Friday, October 28, 2011

Eight Inches

We have some work to do in New Hampshire this weekend and it looks like we'll run into 8" of snow that is predicted.  An October snowstorm.  Earthquakes, Tornadoes and an October snowstorm.  Looks like those freaking Mayans might have been on to something.
It won't impede our progress, but it definitely feels weird.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Another Down Day

Still no big national new events today.  Something screwed up has to happen soon to break through this news drought.  Channel 5 has a story about Roslindale High going Number 1 in the state on some academic competition.  And some punks spraypainted some swastikas in Concord, NH.  At least there is a chance of snow in the weather report.
Brendt D'Orio said that he checks out Boston Barstool Sports and the Nanepashemet Blog every morning. That explains why Brendt is so well versed.  I generally don't look at Barstool, because of the strong sexual content.   At my age, you can't afford to get too excited every morning.  That can get even more aggravating than watching George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America.
Once again, I've offered up a post utterly devoid of substantive content. 
I could write about whether Michael Jackson's Doctor should do some time for putting the King of Pop out with heavy anesthesia every night to cure his insomnia.  But nobody really gives a shit about that.  The King's time had come and gone, and he was way too weird.
I could offer a rant about the Occupy Wall Street losers who are protesting their lack of jobs and wealth.  Who would hire these knee jerk misfits anyway?  I could care less where they pitch their pup tents.
I could discuss the First Lady, Michelle Obama's propensity for expensive vacations on the public doll to give her daughters a break from life in the White House.  And how she brought her mother to Africa because she had never been there before.   And how she doesn't want her kids to watch the Kardashian's which the Kardashian's immediately seized upon for whatever marketing  and self promoion that it was worth.
But things are so dull that even the crass, inappropriateness of our Nation's First Lady doensn't get a rise here.
There's the story of Bernie Madoff and his "out to lunch" wife trying to commit suicide by downing a handful of pills, then waking up in the morning anyway.  They must have had strong stomach linings to go along with their utter lack of conscience.
Just nothing out there  is inspiring/annoying enough to get a close inspection on the Nanepashemet Blog today.  Maybe you should check out Boston Barstool Sports and see if anything better is going on there.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Social Networking

I've been on Twitter for a couple of weeks now.... and I'm just not getting it.  I've been following some celebs like Serena Williams, Paris Hilton and OchoCinco, but their one sentence diatribes don't do anything for me.   And about 50 are following my tweets... why?.... I have no idea.
For that matter, Facebook seems to be losing its cache as well.  It was fun for a while when I was aggravating Liberals and Bible toters, but then the Liberals wouldn't take the bait anymore and the Bible toters got really pissed. 
I did touch base with a couple of old friends, which was worthwhile... but it seems that anybody who I was to uncover has been exposed.
I have about 200 "Friends" on Facebook and look in amazement with all those who have 1000 or more.   I don't know 1000 people period.... friends, enemies or whatnot.    I've only "defriended" a few people.  One guy I really like, but I couldn't stand to read about him constantly in post after post everyday.  Another guy was an asshole from the old neighborhood who I never liked 40 years ago and didn't want to pretend to like today.
LinkedIn is a different story.  That's more business oriented and I never deter from business etiquette.  I have about 500 Linkedin contacts, many of which I would walk right by on the street and not recognize, but the contacts are for business development.
I still really enjoy posting in this Blog.  It's a very selfish enterprize that I undertake solely for my own enjoyment and psychological grounding.   If I wasn't doing this electronically, I'd be writing in journals like the old days when I started in college after taking a course on Emerson and Thoreau.  The fact that thousands of  you hapless Peeps follow my every word is an interesting byproduct that I never imagined when I initially entered this medium.
It would only be fair if you mailed me a check once in awhile.

Slow News Day

It's a slow news day..... the big story on the always irritating and sometimes offensive Good Morning America Show is Chaz being kicked off of Dancing with the Stars.
There is the obligatory Michael Jackson wrongful death coverage too.
I guess you can't depend on an international terrorist being killed and mutilated every day.
Maybe I shouldn't be too critical.  I know that many of you look to the Nanepashemet Blog each day for precious guidance of what to think and how to live your lives.
Sometimes I feel sorry about that.  But it's hard to conjure up inspirational and relevant shit on a consistent basis, and I refuse to write an entry when I have nothing to write about.... like this post for example.
I do have a controversial, interesting, yet disgusting topic to review, but will have to do it later.  It's time to make it rain at Nanepashemet Telecom.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Jettison Jane

Senator Scott Brown called for the removal of Jane Lubchenko as administrator of NOAA recently.
I have to agree with the level headed Senator.
Jane is in lock step with the Al Gore theory of environmentalism... which is make it up as you go.  Her idea of helping the fishing industry is to foot the $7.5M bill of having regulators sit in on fishing trips.
I'm not against government regulation.  I'm against insincere, agenda minded moonbats implementing the regs.  Brown is in concert with Congressman Tierney and Frank who also get it when it comes to supporting fair fishing industry regulation.
Jane must go.  But it will take the removal of Obama to make it so. 
If it was up to me, I'd appoint the NorthShore Waterman, Dougie Maxfield, to the post.  It's time for a Gloucesterman who has a stake in a healthy balanced fishery to call the shots.

Tuna Lips said...

Why, Ise did not realize that the jail house matron of my yuthe, Mrs. Hortense Grottlesnatch, has a chillun' done gone into the fishery business. Fishy stench probably don't trouble her so much, livin' like them Grottlesnatch done, down in the Beef Curtain district of town.

dougmaxfield said...

Interesting timing for her announcement regarding the observer bill. I fear that when she is 'released' the damage will be done. Expecting the new stock surveys soon with rumors of another 50% cut in allocations. No doubt the fishermen will be blamed for this tragic state of our inshore stocks. I would immediately decline the position to head NOAA, I would have no more business there than the recent head of the Environmental Defense Fund who is currently dumping on fifteen years of sacrifice and well planned conservative measures.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

the Next Hundred Days

So we're into the last 100 days of a sojourn that seemed mountainous when it first started.   For well over two years, we have been making the biweekly trek to FreshAyer, and it seems surreal that the finish line is finally in sight.
Ironically, some of the self righteous coffin nailers of two years ago are in their own rough patches these days.  Maybe the "Big Boy Time Outs" that they advocated will be something that they will be treating themselves to in some way, shape or manner.    Good ole Law of Karma never seems to let up.  After the next hundred days, I wonder who will have the better outlook?
"Well, the thing about time is that time isn't really real,
It's just your point of view,
How does it feel for you?
Einstein said he could never understand it all." - sang James Taylor.
The laws of Physics have been taking a beating lately with particles that apparently can move faster than the speed of light.  The whole concept of time gets turned upside down, when you can move faster that you can see an object.  It means that you can experience something before it "appears" or "happens".  Even the longest, most painful ordeals, sometimes seem like they never happened with they are over.
For most people, the next hundred days will cruise along with a regular cadence.  Others, who are dreading their coming karmic ordeals will see it fly by.   But for us, I think it will still feel like a long time.
But then it will be over.

Jim L. said...

Best wishes for a happy new year.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fox Network Pitch

Amanda Johnson is in from California with her signicant other Tomas, who is a network executive at Fox.  Her brother, POTY Jeremy is also here with wife, Julie.
Joanne and I will be bringing the grandkids by to see them later today.
I was thinking of combining business with pleasure when I meet Tomas, because it will be a great time to pitch a new Fox mini series, detailing the adventures of a certain Mountain of a Man and his sidekick, Buck.
George Clooney would be great casting for the MOAM, and Brad Pitt could probably play an acceptable Buck.  I really don't care about the story line as long as it contains a decent amount of gratuitous sex scenes.
Generally the plot will center around two wicked good looking Marblehead guys who build their respective small businesses into industrial powerhouses, yet never forget all of the insignificant little people that they step on in their quest for wealth and power.   There will be a lot of "women want them, fish fear them" subplots, but they never stray from their trophy wives, Roanne and Vail.
Through it all, a vast right wing conspiracy known as the Nanepashemet Peep Society, pulls all of the strings in leading the world to a new enduring state of justice and enlightenment.
It's basically a reality series and should be an easy sell to Tomas.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Racist and Disgusting

I like Chris Rock, the comedian.
He grew up in Brooklyn's notoriously tough Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, and his humor has a strong profane edge.
But what I really like about him is that his comedy is brutally honest and not politically correct.
He decries people who call themselves liberal or conservative and says that every situation should be looked at on its own merits.  Highly refreshing.
I've been thinking of Rock because it would be interesting to hear his commentary regarding the racist comments emanating from liberals regarding the Black Republican candidate, Herman Cain.
It could be argued that Cain, an Atlanta resident who matriculated at Morehouse College, has a much more genuine Black heritage than Obama, who was brought up in Indonesia and Hawaii by his white mother and white grandmother. 
Why do these liberal commentators insist on putting up terms like "minstrel" or "plantation" when they write about Cain?  It is racist and disgusting to conjure up these images just because you don't agree with the message that Cain is speaking.

No Doze

I got stuck down in New Haven County late this afternoon with a three hour drive ahead of me back to Marblehead.  By the time I got up to Charlton on the Mass Pike, It was five o'clock, I was feeling drowsy, and I knew that the trip to cut through Boston would be a traffic Bitch.
So I broke down at the Charlton Rest Stop and bought a bottle of that 5 Hour Energy  drink.
I had heard that it wasn't as bad for you as Red Bull.
My feeling on all of these energy drink stimulants is that they can't be more unhealthy for you than dozing and driving off of the highway.
Actually, the 5 Hour stuff just seemed to keep me normally alert.... no shakes or anything.  We'll see how I sleep tonight.

Jim L. said...
Having tried this foul tasting swill once before, I checked out the label and it is the equivalent of 1 cup of coffee. I'll stick with the joe.

Libyan Lesson

I was thinking about that Dictator post and wondering why those guys like Gaddafi always seem to come to naught.
Then it dawned on me that everybody has to have both supporters and detractors, because people see things differently and have experiences that cause them to see different conclusions from the same "reality".
It may surprize you to know, but even a Mountain of a Man like myself has those who don't like him.
Granted, these people are generally twisted, moronic types who don't have a clue, but nonetheless .... they legitimately view me as an enemy.
If I were a dictator, I would most certainly repress these evil low lifes.  And in turn, those misguided friends of the morons would form an underlying opposition to my enlighteded regime, which would culminate in one or more of them tracking me down like a Bengal Tiger in Ohio on some ill-fated future date.
So that's undoubtably how my dictatorship would end as well.
Our system of shared power and checks and balances diffuses the repressions that utimately topple dictatorships.  I won't be traveling to Libya soon.,

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dictator Down

Now that Gadhafi has bought the bullet, the only bad boy left out there is the North Korean Dictator, Kim Jong-il.  And Kim desperately wants to play nice.... talking about his desire to remove nukes from the Korean penninsula and stuff.
Why would anybody want to be a dictator anyway?  It always seems to go bad for them in the end. 
Has there ever been a case wherea guy gets tons of power like Gadhafi had ,but ended up where everybody loved him. and mourned his passing?  Can't think of anyone.

Jim L. said...


Pisc said...


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Clear Difference

I got my iPhone and also got one for Joanne.  They were cheap and I found out that we had been overpaying on our cell phone plan, so the increased cost of the new phones will be paid for in the better plan savings.
  Sprint once sent me a bill of $32,000.00 for a $320.00 phone bill, so I don't have a lot of faith in their accounting.  When I called the customer service lady, she apologized for the mistake and said not to worry, they would send me a corrected one.   Now I find out that I was grossly overcharged at the $320 rate.
The iPhone is the balls though.  It is intuitive and the quality of the sound is so good, that there's probably a good chance that I will understand over 50% of my next conversation with Bobby Brown.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Ups and Downs

Lots of ups and downs yesterday.
In the morning, I had to explain to Sarah Crawford that, even though I had designed a costume especially for the occasion, Joanne and I couldn't attend the G-Party that had been scheduled for this Halloween season.  The Crawford's Halloween Party is always the social kickoff of the holidays, and I hate to miss it, but we have to take care of some business that weekend.
I was afraid that Sarah would be pissed.  Wouldn't you be mighty Miffed  if the MOAM pulled out of your Shindig???? But she seemed to take it without any rants or obscenities.
So that was a down, then an up.
Then Joanne and I went over to Home Depot to get a sprinkler, soaker hose and some grass seed for the backyard turf project.  I raked a truck load of leaves and debris out of the backyard, then moved the 2 cubic yards of loam out of the driveway and onto strategic piles in the backyard.  That took three backbraking hours, and I was really exhausted.
But the yard looks in great shape, so that was a down, then an up.
Then Harvey and Lisa Panakio Rowe came over with the lovely Maria Rowen to watch the Pats game.  The Patriots were down by three with a minute to go and it was looking bleak, then Tom Brady showed why he is the best player of the generation when he marched down the field and threw a TD pass with seven seconds left. 
Mike and Kate were at Gillette with their significant others, Pam Georgia and Brady Boyle,  to watch the game and they must have been as pumped as we were.
The dinner was the balls, but the game was stressful until the Pats pulled it off.  So that was a down, then an up.  Plus Harvey won his fantasy football matchup, so everybody left happy.
Then I watched Boardwalk Empire and fell asleep.
What do you want???? A freaking exciting Blog post every time?

Maria Rowen said...

Dinner was delightful. Conversation was insightful. Halloween decor was frightful...This blog is darn exciteful…!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Indonesian Understanding

Orders are picking up at the Nanepashemet Blogging Apparel Store.
Which is a bit of a concern because I'm expecting a surge when the Holiday Gift Season hits next month or soon.   The Indonesian sweat shop that manufactures these fine items has been moving along at a brisk pace, but I need them to step up the production if we are to meet the increasing sales demand.

So late last night, I put in the call to Jakarta and had a nice conversation with the manager there, even though  he has a a halting command of the English language.  Seems he put me on Speaker and started yelling... "It NESTA,  It NESTA" to some people in the background.
When I told him that we had to increase the pace of production, he started yelling "NESTA want MORE.. NESTA want MORE."
Immediately the crowd in the background started chanting something in Indonesian...

"Persetan Anda sialan bercinta, "
"Persetan Anda sialan bercinta, "
"Persetan Anda sialan bercinta. "
I have no freaking idea what that means, but the manager said it was Indonesian for "We will comply Master J."   When I get a chance I'll confirm this translation at Google Translate. 
So I think we should be in good shape filling all of the orders in the weeks ahead.
Airam Newor said...
Hanes in Honduras, L.L.Bean in Bangladesh and Nike and Nanepashement in Indo Nesia.
So Ho Ho Holidays in Santa's little sweatshops!

Who gives a 'Persetan Anda sialan bercinta' about labor laws. We need our sweatshirts now!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

POTW Week 41 of 2011

Getting ready to lay that sod in the backyard this morning.  With my fragile physical state, it could be a fairly painful process, but I'm not complaining.... that's not in the MOAM playbook.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 41st Week of 2011

Doug Maxfield
Jim Lundgren
Linda Wallace
Mike Lane
Matt Lyons
Lynda Murray

Time to lace up the workboots.

Friday, October 14, 2011

This is My Turf

Today was the first day that I got back to working out on the Cybex since I sprained my ankle and knee on an ill fated Columbus Day Jog/Walk/DragMyFatAss that ended with Dave Bruett giving me a ride home.  But that's a different story.
After the workout today, I walked outside to cool down and noticed that the developer across the street had half a pallet of turf rolls, and it seemed like he was done with the landscaper.  So I wandered over and asked him if I could have the leftover pallet... but found out that he had already given it to the Town Park Dept.
A lesser man would have dropped the topic then and there.
But we are talking about a Mountain of a Man here.
I called Mike Lane, over at Park and Recreation and left a voicemail asking if he was going to use the pallet today, and would he consider giving it to me.
About 15 minutes later, Mike called back... had already called the developer and said that he was giving the pallet to me.
That's called Mountain of a Man Political Clout and you can't get it overnight.
Anyway.... I went to the Swampscott Landscapers place on Danvers Road and ordered 2 cubic yards of loam, then bought a tamp and some grass seed at Home Depot.
About 100 sf of the back yard with will be looking nice and grassed by about 11:00 AM tomorrow morning.

dougmaxfield said...

To hell with the town park dept., right? always jumping on free shit while good, honest god-fearing Americans are planting grass seed. Well done, good sir. Well done.

Oh Yeah?  Seed THIS, Waterman.

Cain Seems Able

I was riding around in the F150 this  afternoon doing some errands and listening to talk radio when Herman Cain was interviewed talking about his 9-9-9 tax plan.  
Naturally this is being scrubbed very closely since Cain is getting leadership numbers in the Republican polls for President.  I don't know enough about the details of the plan to be critical at this time, but he was taking hits from the interviewer that the plan would raise taxes.
His response was crisp and direct.
With Bachmann and Perry making gaffes and losing momentum, and with Romney competent but, frankly, boring.... this guy could be on the rise.
What impresses me is that he actually has a plan and is willing to speak plainly about it.   I'm going to start listening and learn more.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Peep Status Reiterated

I just started a Nanepashemet Peep page on Facebook.
If you want to be listed as a Nanepashemet Peep, you'll have to friend me, then say something.
As amazing as it may seem, many of you have have continued to ask what constitutes being a Nanepashemet Peep. It's a hard question to answer... worthy of a mind of the calibre of a Sartre, Kieerkergard, or other freaking wicked smart deep thinker. All are called, a few will answer, the rest dodged the bullet.

Plainly stated... to be a Nanepashemet Peep.... you can't be dead, you can't be an animal, and you have to be either annoying or inspirational.
And you can never ask which category you have fallen into.
That's it. So enjoy your Honor/Disgrace.

Frugal v Bernie and Phyl

In a continuing effort to find peace in the morning, I've run into another perpetrator who is actually more annoying that Bernie and Phyl.
Kathleen "Fannie" Doxer runs Frugal Fannies, and her ubiquitous morning ads are slightly less worse than a slow drag of fingernails diagonally across a chaulkboard.
I'm all in favor of selling your stuff, but the display of ego by these retailers is really stomach retching.

Jim L. said...

I dunno, those stockings of hers give me a special feeling every morning as I'm having my cereal. Then I take my shower.

Tuna lips said...
Ise too get that stirrin' in my loins like in had a squirrel race goin' on in my trousers. short of a fishnet, them knickers works just fine

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Amazing Corn Maze Idiots

This is undoubtably the dumbest thing that I've heard in years.
How much do you want to bet that these Yahoos who called the police to help them find their way out of a freaking cornfield are Democrats?
It takes a Village.