Sunday, December 06, 2009

Fooling the People

I saw an article recently debunking Global Warming and saying that Al Gore should have the Nobel Prize revoked because of the misrepresentations and political license that he took in his Oscar winning film, "An Inconvenient Truth".

Gore Lied about the Polar Bears... says that they are dying because of Global Warming  when they are actually multiplying like rabbits... says he created the Internet.  He'll obviously twist the facts to meet his agenda.  

All he had to do was to carry the State of Tennesee to win enough electoral votes, but Thank God that his home state knew him well enough to vote him down or he would have been the President of the US. 

And since we are involving the Lord in this post, God Bless the Academy that awards the Oscars and the Nobel Prize Committee.  Definitely no Tenneseeans in those fine groups.

“You may fool all the people some of the time, 

you can even fool some of the people all of the time, 

but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.”


- Abraham Lincoln 


You'll probably never catch me mentioning Gore and Lincoln  in the same post again.


Tuna Lips said...
I 'spects yer puttin' together an assessment of the troupe of harlots that this golfer feller has ravished. Shoot, at this rate, give it a coupla weeks, he'll be rankin' with some of the all time whoremasters, like Slick Willy and Wilt the Stilts. Amazin!


1 comment:

Tuna Lips said...

I 'spects yer puttin' together an assessment of the troupe of harlots that this golfer feller has ravished. Shoot, at this rate, give it a coupla weeks, he'll be rankin' with some of the all time whoremasters, like Slick Willy and Wilt the Stilts. Amazin!