Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Good Grooming

Today I've decided to get a haircut.  I know what you're thinking... "How does a Mountain of a Man like J. get the time to fit in something as mundane as a haircut?"
It's a solid query.
I always wait until everything is seriously overgrown and well outside the standards of good grooming.  
But there is never enough time, until I let it go long enough so that it tops the priority list for the day.
I would like to buzz it all off, but Joanne warns me that that might make my head look big.
Can't risk that.

Maria Rowen said...
From this female peeps perspective, any and all manscaping maneuvers are mandatory. Furthermore scientists in Germany have discovered people with big heads are smarter...So go get a good grooming guide then go get your buzz on...

1 comment:

Maria Rowen said...

From this female peeps perspective, any and all manscaping maneuvers are mandatory. Furthermore scientists in Germany have discovered people with big heads are smarter...So go get a good grooming guide then go get your buzz on...