Sunday, June 13, 2010

Broken Plan

Sometimes a plan falls apart through lethargy.   That's what happened yesterday.  After I got back from the WhaleEye test run, I hit the couch and didn't emerge until it was time to take a shower before the company came at 5:00PM.
The plan went to Hell.  A lesser person may have sunk to the depths of self-loathing.
But that doesn't make me a bad person.   Even a Mountain of a Man can run out of gas once in awhile.   And it was overcast and rainy anyway, so my landscaping chores would have been even more miserable.
So I forgive myself and will try to get some productivity in today.   We're taking a break from a visit to FreshAyer this weekend, and I thought that I could get some stuff done, but maybe we just needed a rest.

Tuna Lips said...
au contrary mi amigo, it makes you a fine feller, in keepin' with the times. Lethargizin' is the wave of the future, me and Shoo been pre- science about that, true to the best practicatin' of Pappy. Sell some hooch and skunk bud on the side to make fer a special festivizin', and plain folk like us appreciates ye just fine.

1 comment:

Tuna Lips said...

au contrary mi amigo, it makes you a fine feller, in keepin' with the times. Lethargizin' is the wave of the future, me and Shoo been pre- science about that, true to the best practicatin' of Pappy. Sell some hooch and skunk bud on the side to make fer a special festivizin', and plain folk like us appreciates ye just fine.