Friday, July 15, 2011

200 to Go

200 days left in the FreshAyer ordeal
Time to reflect and give thanks to all of the support that has come our way.  We knew that our true friends would tip their hand, but didn't expect the volume and outpouring.  You know who you are... and so do we.  And we hold our gratitude to you for the long haul.   We will support you unconditionally on the road ahead in any way possible.
Those who perjured and betrayed were also totally exposed, and that was a plus.   No need for phoney friendship in the future there.
This is actually a harder time than at the start.  With 1000 days initially, it was absurd to tick off the days, but now every day seems to have significance.   For all of you who are talking about the homecoming celebrations, you should take it down a notch.
There are still 200 days to Go.

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