Sunday, September 23, 2012

Painted Perfectly

Waiting for the Pats Game to start at 8:30 PM tonight against the Baltimore Ravens.  I doubt if I'll last to the 4th Qtr due to the MOAM effort in painting ceilings at West Shore Drive today.
The ceiling came out great with minimal mess.... largely due to the Wagner
PaintMate Plus 9 in. Manual-Trigger Paint Roller that I purchased yesterday at Home Depot.
This little baby cost less than $25 bucks, worked like a charm and cut the time and effort in rolling out the ceiling in half after I finished cutting in the fixtures and the moulding with no mess whatsoever.
You load up the storage tube directly from the paint can with no drips, then roll away with no trips to the paint tray.
I had taken a piece of unused moulding from the kitchen cabinet repairto Home Depot, and their computer color scanning system nailed the ceiling paint cover to exactly match the cabinets.  And the quality and coverage of the paint was excellent.
Painting has always been my least favorite renovation activity... primarily because of the mess involved.  But the success of this day may change things.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Precautions Perpetrating from Project Perfection

Tommy O's Deck is just about finished with a couple of punch list  items remaining.  It is a piece of art by all accounts.  It was my origninal intention to just create a home improvement for a close friend and former POTY.   I did not consciously initiate an attempt to build a project that would attract such media and industry attention.
Sure the deck is well built and the design proportioned nicely.   I just didn't anticipate that it would be an example of Fung Shue perfection.  Too much hoopla over a wooden platform if you ask me.  All of the people trespassing on Tommy's property to catch a glimpse of the latest pristine Nanepashemet Deck has become a real nuisance.
Plus it's time to start painting the interior of West Shore Drive.  That property is an unpolished gem and is destined to be a historic shrine as the  center of project management excellence professed by Nanepashemet Telecom.
By late November, hundreds of you Peeps will be making the pilgrimage to the annual Night Before Thanksgiving Day Bash and your expectations for an ostentatious, yet tasteful and subdued setting cannot be denied.
So tomorrow, the living room ceiling at West Shore gets a coat of paint.   I would hope that it is a one day job, but you can't rush perfection.

Nanepashemet Opinion Poll

All the poll results are so confusing.  Scott up by 5%,  75% of voters don't care if Warren eats succotash and venison in a teepee, Obama leads Romney by 8%... the day after Romney was up by 2%.
Pretty unreliable.
So I've decided to commission my own poll, the Nanepashemet Opinion Poll, in order to get to the truth about what people are thinking.
The results have been astounding.... suitable for coverage from such unbiased institutions as ABC News and the Boston Globe.
85% of the scientific sample polled by Nanepashemet thought that Elizabeth Warren did not look like an Indian.

67% felt that Obama had big ears.

72% reasoned that it was racist to think that Obama had big ears.

92% believed the Mitt Romney was a stiff.

55% felt that Michelle Obama would kick the shit out of anyone who said her husband had big ears.
There you go.... the first of many Nanepashemet opinion polls..... absolutely as reliable as any of the other poser polls out there.
George, leave me a voicemail if you need me to interview on your Good Morning America journalistic gem.

Friday, September 21, 2012

POTW Week 38

Mitt Romney disclosed his taxes today.   Seems he has averaged 20% over the last twenty years, and the total is in the multi-millions.  And this doesn't include the 10% tithe that he makes to his church.

Now I want to see what Obama has paid... not just the percentage.... but the total amount.   Who has contributed the most????
And I want to see Obama's college transcripts.  What were his grades?  What did he study?  What financial aid did he receive?  The big rumor is that he registered as an Indonesian foreign aid student named Barry Soetoro.  Obama must disclose and quell this falsehood.  Right?
We have a right to know.... don't we??????
And in the meantime... where are Liz Warrens employment records?   How come she won't disclose?  What is she hiding?  A little ill begotten Affirmative Action perc maybe?

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 38th Week of 2012

Elizabeth Warren
Barry Soetoro
Wendy Heller
Cindy Bencal
Liz Kelleher
Maria Rowen

The game is over now that Romney has disclosed and called their bluff.   Now we want to see from the critical Dems.
Gotta Love Politics.
It is scientific proof that we never grow up.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Planning the Year

Not for Nothing, but... I was just discussing with Joanne that if I lost 1 lb per week every week for the next year, I would lose over 50 lbs. It seemed like a good sign when she didn't roll her eyes and actually listened.
But, when you look at it that way, it doesn't seem unattainable at all. I mean, calculate the calories that you can eat every day in order to lose 1 lb per week. In my case, that is 2,237 calories.
Keep track of the calories with some food program on your computer or IPOD that you eat every day, burn 600+/- calories on the Cybex or the treadmill, and after one will be the rough, tough, hard to bluff, mountain of a man that is your true destiny.
It almost seems too easy. Even now, I'm holding out on that second glass of Scotch.
I can hardly wait until next year, when I give my daughter Katelyn away.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sex Changes and Brain Transplants

A lot of controversy is swirling up here in New England lately about the convicted murderer who was granted sex change at taxpayer expense by the Federal Judge in Boston.
I basically have no problem with this.... as long as the Judge gets a brain transplant at the same time.  We could then examine his brain to see what makes a Moron like that tick.
BTW, the Judge also allowed the murderer/he/she to have his/her legal bills paid by you and me.
Peeps... you couldn't make this shit up.  Nobody would believe you.

No Knock on New Haven

After a quick appointment this morning with my collection attorney, Wendy Heller, I may be taking the F-150 down to New Haven County.
Lots of stuff brewing down there,  We are filing to install some unobtrusive and rather attractive cell antennas on a former beer brewery building  and will be negotiating to install a slightly thickened  flagpole stuffed with  carrier antennas on another historic locus.
Also have to start from scratch at a college site down there.
Being a Mountain of a Man means that you have to go where the work is.... even if it takes a little dose of 5 Hour Energy for the late drive home.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Responsible or Entitled?

Politricks is just what it is.... the effort to herd people like sheep into a non-thinking mode and into the same pen.
Romney said in May Republican Rally that 47% of the people in the US do not take responsibility for their lives and seek entitlement from the government.
  Now the Dems want to make hay of that statement, but I highly doubt that either party will deny it.
Romney is simply saying to his supporters that he cannot hope to reach the 47% of Americans that want to be taken care of and seek entitlements.
Obama misses the point in his ad that merely highlighting this fact will not bring the other 53% into seeking the federal entitlements that he and the "progressives" espouse.
The difference in the approaches is psychological rather than political.  If you are self assured and secure in your abilities to provide for yourself and your family, you will vote one way.    If you feel that you are at the mercy of others, and are insecure in your capabilities, you will seek the comfort of the government and vote the other way.

In either case, you're not a bad person.... it's just your psychological makeup.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

POTW Week 37

This week, I tended to my annual golf obligation as Nanepashemet sponsored a hole at the New England Wireless Association Golf Tournament held at the Red Tail Country Club in Ayer, MA.
Red Tail abuts Fort Devens, and it was weird to drive by the FreshAyer locus again after all of the trips in previous years.... a feeling of  "Did that really happen?"
At least my golf game was consistent... on the bad side of sucky. 
Bobby Brown tried to take the sting out by telling me that he had a bottle of the King for me in his car, but I had to leave the post tournament cook out early for a zoning hearing up on the North Shore and never even connected with the Lagavulin.  Gave Bobby the "Automatic" selection anyway, because I'll catch up with that bottle soon enough.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 37th Week of 2012

Scott Brown
Frank Iacono
Brendt D' Orio
Bobby Brown (Automatic Lagavulin Rule)
Sharon Horne
Jeff Previte
This morning, I'm bringing Grandson Will out for a row in Marblehead Harbor on the Herreshoff Columbia Tender.... which will be far more enjoyable that hitting a dimpled spheroid badly and ackwardly for 18 miserable holes.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Computer Time Warp

Yesterday, around 4:00PM, I came to the conclusion that the multitude of spread sheets that I have been using to track work for our largest customer were not going to cut it anymore.
Too many cells to cover, too much cutting and pasting, and overall, a chore to quickly tie into the specific information that we seem to need on a moment's notice.
Lucky for me that I'm a Mountain of a Man who happens to come equipped with an abundance of database programming ability dating back to the old dBase II days.
So I dusted off my copy of Microsoft Access 2007, cranked it into the CD drive and within an hour, I was deeply into the programming mode.  So deeply in fact, that when I came up for air and checked the clock, it was 12:05AM.
I am not shitting you... I had one of those time warps as I wrestled to get all of my project records organized slickly in an my Access database.  Not elegant by any means, but the time warp paid off.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bearing Down on the Present

I've been experimenting lately about the here and now... about how if you really want your future to improve, you should focus doggedly on the present... not regret what might have happened in the past... or worry about what might happen in the future.
So far this week, it has worked pretty well.  New customer possibilities have been pouring in, and bills are getting paid.
Now that I'm entering the latter part of my middle aged Mountain of a Man life, I have a huge advantage over you younger peeps..... experience.   I no longer have to project how things should work out... most all of the shit that I encounter now, I've seen before.   And I know how these things end up.
For years I worried about what might happen, and how to prevent it from happening.   And even though some really bad shit actually happened. we didn't fall into the great abyss.   Things happened to abate the worse, and we worked through the rest.
Somebody told me years ago that things are never as bad as they seem, nor are they as good as they seem.  That's pretty much how things have worked out.  Excessive worrying never solved anything.
Yesterday, Ryan told me that he handled his ordeal with a lot of false positives.   So be it.  It got us through, and now that's in the rear view mirror.
And what is ahead is the present.
That's where I hope to be for here on in.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A New Watercooler

I remember when I used to work in a big corporate setting.... how I would get bored sitting in my office and head out into the corridor for a bit of respite with whoever was at the water cooler at the time.
That little ten minute sojourn would take the edge off of the tedium and then it would be back to emails and spreadsheets again.
Working in a home office has it's benefits, but the trip for a glass of water offers no substantial relief from the tedium.  But now, I have a better alternative.
Facebook has become the new watercooler for cyper types like myself who can work from home but miss the interraction with employees.   Between Facebook and Skype, you always have a chance to goof off and take a break from time to time.