Monday, June 21, 2010

Recommended Hits

Don't you ever get sick and tired of reading this pathetic Blog????
It's not such an  outrageous question...... even I look for a  little variety once in awhile.  I'll admit that I check in with some other blogs almost daily.   The authors are not as neurotic as I am, and sometimes they skip a few days between posts.... while I have averaged 1.39856 posts per day for the past four years here at good ole Nanepashemet.
The first Blog I usually check is Harvey's Thoughts, which features the stylings of Harvey Rowe, an accomplished attorney and claims adjuster who has a strong committment to Catholic values and practices what he preaches.  Harvey is an old partner of mine and a trusted friend, and I highly recommend that you Peeps check in with his "Thoughts" if you want a dose of centered and moral values.  Plus he is pretty sharp on his insights on pro sports.
The second Blog that I usually check is Northshore Waterman, whose author is Doug Maxfield from Essex.  Doug likes to make people think that he is the consummate Blue Collar fisherman from Cape Ann, when in reality he is a highly skilled English major touting from St. Michael's College in Vermont.  His wife, Sarah, is also a wicked smart Harvard grad.   That said, Doug gives great insight  into the life of a Cape Ann Fisherman, and he's pretty funny too.   Doug was best buds with my son, Ryan  at St. Mike's and I bought the WhaleEye from him.

I really don't give a flying flip what you do with your free time.   But  if you are going to spend it wasting away in Cyberspace,. you could do a lot worse than giving these insightful  Blogs a look every once in awhile.

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