Saturday, April 30, 2011


About a year ago, some misguided POS stole my Garmin Forerunner 305.  At the time, I had bigger fish to fry, and I wasn't exactly in an exercise mode, so I didn't move to replace it immediately and just got around to it this week.
I forgot what a dynamite piece of equipment that it is.  Plus I never got the original heart monitor to work, but it works perfectly with this replacement.
I now know that even during the stress of composing this Blog post, my Mountain of a Man heart pumps happily along at 75 to 81 beats per minute.
It also seems to pick up the satellite signals faster.  It will be interesting to see how it performs in the 3 mile run/jog (slog) that I'm planning on doing later on this morning.
Metrics and measuring for goals is an important part of my B-ALERT regime.  This baby should help me keep on track.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Technically Cheating

Day 5 on the Dukan was a little hazardous.
After the euphoria of watching the Royal Nuptials in the norming, and then kicking ass with a vengence at Nanepashemet Telecom to mid afternoon, I brought Joanne down to the Boston Yacht Club for a glass of wine.  After three of those, and some nice conversation, we headed home and had another diet dinner... but the wine was technically cheating.
I'll make it up with some running this weekend.  I also owe you an update on my B-ALERT program before the weekend is through.

God Save the Queen

So I'm taking in the Royal Nuptials this morning before starting my hectic day at Nanepashemet Telecom.
Does that make me less of a man????
Probably.  But it's important for me to see what all of these women on Facebook will be fawning over all day.
Even though we have evolved a democracy here in the Western Hemisphere, there still seems to be a need for us to have a King and Queen, ordained by God to lead us.   We in America have never broken the ties with Britain in this regard.
There is a niche in our collective psyche that a King or Queen needs to fill.  It covers a host of things to fantasize about.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tornado Outbreak

This latest outbreak of tornadoes in the American South is unsettling.
Much loss of life, which doesn't ordinarily occur in this country.
Is this more than usual? or is the news coverage via the Internet Age giving us national news that would have only been local before?
Or are the freaking Mayans right? 
If they are... then we only have about 600 days left.
So we should really cherish each day.   Because you never know when a tornado might hit.

Tuna Lips said...

they aint makin' 'em like that mayor of muchin city anymore. Back in the day,we'd a got at least a couple o' show tunes and some midget dancing troupe out of this sort of cyclone related caterwalling.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dukan Digestion

Day Three of Dukan was a challenge because I was in my truck from 6:30AM to 6:30PM on a roadtrip to numerous sites in New Haven County.   Stopped at a Stop and Shop in Waterbury, CT and ate a package of processed turkey slices... and consumed a 2 liter bottle of Coke Zero throughout the day.
Roadtrips always screw up my natural rythyms so to speak, and I had to stop at a rest area to take care of business, which I hate.   But I think that I would have had lower tract issues regardless today.
So far, there has been absolutely no cheating on this diet, and I think that I have a good chance to go the distance.  Tomorrow morning, I have a light workload, so will get another run in, then check my weight.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Shut Out Shocker

It's official.
Joanne and I have NOT been invited to the nuptials of William and Kate.
I have no idea what we did to offend the Royals.  Never trashed them, and I've kept all of their confidences.
But this shun will not be ignored.  I will have my say.
Regardless.....Being shut out is a shocker.

Dukan Day Two

Day 2 of the Dukan Diet.
So far, so good.  I was sore from running on the roads from Sunday and got a sluggish workout in on the Cybex.  Had the oat bran for breakfast with non fat milk and had a can of tuna with cottage cheese for lunch, with a few slices of ham and fat free American cheese in between.  For dinner, Joanne roasted a chicken which I had with cottage cheese, some scallions and Coke Zero.
Instead of a wine or scotch in the evening, it was a glass of non-fat milk.
Got up this morning at 6:00 AM feeling fine and ready to face the day.  No big road trips today, but tomorrow I head to New Haven and cravings on the road have always been a challenge.
Everything I eat is recorded on and I have been keeping track of workouts on     I'll weigh myself today after my workout.  Dukan says I should be 2 lbs. lighter.

Tuna Lips said...

and dont ferget that dumping permit you needs from the town offices. I reckon youse might considering making a go of it in the night soil bizness.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Dukan Deliverance

This is the first day of the Dukan Dient Attack Phase for Joanne and I.
That means we will be consuming all protein in the form of meat, eggs, and fish, and tying to strictly prohibit any fats or cahbohydrates.  The only exception is a tablespoon and a half of oat bran which we will eat as hot cereal or as a galette in the morning.  You have to work in a quart and a half of water, and diet soda can substitute.  And you should get a 20 minute walk in. 
Also.... no alcohol.  Last night, I had a Jameson or two after some white wine at dinner.  Then put the bottles way back in the kitchen cabinet.
Coffee and fat free skim milk is ok, as is Splenda, so our morning starts off like any other.  Yesterday, I ran down to Grace Oliver Beach and back for a two mile loop and my legs are sore after taking such a hiatus from running, so I'll so some cross training on the Cybex stationary bike.
My goal is to stay on this regime for the next ten days and lose 20 lbs as a jump start to getting down to my going forward weight.  I'll be weighing myself daily and telling you the result.  Not disclosing how much I weigh now, but suffice to say that I'm starting out at 14 lbs less than my all time high and will be looking to end up weighing more than 50 lbs less than here.
I can sense you snickering, and will not deny that I too have my doubts.... but I'm out there now, and this is the start.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Horoscope

"Nothing, ultimately, makes any sense. You can be as purposeful as you like, as efficient as possible. It doesn't matter how much you achieve. One day, the game will be over. Then, only one question will be asked. It won't be, 'How much did you earn?' Or, 'Did you pay your rent?' Nor will it be, 'Did you obey all the rules?' Or, 'Did you understand what was going on?' It will be, 'Did you appreciate the magic and then do what you could to help others appreciate it too?' "

-   Jonathan Cainer, British Astrologist

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Moving to Stud

Check this out Peeps.
It's called an Oat Bran Galette, and I'll be eating these bad boys for breakfast everyday after Easter.
Basically, it is 1 1/2 tablespoons of oat bran, 1 1/2 tablespoons of non fat yogurt, and an egg.... fried up like a pancake.

Took delivery of six boxes of Oat Bran from Amazon today.
You thought I was kidding about the Dukan Diet, didn't you.   But I'm one serious Buckaroo.
This Oat Bran is going to be central in the irreversible campaign to move from Fat Shit to Stud Muffin.
You'll see.

Tuna Lips said...

I reckon you forgot ta menshun them sixty rolls of terlet paper you conjured up from the river god "Amazon" (I respects that hoo doo, sure does) down way south of ole Mexico. Like peas and carrots, best to have one with the other, arse parchment along with them bran flakes. Arse ammo is what we calls it. Happy spacklin! Stay out the splash area, gentlefolk.

Tax the Fat Cats

President Obama is taking dead aim at the "Fatcats" who make over $250K to increase their tax rate.
I'm not saying that I make over $250, but I'm not saying that I don't.
But suppose I did.....
In order to get that $250K every year, I have to work 50 to 60 hours a week.... and think about work in the meantimes... and that's no bullshit.

In order to get that $250K every year, I have to maintain a business that directly provides jobs and income for four other people...... not to mention the money that I shell out to subcontractors, suppliers and other vendors.

If I don't get off my ass everyday, no money... not a cent.   And I have no paid vacations, or job benefits.   I pay full price for everything.   And you don't want to know how big my tax bite is, because I have to perform financial miracles to get up the scratch for that bill every year.

So.... bring it on BO.  I'm probably one of those Fat Cats that you're aiming for.   But if you push me too far, maybe I'll just quit... get on the dole... those people who look for me for their jobs will be on their own, my subs can look for other business, and you can kiss the money that I currently generate for taxes good bye.

That's if I did make over $250k per year.  And I'm not saying that I do.

Tuna Lips said...
Now yer talkin' son. Why, generations of my folk has done well scamming under the table while making the once a month trek, pecker in hand to the local people who are paid to pay thems that works money to thems of us who gots better things to chase after. Perty simple, if you ax me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

dedicating to Dukan

After Easter Sunday, Joanne and I are jumping on the Dukan Diet.
I'm going to try to stay on this high protein, no carb phase for 10 days.
Here's what you can eat.....

  •  Beef Steak
  • Filet of beef
  • Sirloin Steak
  • Roast Beef
  • Rump Steak
  • Veal Chop
  • Cooked ham slices (no fat, no rind)
  • Cooked chicken and turkey slices (no fat, no rind)
  • Fat reduced bacon
  • Cod
  • Halibut
  • Haddock
  • Mackerel
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Sea Bass
  • Smoked Salmon
  • Swordfish
  • Tuna
  • Clams
  • Calamari/Squid
  • Lobster
  • Mussels
  • Oysters
  • Shrimp
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Hen's eggs
  • Skim milk
  • Virtually fat-free cottage cheese
  • Fat-free greek yogurt
  • Fat Free natural yoghurt (plain or no-sugar sweetener only)
  • Scallops
Plus no alcohol or salt and you have to drink 1 1/2 qts. of water each day
You're also supposed to walk 20 Min. a day, but I'll stick to my 30 min sessions on the Cybex

I swear to all that is pure and holy, that I'm going to stick to this plan.