Friday, February 08, 2013

Blizzard Prep

We're gearing up for a blizzard set to hit the Boston Area with two feet of snow and gale force winds this morning.
Unlike my earlier and correct predictions that the hurricane would be a bust, I think this storm will meet the hype.   You can almost feel it in the air.   I was a young buck in my twenties when the Blizzard of 78 hit this region and it was an event not to be trifled with.
You know you are getting old when you dread this happening.   It will be a ton of shoveling and snowblowing.   Naturally, when I pulled my snowblower out from under the deck, it didn't turn over.   It hasn't been fired up for two years, so I'll have to do some serious fiddling with it before this thing hits in the afternoon.
Downloaded the Ariens Compact 24 manual, went to Home Depot to pick up some spare shear pins and 4 stroke engine oil.  They were all out of 10W 30 so I bought the 20W 30.  Hope this is ok.
It is imperative to get this machine going.  My middle aged fat guy back won't last if I have to shovel all of this.
I think I will head over to the Health food store and pick up some three day juice cleansing supplies.  This would be a good weekend to detox.


Thursday, February 07, 2013

Realty Show Pilot

The Nestor Boys made their local television debut at the Patriots playoff game a couple of weeks ago.
Realty Show to follow.


Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Irresponsible but Understandable

Chicago bans owning and carrying a concealed firearm.   It has the toughest gun control laws in the nation.  Yet the murder rate is soaring.  Far higher than in Houston where women frequently carry guns in their purses.
This is a simple unadorned fact.
We all want to be safe.  We all wish that we lived in a world of harmony, safety and peace.  And we all take our chances in a chaotic existance.
Unfortunately, being a deterrent to crime helps you to avoid being a victim.  Handguns are the deterrent that puts people on an equal footing.  A five foot grandmother can subdue a 6' 6" young marauding thug.
Simple facts.
So do you get the feeling that Liberals screaming about gun control while the deficit and government waste rage unabated is a diversion?   I don't.   I think that Liberals just wish for a better world, without examining the empirical facts of how to come closest to it.  Irresponsible but understandable.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Close to Planking

Gearing up again for the Marblehead Gunning Dory that is ready to be set up and planked at the Nanepashemet Peabody Warehouse.
The base, frames, bow and stern stems are done. Next step is to secure the frames and stems  to the base and start planking the sides with some of the cedar strips left over from the Columbia Herreshoff Tender project.


Saturday, February 02, 2013

Grandkid Time

I made the macaroni and cheese with brownies for later. Waiting for Auntie Kate and Uncle Brady to drop by while Nana works with the sticker book.

Life is Good.

Called It

Jeff Kuhner, One of those obnoxious nut job right wing talk show hosts said that Obama would soon be demonstrating how he is a gun enthusiast with photos of him shooting sheet at Camp David, in order to bolster his knee jerk gun control initiative.
I was skeptical.
But lo and behold, here it is.
You can make fun of those talk show hosts all you want, but it's freaking amazing how they tend to zero in on the facts.   Maybe that's why the Libs vilify guys like Rush Limbaugh (who didn't make the current prediction).
Because more often than not, they are right.
And BTW, Prez, maybe it's me but this looks like the third time you ever pulled the trigger of a shotgun... Looks really phony and contrived.... but that's just me.  I'm sure you're a regular red neck NRA type.

Friday, February 01, 2013


Went down to New Haven this week and came back will a lesser amount of milestones and paypoints than this Mountain of a Man has grown to be accustomed to.
Do you think I'm losing it?
Could I be Slowing down??? Showing my age????
I guess if you're a .400 hitter, walking away  from a .250 road trip can be a real downer.
Last time I checked, I was still rough, tough, hard to bluff and Damn Good Looking.  
So maybe this was just an aberation.
Then the week ended with Scott Brown pulling out of the Senate race.... another downer.  When you think of it though, Brown would be in his third tough campaign, for a seat the Dems will pour money into again to manufacture a Warren like win in a highly Democratic state, so I don't blame him.  Would like to see him take a run at the Governor's seat when Deval finally moves to Washington in two years.

But I kind of like this Steve Lynch guy from Southie.   He's not willing to let the beautiful people anoint the slightly pretentious Markey for the vacated Senate seat.
I kind of lost it for Ed Markey when he tried to make political hay over the Gulf spill disaster.... claiming that the region would take years to recover.   Course now, the PR is that the beaches and sea life are as pristine as they were before the unfortunate  oil spill, while I distinctly remember Congressman Markey taking the low ground and saying that BP had ruined the resource forever.   Got a lot of national coverage from the liberal leaning networks for that one.   I hate it when the Dems try to scare us.... for their own political advancement.
Years ago, I met Markey with a bunch of telecom engineers as he toured emerging companies in his district,  and he asked each one in the technical group what they did for the company.  Got a lot of laughs when I told him I was a "Political Scientist".
But you kind of get the feeling that Markey thinks that he is entitled to step in behind Kerry.   And of course Kerry should be able to name his successor, shouldn't he?  Plus, it seems like a long time since Markey was a common sight in Malden.  That's why I like Lynch... a straight talking former iron worker, and no stranger to his home South Boston neighborhood,  who seems to have remembered that he represents and works for the people... and doesn't try to snooker them.
Maybe I'll plant a Lynch sign on the West Shore Drive front Lawn.    That will shock the liberal labelers who like to characterize me as a card carrying Republican.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Joedee Fawsta

I think I'm losing my mind!
Everywhere I go, this woman follows me.
She calls me on my cellphone... Constantly!
Doesn't stop emailing either.
And she parks a white BMW 640i Gran Coupe outside the front of my house and just peers at the door.
Everywhere I go, everything I hear... It's Joedee Fawsta, Joedee Fawsta, JOEDEE FAWSTA.
Right now, as I type this, Joedee Fawsta is in my driveway making obscene gestures.
I can't take it anymore.

Senator Selection

Today, Governor Deval Patrick announces his choice for interim US Senator to fill the seat vacated by John Kerry who assumes his Cabinet post.
Early in the process, I made it clear to the Governor that I did not want to be considered.   Sure, nominating the Mountain of a Man would have gone a long way to healing the resentment and vituperation that characterizes our present political situation..... as I would have opened my arms to harmony, mutual trust and understanding.....  I know this to be true.
Yet Peeps.... as I explained to Deval.... I have to be true to a higher purpose.... to expose Liberal Media Gushing wherever it is found.... to shine the light on phony Native American lily white Harvard Law Professors ....and to provide daily guidance to a pathetic flock of hopelessly addicted Nanepashemet Blog readership.
To the Governor's credit, he understood and agreed to pick a lesser soul for the post.  We'll see his selection today.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Swooning for the Secretary of State

There have been a lot of liberals gushing and swooning lately saying that H. Clinton is the "Best" Secretary of State that we have ever had.  
Let's take a look at their assertion though... maybe the Moonbats are right!
There have been 67 Secretary's of State including John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Elihu Root, George Marshall, Dean Acheson, John Foster Dulles, Dean Rusk, Alexander Haig, Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, and others.     
So, Dems... why is Clinton better than these Folks????
 It's a simple question.  But remember that you disrespect the work of all these people when you glibly gush away about Mrs. Clinton and say that she was better than all of  them with no empirical evidence of their accomplishments or hers.  Frankly, to say she is better than John Marshall, or John Jay, or John Quincy Adams is rediculous, and kind of irresponsible in my book.   Just to name a few Johns.
And here's another question. What is the difference between Fact and Propaganda?   Because the gushes and swoons seem to cross the line.