a sissy boy in front of your whole family on Thanksgiving Day.
After the calculated time, pull out the turkey, carve it into slices and enjoy Thanksgiving with your great family.
Some say that the fried turkey produces distinctive couch farts later on in the day. Please check with Ryan on this. His expertise in this field far exceeds mine.
A Clear Day in New York

Great flight into LaGuardia. The temperature was in the high twenties, and visibility was crystal clear. The flight path took us low over Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty. New York is an impressive examble of the current phenomonal state of modern mankind’s transformation of the environment. The infrastructure of buildings, water and land transportation from the sky looks so coordinated and well planned, while our knowledge of its actual development is haphazard, even chaotic.
The meeting with Cingular was as good as it gets. Total recognition of the talents and resources of Darwin. If we returned with a PO it would have been perfect, but that will come during the first of the year. All in all, Darwin has been successfully repositioned in this market and can expect significant business in 2007.
We caught a 3:30PM return flight and the clarity of the day allowed me to see Mount Washington as we were landing at Logan Airport.
I was able to extend my workout streak to 3 days in a row. Substantial strides in the Wealth and Health efforts today.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Paramus Bound / Bash Prep
Meanwhile, I managed to make it to Costco tonight and put a dent in the beer and wine needs for the Bash. Got the chicken wings but couldn't find the hot sauce. Can't forget that. All three kids seem to be psyched for the event, so it is shaping up fine. Since I'll be in NJ tomorrow, I'll probably have to leave Darwin by early afternoon on Wed. to fill in the rest of the provisioning details.
We've had some fun times in the past ten 13 years that this event has transpired. I'm looking forward to avoiding some of the past stuff though. Especially wrestling with McBurney.
Short Workweek
Also have to develop a project schedule for the Sundance move, finalize the P&S, and make the additional deposit.
Not to mention planning and provisioning the Thanksgiving Eve Bash.
Short workweek, but it should be hectic.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
An Optimistic Assessment

After 4 to 6 more hours of sanding, the entire interior will be coated with epoxy twice. Then these coats will be sanded smooth - another 4 hours.
It will take another six hours for the seats, oar locks, and mast supports to be cut, coated with epoxy, and installed. 6 to 8 hours. Final coat of epoxy, then a light 220 grit sanding.
Then we start the marine varnish routine. Sand, Spray 5 days in a row.
With the holidays and the Sundance move, we might have to settle for a New Year's Day launch. The sailing rig won't happen until the spring.
Steve's Chili
Time to Get Back on Track

Im going to see how much I can get done on the Tender this morning before kickoff.
New Light
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Saturday Morning
- Sand Tender
- Finish Cut and Assemble Flooring
- Do bank errands and pick up disposable gloves.
- Coat Interior and Floor boards with Epoxy Resin.
- Clean up Office.
There is the rumor that we may have a Kate sighting this morning as well. That could change everything.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Planning for the next Boat

The issue is whether to go with a cedar strip technique such as I used on the Tender, or to try a glued lapstrake planking method using scarfed 3/8" Olkume mahogany marine plywood.
I really like the lines on these double enders.
Realistically, I have to remodel the basement first, before I begin the next boat. This may make the remodeling go faster though.