Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Security Measure

"A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged."  - Irving Kristol
Unfortunately we have been getting mugged lately by Islamic Jihadists who ascertain that they are going to God by killing and terrorizing innocent people.
You would think that the key to security is checking the status of people when they buy their airline tickets, rather than shaking down every Grandmother and Girl Scout who tries to enter the terminal.
So let's start profiling people big time.   Frisk the Swarthy looking Muslims who have been shooting people, lighting their feet on fire, and trying to explode their crotches.... after you've done a computer scan on their ticket.
If the bombers were white, Irish, middle aged, chubby guys like me, then I wouldn't mind being frisked because of the profile. But that's not the case.  The perpetrators continue to be crazy eyed middle eastern zealots with bad fitting clothes.
Run my name past a data base when I buy my ticket and code the ticket.  If I don't show up in a high risk, terrorist database, then leave me the hell alone,
And don't even think about putting me in some x-ray machine that will let some minimum wage security guard check the size of my man tackle.

Maria Rowen said...
First the shoe bomber and so we take off our shoes. Now the crotch bomber...Listen up Grannies, girlscouts and men with tackle boxes ...step up...and strip down...and don’t worry about those little plastic bottles…no one will notice…*_*

William said...
So who would want their junk shown to anyone at TSA (Thousands Standing Around)? About the only one I can think of that would is mountain of a man Bobby Brown. I can see him just begging the TSA to xray him. All the while givin a "Hey Baby" and a cute little wink and a nod to the size 2 Latino babe who is looking at the scanner.


Maria Rowen said...

First the shoe bomber and so we take off our shoes. Now the crotch bomber...Listen up Grannies, girlscouts and men with tackle boxes ...step up...and strip down...and don’t worry about those little plastic bottles…no one will notice…*_*

Unknown said...

So who would want their junk shown to anyone at TSA (Thousands Standing Around)?

About the only one I can think of that would is mountain of a man Bobby Brown. I can see him just begging the TSA to xray him. All the while givin a "Hey Baby" and a cute little wink and a nod to the size 2 Latino babe who is looking at the scanner.