Thursday, April 21, 2011

Moving to Stud

Check this out Peeps.
It's called an Oat Bran Galette, and I'll be eating these bad boys for breakfast everyday after Easter.
Basically, it is 1 1/2 tablespoons of oat bran, 1 1/2 tablespoons of non fat yogurt, and an egg.... fried up like a pancake.

Took delivery of six boxes of Oat Bran from Amazon today.
You thought I was kidding about the Dukan Diet, didn't you.   But I'm one serious Buckaroo.
This Oat Bran is going to be central in the irreversible campaign to move from Fat Shit to Stud Muffin.
You'll see.

Tuna Lips said...

I reckon you forgot ta menshun them sixty rolls of terlet paper you conjured up from the river god "Amazon" (I respects that hoo doo, sure does) down way south of ole Mexico. Like peas and carrots, best to have one with the other, arse parchment along with them bran flakes. Arse ammo is what we calls it. Happy spacklin! Stay out the splash area, gentlefolk.

1 comment:

Tuna Lips said...

I reckon you forgot ta menshun them sixty rolls of terlet paper you conjured up from the river god "Amazon" (I respects that hoo doo, sure does) down way south of ole Mexico. Like peas and carrots, best to have one with the other, arse parchment along with them bran flakes. Arse ammo is what we calls it. Happy spacklin! Stay out the splash area, gentlefolk.