Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pleasant Surprizes

Last night, before we went to the Blue Ox restaurant in downtown Lynn, we had cocktails at Maria Rowen's Swampscott apartment with Lisa and Harvey Rowe and Lou Panakio.

It was a nice gesture by the Tuna Lips Antagonist, Maria, but I didn't expect her to pull out all the stops.   Which she did when she had a bottle of Lagavulin Single Malt Scotch Whiskey ready and waiting on her kitchen counter.
That is pure class.
So was the dinner at the Blue Ox.   I was expecting a pub food menu and atmosphere, but it had the taste and the feel of a high end Boston location.  Hats off to owner, Charlie Gaeta and his partners.
Although I was a little disappointed that I didn't run into some old Lynn guys, we did see some Marblehead people that I hadn't seen in a long time, including Chris D'Orio, one of my all time favorites.
But the surprizes didn't stop last night.
When we returned from our Fresh Ayer trip this morning, Tommy O'Shea dropped by with a bottle of J&B and a bottle of Dewar's White Label that he had in the house.   Tommy isn't a scotch drinker, but he can hold his own with anyone if Coors Light is in the mix.  To be sure, these are blended scotches, and not Lagavulin, but it's the thought that counts.... not the Scotch.
Maybe I should buy him a six pack of Coors.

Tuna Lips said...
sound o things we oughts ta give you a merry honika greetin'.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Giving It Up.

So Tiger Woods has left the tour in order to try to patch up his life after all the infidelity and stuff.  Who would have thought that golf had that kind of side effect???
Golf does have all sorts of sexual double entendres running through it..... .what with Putters, Drivers, Woods, Holes, Ball Washers and such.
It's probably a good idea for me to quit golf now too.
I don't want to get all promiscuous and start screwing around with beautiful women every chance I get.
So it's official. I just can't risk playing and have all that happen to me.
I'm quitting golf too.   For the time being.

Friday, December 11, 2009

POTW Week 50

Do you ever start to feel really upbeat and psyched up for no particular reason?
That's how I've felt for the last couple of days and I'm not quite sure why. 
Maybe it's because we have been meeting our business committments and looking at a very positive start to the new year.
Maybe it's because I have the best grandkids in the world.
Maybe it's because my new Bluegrass Banjo that Joanne bought for me is even cooler than I anticipated.
Still not quite sure.   But it's damn better than being down and depressed for no particular reason.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the Fiftieth Week of 2009

William Bulger
Jai Singh Khalsa
Al  Lane
Katelyn Nestor
Alex Watts
Bucky Sides

Maybe it has something to do with my new meds.

Photo Shoot

So one of out survey engineering contractors forgot to label the access utility poles for 12 cell sites that we are running fiber to this week.   What is a Mountain of a Man like me to do??? Get into my truck and drive around Masshusetts taking photos of utility pole id's???
That's exactly what I did..... all day today.
Being a Mountain of a Man means that you are not afraid to take on menial jobs to get the project on track.
Not afraid to do it, but danm pissed that I had to do it.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Side Effects

Changed my meds today.   That dry hacking cough that was aggravating Joanne so much wasn't due to a cold or flu virus, but had it's source as a side effect of the high blood pressure pills that I was taking.
So, even though my blood pressure is under control, I have to move to a new med that will abate this side effect.
I still take a pill for gout everyday.   Never want the "toothache in a toe" to reappear.  That was freaking agony.
Thank God that Lagavulin doesn't have any side effects.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

A Considered Decision

So the Massachusetts Dems have their Senatorial Candidate, Martha Coakley.  Somehow, I don't think she is in a cakewalk for the seat with Scott Brown, the Republican nominee.
No.... I haven't decided to throw the highly coveted Nanepashemet endorsement to either candidate yet.  I'll be patient and watch each closely before I move to tip the scales.
It's not easy bearing the responsibility of determining our next United States Senator.  So I can't be impulsive.  Appreciate if you would back off while I deliberate.  Believe me, you will be the first to know when I convey the cherished Nanepashemet Nod.

Tuna Lips said...
Ise agree. Round the Peachstone mobile court, weez have a group that reglarly convivifies around the boob tube to watch the latest adult entertainers on the STD playin' machine that Clem Grottlesnot found in the Kmart loadin area. Be discriminators, taste wise, wees plan to tally up some score cards, based on key categories like fluidity, hang time, and degradatin behavins', an award to the most meritaining actress-type, our "Tiger Rod" award. Nanapeshmet Nod being the model. Time to hang my Tijuana Christmas lights. Draws a crowd, them illumified bared assed senorita in santy hats. Zonin' board always in a huff, no good bah humbug types.
Tuna Lips said...
Its like that Sixtel and Eggbert fellers. "Tuna Lips and Shoo Fly give 'Hairy Twatter' two Rods Up!"

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Book Signing

I'm thinking of starting a policy of not publishing any comments that are sent by "Anonymous".  If you don't have the balls to sign your name, you don't deserve to be published in a high class blog like this one.  I don't even care if you come up with a fictitious name, I just will can you if you decide to call yourself  "Anonymous". 
It pisses me off.... ok????  And I don't get pissed off that easy.
I took the time to attend the book signing of William Bulger's James Michael Curley book tonight at the Boston Public Library.  Mr. Bulger looked very sharp and robust... like he could easily take on the phonies at the Boston Globe or the Mitt Romney gang tomorrow morning.   He signed a couple of books that I will give out for Christmas presents.  In one, he wished  the recipient a  "Merry Christmas"  in Greek.
I think that's why he aggravated the Liberal Elite so much.  They wanted to finger him as a thug from South Boston, but there aren't too many thugs who can understand Greek and Latin fluently.  He outsmarted them because he was smarter than them.
Maybe guys like Billy Bulger and Tommy McGee are a dying breed.   They were all about helping people and getting stuff done without kissing up to pseudo intellectuals in the media.   Dukakis ran for President and ran the Massachusetts economy into the ground and Bulger and McGee were left to steady the ship with virtually no recognition.
It's sad to see guys like this fade into the background.. But then again, the Boston Globe seems to be on its last legs too.

Jill Phillips said...
I told Katelyn to tell you to come over for our dinner party, I live a few blocks from the public library:(

Monday, December 07, 2009

Woods with Woody

Poor Tiger.
Having sex with all of those Hot Babes.
It must be terrible for him.
If I were him, I'd just concentrate on my putter.... see if I can straigten out my drives with my woods.... so to speak.
OK, cheap humor.   But do you want me to keep blogging about Al Gore?????  This Tiger thing will get tired soon, so we might as well have a little fun with it for awhile.    I'm sure he'll find a way to console himself.
My recommendation for Tiger is to get out and golf..   Swing the freaking club to remind people what you are really famous for.  And keep your woody in the bag for the time being.

Tuna Lips said...
Sound thinkin' there, Kemosabe. I'd also reccomdentate that he take into considerin' producin some dirty movin' picture shows. I got a rolerdecks of starvin' actresses lookin' for they break into the biz. Got a steady supply of crank to keep them on their toes and workin' cheap, too, i does. With his eye fer talent and my stable of phillies free of open sores, we could take Howleewood by storm!
Maria Rowen said...
Poor Al Gore...Tiger is getting all the attention as more and more women come out of the 'Wood'work...This story has legs...lots and lots of legs...and apparently...lots and lots of breasts...Tiger you big Cheetah...David Letterman is on your side and waiting for your call...

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Fooling the People

I saw an article recently debunking Global Warming and saying that Al Gore should have the Nobel Prize revoked because of the misrepresentations and political license that he took in his Oscar winning film, "An Inconvenient Truth".

Gore Lied about the Polar Bears... says that they are dying because of Global Warming  when they are actually multiplying like rabbits... says he created the Internet.  He'll obviously twist the facts to meet his agenda.  

All he had to do was to carry the State of Tennesee to win enough electoral votes, but Thank God that his home state knew him well enough to vote him down or he would have been the President of the US. 

And since we are involving the Lord in this post, God Bless the Academy that awards the Oscars and the Nobel Prize Committee.  Definitely no Tenneseeans in those fine groups.

“You may fool all the people some of the time, 

you can even fool some of the people all of the time, 

but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.”


- Abraham Lincoln 


You'll probably never catch me mentioning Gore and Lincoln  in the same post again.


Tuna Lips said...
I 'spects yer puttin' together an assessment of the troupe of harlots that this golfer feller has ravished. Shoot, at this rate, give it a coupla weeks, he'll be rankin' with some of the all time whoremasters, like Slick Willy and Wilt the Stilts. Amazin!


Happy Birthday Ethan

First real snow of the year.   It's my grandson, Ethan's, first birthday, and we are taking he and Will out for some Fresh Ayer.  They might not be the best grandkids in the world, but try saying that to their Nana Joanne.

Kerry  said...
Happy Birthday Ethan! Hugs, The D'Orio Family
Tuna Lips said...
Ethan: Let yer carrot loose, ole buddy! Weeze all in er to win er! Coo Coo!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

POTW Week 49

We went to Mistral in Boston's Back Bay last night after a Fresh Ayer visit with Harvey and Lisa Rowe.
I wanted to see if if it was as good as it was the first time I went there.
It was.
I felt a little guilty leaving Ryan to go to Mistral, which is one of his favorite restaurants.  But he'll have plenty of time to catch up... as long as the Mayan Prophecy is wrong. 

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 49th Week of 2009

Isam Halwani
Mike Chandler
Bill Hillegas
Mike Rockett
Linda O'Shea
Phil Mickelson

Harvey had the pasta because he was planning a 10 mile training fun for this morning.  I had the filet because I will be going substanially less than ten.  Plus Harvey picked up the check, which always makes the meal taste better.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Scarlet A

Some years ago, I had a random lunch at the Chicago Airport while waiting for a flight with a professional golfer who had a modicum of success of the PGA tour.
The conversation got around to who were the stand up guys in Professional Golf, and who were the jerks.
Guys like Tiger and Phil Mikelson came up on the short end of this guy's assessment... in the category of those who were fairly full of themselves and gave no consideration to the rank and file players.
It was interesting, but it didn't deter me from being a Tiger fan.   I like the way that Woods plays golf.  Really don't care if he tips the clubhouse attendant, is courteous to his fellow competitors, or seeks out a little extra poontang.  It would be nice if he was perfect in all aspects, but I just care about his mastery and talent in the game of Golf.
Anything else is just voyeurism.
But society still needs to label others with a Scarlet Letter.... pressing all of the attention and blame on others and leaving the rest of us alone with our depravities.   Tiger is in for the Hester Prinn treatment for a while.  Looks like the law of Karma is kicking in.

This innocent looking young lady, Rachel Uchitel, has vehemently denied having an affair with Tiger.

Tiger.... How could you????

Tuna Lips said...
In thisee here case, that A stands for ass, which El Tigre was gettin' more of than a terlet seat. Ise doff me cap to the feller

Maria Rowen said...
The A stands for 'A'ccounting...Elin gets 7 figures deposited in an 'A'ccount...then she gets the pre-nupt 'A'mended...then she says...'A' Sweedish...'A'fter 'A'cquiring 'A'll 'A'ssetts...'A'bbond'a'zz'a'!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Hetero Count Down

Another blow to our fellow Heterosexuals was dealt today by Meredith Baxter Birney who announced that she is a Lesbian.
Despite three marriages and five children she finally realized that she was predisposed to go the other way, and apparently announced her new found preference on the Today Show .
Who gives a shit Meredith.?  Do you see me singing from the Hills that I am a practicing Hetero?   (Or at least I try to be practicing.)

Tuna Lips said...
Ise enjoys all the flavors of our cultural stew. Some spicy girl-on-girl action can be just what the doctor ordered, exspecially after some dog fightin' or a lynchin'. In Old Mexico, they favored rooster fights, but loved them gordo senorita taco divin' all the mores. Multinationalizer that I is.
Maria Rowen said...

Maybe an uber-boring-story about Ms. Baxter's now public lesbian life style is just a way for the universe to give us a break from the highly-charged healthcare debate, the anger-in-Afganistan and the-torrid-Tiger-transgressions. The next news breaking story may be MoaM Heard Singing from the Hills...or...How to Serve up a Mexican Fish Fry...stay tuned...

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Bravely Backing Barack

So I sat through the entire Obama Afghanistan speech and didn't get pissed off once.
Finally, he has decided to identify the problem as American and not resort to a Bush bashing cop out.
I have personally believed that we should get out of Afghanistan, but I got the distinct feeling that the President is operating with information that I don't have. (And I certainly hope this is the case.)
  His references to Pakistan are particularly telling and he gave me the impression that we will be interacting far more closely with that nuclear power.
Let's face it..... it's only a matter of time before one of these Osama wannabee, medieval, misfits stumbles onto a nuclear warhead from one of the less stable members of the Nuclear Club.   So it probably makes to sense to stay as close by as possible.
That's my take from the President's newly outlined Afghanistan policy.  I'll back Barack, despite my past revulsion .... now that he has stopped the finger pointing and taken responsibility.  America is a flawed nation, with a birth of liberty amongst slaveholders.  There is plenty to blame if you decide that you are not up to the task of dealing with the present.
Maybe I'm wrong, but BO seems like he decided to stop campaigning and became President tonight.

Pisc said...
Afghanistan is a bunch of rocks. It mean nothing other than as a staging ground. Its about Pakistan and Iran having nukes. Same with the invasion of Iraq. Nothing has changed but the spin. Love how Barry deems the analogy to Vietnam to be wrong because it depends on a false reading of history. Academic much? Sound like Bill's "it depends on what the meaning of is, is." We have to be there because the Pakis have nukes and the Iranians all but have them. The gathering storm, it is going to be ugly. Got my bomb shelter built.
Maria Rowen said...
Do you win a war by telling your opponent what you are planning? (Don't think so) Do we have to finish what we started in Afganistan? (Absolutley!) Our security depends on it. And our security is at stake...on that point I will agree with our president.

Monday, November 30, 2009

None of Our Business

When the best golfer in the world hits a golf ball..... that should be news.
When the best golfer in the world hits a fire hydrant with his Cadillac Escalade.... that shouldn't be news.... that should be private.
Just because someone is exceptional at one talent, that doesn't give us the right to invade his private life.
It's none of our business to wonder if he was cheating on his hot wife. 
Even if his every itch hits the tabloids, though, it still must be cool to be Tiger.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Big Fat Problem

So I come in from our Fresh Ayer trip, and there is a program on about fat women who have lost weight.
Naturally, they are blubbering and sobbing.
I don't understand why fat women cry about losing weight.   I could see maybe crying if you didn't have enough food.... but crying because you have shed some lbs. is a bit mystfying.
This has to be the first generation in human hstory where the food crisis is not scarcity and starvation, but overeating and obesity.  I suppose that is a form of progress.

Tuna Lips said...
I likes me the big rigs.
Maria Rowen said...
We can't help it. We cry about's our Corpus Callosum...and we all have one no matter how big the rig…

Saturday, November 28, 2009

No Choice

It's 7:00 PM, and Tyler Gill, one of Ryan's best friends, just called and asked me to go down to Maddies.
For those of you who have never been to Marblehead, Maddies Sail Loft has been the premier drinking hole in this Town for time immemorial. despite a change of ownership.  Everybody around here has a Maddies story.
Should I???
On the one hand, I'm pretty settled in for the night... just downed my second Seagrams and Cranberry cocktail in keeping with my long standing seasonal drinking traditions.
On the other hand, Joanne has just assumed control of the widescreen and is watching chick flicks galore... the current one being BrideWars featuring Kate Hudson and Ann Hathaway.
So it's Drinks with Ryan's friends v. Sacrificing my Manhood watching this gushy movie.  Maddies gets the nod.
There is really no other choice for a Mountain of a Man like me.  
Plus, I doubt if she'll notice that I'm gone.

Shocking Sight

It happened once before, and I let it go.
I think I was in denial.
But this morning, as I sat peacefully on my couch, gazing out the front window.... it happened again.
The O'Shea's front door opened wide and Tommy O emerged.... clad only in a bath towel around his waist, as he bent over to retrieve his morning paper.   That's right.... I saw skin... lots of it.... and some in places that I never want to see again.
You would think that a Mountain of a Man like me would be impervious to such a disruptive sight.
But no.  Even I have limits to what I can physically tolerate.
I pray that Tommy O gets a bathrobe.  Lord... heed my prayer.

Tuna Lips said...
Try seeing yer 5th grade teacher releivin' herself outside the double wide. Nothin' new here, move along folks, until ye spy downwards and see Mister Collinsworth, the principle of the high school, singing "Am I Pretty" whist the shower hits his corn fed gut. Lesson learned.  
Maria Rowen said...
It seems to me...if Tommy O. was Sarah would be praying to the Lord for a mighty west wind to blow. So while you are should thank the Lord you do not still have crush on your 5th grade teacher.  

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day Off

No news today.
A partying couple crashed the White House Indian State Dinner causing a breach of security.  And that's it.
It's a good day to take off.  Maybe I'll take care of some internal paperwork at Nanepashemet Telecom, but that's it.  Tommorrow we'll be heading for some Fresh Ayer.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

RIP Hilary Rockett

J. Hilary Rockett passed away today.  Hilary was an icon in Marblehead, and changed the landscape of the town with his real estate development.  He was a hard nosed, stubborn Irish businessman who got things done through brute determination.  I had the opportunity to work with him and his son Michael on a gymnasium project for Tufts University, his alma mater.
Hilary said he could get the gym built tor $870,000 - a ridiculously low figure for the time in the early 90's.  He set Mike and I to build the project, and would never take no for an answer.   And when some detractors at the College tried to put up some roadblocks, Hilary mowed them down in a meeting with brute force of personality in a manner that I hadn't witnessed before or since.  Needless to say, the Gym came in on budget.
As an entrepreneur who maintained a small family business, he posted solid accomplishments in Salem, Lynn, Marblehead and Naples, Fl.  He was tough and unyielding, and didn't care what anybody thought, but underneath this facade, he was a good man.  When his oldest son, Hilary, Jr. came down with brain cancer, Hilary told me that he wished it was him, and I truly believed him.
It will be weird for me to get over the fact that he no longer is with us in Marblehead.

J. Hilary Rockett Sr.

E-mail Visit Guest Book
ROCKETT,J.Hilary,Sr., Esquire Age 74, of Marblehead, MA, passed away on November 26, 2009 following a brief battle with melanoma. He was at home surrounded by family. A third generation Marblehead resident, Rockett was born on January 16, 1935, the son of late Richard H. and Irene Rockett. He graduated from Marblehead High School, Tufts University and New England School of Law. Rockett's professional career began working for Sylvania Lighting, and then he began a sales career at Blue Cross/Blue Shield. After serving in the United States Army from 1957-1959, Rockett embarked on a career in politics in 1960 and was elected to the Marblehead Board of Selectmen at the age of 25 (youngest member at the time ever elected). He was elected to the State Representatives of Massachusetts in 1963. Rockett served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives from 1963-1972, while simultaneously on the Marblehead Board of Selectmen for four of those years. As a member of the House Ways and Means and Conference Committees, Rockett was successful in introducing and passing significant legislation, including the Massachusetts Disability Act. Dedicated to his constituents, Rockett was successful in procuring funding for Salem State College's Arena, Student Union and nursing program. In 1984, Salem State College dedicated its Sports Complex to Rockett's father, Richard H. Rockett, who was a professor at Salem State College. In Marblehead, some of the projects he secured 100% financing for included Dredging and Waterfront improvements for the Village Street, State Street and Commercial Street Piers. He also received Grants for Farrell Court and Roads school projects. As a legislator, he was instrumental and very active for the causes in his district. As his term on the Marblehead Board of Selectmen was coming to a close, he entered law school mid-career and graduated from Portia Law School (now known as New England School of Law) in 1967. In May of 2004, Rockett's accomplishments in the Massachusetts Legislature earned him the Massachusetts Legislative Associations Distinguished Service Award. In 1983, he was bestowed with an award from the Swampscott Board of Selectmen, "Honorary Citizen of Swampscott," for his work in transitioning the community from the Metropolitan District Commission. Rockett established his family business, Rockett Management & Realty Company, and also Rockett Law Firm in 1968. Over the span of 27 years, he accomplished an admirable legal career, managed legislative duties and built successful real estate developments on the north shore. He was a devoted husband, father and grandfather, who enjoyed family gatherings at his Marblehead home, spending time at the ocean, walking and golfing. He was an active member of Tedesco Country Club, Corinthian Yacht Club of Marblehead and Bay Colony Golf Course in Naples, FL. He sat on the Tufts Board of Overseers, as well as the European Board of Overseers. He coached the infamous Yankees for many years in Marblehead Little League. He also coached Marblehead Midget Football, Marblehead Youth Hockey and was a member of the Marblehead Boosters. J. Hilary leaves behind his loving wife of 47 years, M. Denise (Hanlon) Rockett. He also leaves his four children, J. Hilary Rockett, Jr., and his wife, Paige, T. Michael Rockett and his wife, Patricia, Richard P. Rockett and his wife, Tonya, and Pamela Castner and her husband, Christopher, all of Marblehead. He is also survived by ten loving grandchildren, Mary, Tucker J. and Samuel H. Rockett, Margaret M. and Thomas M. Rockett, Jackson P. and Lilly E. Rockett and Haley P, Marley Y and Lea Castner, all of Marblehead. He leaves siblings, Edward Rockett, William Rockett, Mary Jane Alexander and Irene Wightman. He is also survived by many nieces, nephews and beloved friends. He was preceded in death by his brother, Richard H. Rockett, Jr., and his granddaughter, Allie Castner. Visiting hours will be held on Wednesday December 2, 2009 from 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, 80 Atlantic Ave, Marblehead, MA. His Funeral Mass will be held Thursday, December 3, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, 80 Atlantic Ave, Marblehead, MA. For On-Line Guest Book or additional information, please contact Murphy Funeral Home 85 Federal Street, Salem, MA (781) 631-8885 or visit ( In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the J. Hilary Rockett Sr., Esquire Scholarship fund at National Grand Bank, 190 Pleasant Street, Marblehead, MA.

POTW Week 48

Another Thanksgiving Eve Bash is in the record books.
In an unanticipated and unprecedented turn of events, three of you thoughtful, intelligent, and perceptive Peeps became an Automatic Peep of the Week by giving me an 850 ml bottle of the King of Scotch, Lagavulin Single Malt.
I am completely overwhelmed and utterly overjoyed.
As if that was not enough  concentrated happiness, Sarah Piscatelli presented me with an autographed copy of  James Michael Curley, A Short Biography signed by the author  William M. Bulger.  Bill Bulger, President of the Massachusetts Senate from South Boston, was someone that I always admired when I was cutting my teeth in Lynn politics some decades ago.  He stared down the liberal phonies at the Boston Globe and succeeded in a fruitful career despite their back biting and self righteous lamentations.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 48th Week of 2009.

Sarah Piscatelli
Patrick Piscatelli (A)
Kerry D'Orio
Bobby "Mountain of a Man" Brown (A)
Maria "Tuna Lips Antagonist" Rowen (A)
Sue Roper

(A) denotes Automatic Lagavulin Donor

Sometimes it's just great to be me.... and this is one of those times.
Happy Thanksgiving

Pisc said...
Phoebe has declared "Will I friend." Good eats, good chatter. Great evening.
Maria Rowen said...
For the year the "TLA" will arrive early and stay late...Thanks for giving a great party...!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

False Priorities

The Day before Thanksgiving is always the busiest day of the year for me.   There are so many last minute preps needed for the Bash, yet my clients usually demand a full working day.  A bit of insecurity that their projects won't receive the attention that they deserve over the long weekend.
As hard as I know that business is,with the need for total dedication to achieve success, it always pisses me off when people think that you have to work on the weekends or on holidays.   We're not curing cancer... we are padding the bottom line of our client. 
I was never impressed by workaholics who think that they are getting ahead by working on weekends and holidays.
If you decide  to work on a Holiday when your job doesn't require it, then you need to get a life.   Your family should be a bit more important than your job or career.
So for my misguided client who asked what we will be accomplishing over the Thanksgiving Weekend.... the answer is a BIG FAT ZERO.   And do yourself a favor... get a life.
See you next Monday.

Bash Momentum

Superpeep Brian Butler has put his order in for Chicken Wings and Fried Dough at the Thanksgiving Eve Bash.
I was not planning to rev up the WhiteTrash Balls, but for Brian, I'll be happy to whip up a batch.
The momentum for the annual event is building as usual.   Mountain of a Man Bobby Brown will be here, which should cause a bit of a frenzy, and even Piscatelli has threatened to show.  Stevie Lewis is bringing his award winning Pulled Pork.
Naturally, no invitations have been issued.  But if you don't come, you are lame and subject to ridicule.
All the usual suspects have indicated that they will attend, which will make for the usual out of control, loud and obnoxious good time.
I can't wait.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Adirondack at Home

Katelyn took this photo of her Adirondack Chair in it's intended home on her deck in South Boston.
This is probably the last post that I will dedicate to the Adirondack Chair.  I know that Lisa Rowe will be dissapointed.

Maria Rowen said...
I bet Lisa would love to get all cozy with her Harvey at home in that Adirondak...
Kerry D'Orio said...
Please make me one. I need a high class looking chair to park my booty while watching the neighborhood antics.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cripple Creek

Getting Funny

I heard today that the AP hired 11 reporters to "fact check" Sarah Palin's 400 page book.   They came up with 6 questionable facts, for the most part, matters of interpretation, and no bombshell disclosures at all.
What the hell is the Liberal press so afraid of???.   If she is so dumb, incompetent, and bad,.... won't she just disintegrate by herself???? Why do they need 11 people researching how to discredit her, and how could they come up so short?
Why are they so afraid of Sarah?
How could a little woman from Alaska, who just won't  fall in step with the media Thought Police be so threatening?  It's getting less and less aggravating to me, and more downright humorous.
In the meantime, we have Obama trying an international terrorist as an American Citizen in New York, which will give him legal access to any of our classified records to use in his defense.   To top if off, BO bows to Emperor Hirohito.
You just can't make this stuff up.   As the fluff drops off from BO, he will make Jimmy Carter look like the next candidate for Mount Rushmore.  Leadership by teleprompter.  I think Obama is right, though, he was the candidate for change, and we are in for some real change.

Maria Rowen said...
Sarah Palin continues to prove the harder they hit the harder she can hit back. The same media trying to discredit her is making her bigger than life. This whole fact checking 'thing' has inspired me to write a book and I already have the title... "BO STINKS AND THAT'S A FACT..."
Pisc said...
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they attack you, then you win." Mahatma Gandhi.

Keep It Legal

My Real Estate Broker's license expires in Dec. and Massachusetts law calls for 12 hours of Coninuing Education in order to renew.  
I've let it go this long, but now today is the day, and I am going to sit in class from 8:00 AM to 8:30 PM to check off this requirement.
I've always preferred self teaching to classroom work.  Anything that I do really well, I've taught myself.   Music, Computing, Woodworking, Boatbuilding.  (ok, I'm not that good at Music, but I plan to be.)
But the Massachusetts Government knows best what is right for me and I will comply with the law by planting my ass in a classroom for a day. 
Sometimes, being a Mountain of a Man means that you have to suck it up and keep it legal.

Friday, November 20, 2009

POTW Week 47

My wife, Joanne, came through big time this week to end the drought around gifts of Lagavulin causing an automatic Peep of the Week selection.

I love her so much.  Even more than I love the "King of Scotch".
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 47th week of 2009

Joanne Nestor (Automatic Lagavulin Rule)
Bobby Brown
Sam Khairi
Lauren Rathbone
Maria Rowen
Lou Panakio

I won't be as mushy if one of you breaks down and coughs up a Bottle in the next few weeks.

Foggy Mountain Breakdown

The rumor is that Joanne is buying me a Gold Star 100 Bluegrass Banjo for my upcoming birthday.
It certainly would be an appropriate gift, giving me and all who hear me play so much joy in the future.
OK, I really can't play that well, but I'm going to learn.   And I'll teach my Grandson's Will and Ethan to use my old Washburn Infinity.  Maybe we'll start a group in a few years.... Country Will and the Nanepashemets.  I can definitely see that.

Joanne is super thoughtful, but I helped her along a little by placing the order myself  on Amazon a few days ago.

Tuna Lips said...

Son, you gets to pickin' that harp, well, me an Shoo will bring the Bristol boys with they jug band round yer place real soon, get us some friendly gals outta Memphis, some eats and spirits, hooey! We gonna roast us a pig or maybe a big ole 'coon and pass a jar o' talkin' juice, dance us a jig, weez gonna have a right fine time. You invite that Mexicano gal, Maria along, we have a good ole hoot.

Maria Rowen said...

Fee fie fiddley i o...o...oh...I hear the Gold Star "Mexican" blue "Grass" is the best you can buy...but...don't tell your fishy-friend...he is alreay way beyond the 'rocky-mountain-high'...

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Sometimes I take even the most obvious things for granted.
For example, it's been a while since I set you Peeps straight on the sacred criteria that is used to select the weekly Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week. Unlike the Brotherhood of the Masonic Temple, there are no secrets here.  Our rituals are open for the world to see.
Because of this, I tend to think that all of you are proficient in the decision making process.   But since it has been so long since someone has become an "Automatic Peep of the Week", it is clear to me that an alarming number of you are lacking in the basic protocol.
Just so you know....
To be named a POTW, you must....

... have done something annoying, and/ or,
... have done something inspirational, and,
... not be dead, or deceased.,and,
... not be an animal.

However.... should you take the exceptionally admirable action of buying me a 750 ml bottle of Lagavulin 16 Year Old Single Malt Scotch. you are automatically named a Peep of the Week, regardless of the appicability of any of the other criteria.
And I remember warmly those of you who went the "Automatic" Route.   People like "Mountain of a Man" Bobby Brown , the Insidious Bob Wojcik, Mike Elsier, Jay Turner, Tammy Pham, Archrival Joe Collins, to name a few, have appropriately achieved the honored status by going this route.
It actually makes the most sense to buy me a bottle of Lagavulin, because otherwise, you can never know why you were a chosen POTW.   And this can cause needless angst and anxiety.
So become an "Automatic POTW".  You'll feel good about yourself and I will certainly enjoy the "King of Scotch".
BTW, if you are really ambitious, you should know that a case of Lagavulin would buy you an automatic Peep of the Year title.  And not just for next year.... I actually would dethrone the current POTY, Lauren Rathbone, to accomodate you immediately.

Lauren Rathbone said....

What did I do!!

I really am not going to be able to get over that last sentence. Jason thinks I am overreacting, but I am hungover today and this was not what I needed to see. And now I am suspicous of the peep of the week selection.

Lauren -
Surely you would have to step down if somebody else bought me a case of Lagavulin!!!!  That goes without saying.

However, you can nip this in the bud by buying me a case of Lagavulin yourself.  That way, you will have total assurance that no one could pre-empt you in the last month or so of your POTY reign.

It's your choice.
- J

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nanepashemet Poll Results

So I found myself in an act of self flagellation this evening as I watched George Stephanopoulos and Charles Gibson discuss the results of an "ABC Poll" that proclaims that 56% of the US population supports and "likes" President Obama.
I continued to watch as these two pundits discussed this "news".   This made up, biased poll that obviously supports their lefty suppositions was substituted as national news.  I guess I'm as bad as they are for watching this charade.

Maybe I'll come up with a Nanepashemet Poll that we can all swallow as absolute fact, and vindicates all of my wacky positions.   Can't be any sillier than the ABC Poll.
In fact, in our first Nanepashemet Poll, 78% of Americans felt that George Stephanopoulos is anal retentive.  And the same Poll found that 69% of Americans think that Charlie Gibson picks his nose during commercials.
Now that's some damn objective news if I say so myself.
So back to our rival ABC Poll.
Do 56% of America like President Obama????.... or do they really have the hots for his TelePrompter????

Tuna Lips said...
Ise self-flagelatioed meself to that pic of Miss Sara on the cover o' that magazine I lifted from Sol the Shyster's newsstand. All the right moves, TL, still got 'em.

Monday, November 16, 2009

No Pause for Palin

From a few quick glances at the Flat Screen, Sarah Palin on Oprah was sizzling hot as usual.  But I really couldn't listen to her because I was in the midst of some roiling work issues.

Lauren Rathbone said...
You can read the transcript on She places a lot of blame on John McCain and how the campaign was run. The most surprising thing in the interview for me is how tiny she is! I dont think I will read the book, maybe if someone gives it me or I borrow it. I can't come to grips with spending money on it.

Pisc said...
check this out: Click here: CapeCast Video: CapeCast: Man versus tuna! |

Sunday, November 15, 2009

U Phuk Dup and Forgiveness

Does everything occur for a reason and for the better?
It seems perverse to think that major tragedies are for our greater good.
You almost have to agree to a reincarnation theology or at least an afterlife to justify some circumstances as happening "for the better".
How could the Holocaust have happened for the better in any other case?
But in the confines of the lives of people that I have experienced, it does seem that this trite little axiom seems to be true.
Now that I am cruising toward the downslope of middle age, I'm able to look at a lot of experiences, that I viewed at the time as horrific setbacks.   Surprisingly, in light of the ultimate outcomes, it does certainly seem that they happened "for the better".
When I was younger, it was easy to discern any situation as "right" or "wrong".... "good" or "bad"... "white" or "black".   Now it seems very blurred, because of the realization that everything happens for a reason. If everything is really shades of grey, and you move away from wide swinging, judgmental emotions, it definitely is a calmer, more centered daily existence.
I've found that forgiveness is a powerful tool for your own wellbeing, rather than a sign of weakness.
I've also come to the clear indication that there is no model way of life, that everybody is festooned with foibles.... in other words.... fucked up.  So if that's the case with yourself as well as everyone else, you might as well forgive them for their transgressions towards you.  Especially if the very action of forgiving actually strengthens you.
The eastern religions... Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism... say that "good" and "bad" are really the same thing, and can't exist without the other.   The way to Enlightenment, or Heaven, in this cosmology is to seek a center point between good and bad, where you don't celebrate success or scorn failure.
Easy to say, but not so easy to achieve.

Tuna Lips said...
i reject them voo doo thinkin' chinks, a'ceptin whens I am a the Tokyo Health Spa getting a body shampoo from one o' them slant eyed heathens. I like the green tea, exspecially with some white litnin', chinky style. You can't get er done likes theys does knowin' nothin more than acceptional hoorin' principles.
Maria Rowen said...

For me, this kind of thinking is bottomless (probably topless for Tuna Lips). Maybe the whole good/bad thing is just a well designed social construct to take us to and guide us through our foibles. Who really knows? This earthly existence is so incredible and full of pain and suffering at the same time. It’s hard to reconcile or find balance. We learn at an early age how to mix the colors black and white to get gray. If you are lucky enough to apply that principle to life…maybe that’s enlightenment…

Saturday, November 14, 2009

POTW Week 46

Went out to get some Fresh Ayer this morning and ended the trip by delivering Kate's Adirondack chair to its new home on her South Boston Deck.  Then we took Kate and Mike out for lunch at Amrheins on the corner of West Broadway and A Street in South Boston.
By the time I got back to Marblehead at 2:30PM I was really tired and treated Joanne to a snorefest on the couch for an hour's nap or so.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 46th week of 2009

Sarah Palin
Larry David
Dale Johnson
Sarah Crawford
Dr. Thomas Kingston
Tom Raich

At the end of the month, I have an appointment with an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist to whom I will plead to rip from my throat whatever is causing this incessant snoring.  Everytime I dose off, I wake up feeling like I've been screaming non-stop for a couple of hours.   Which is practically the case.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Obscene Inaction

Saw in the network news tonight a story about some firefight for a forsaken piece of dirt and rock between our US Troops and the Taliban.  Nine US Soldiers died.
Taliban are fighting for God and to repel the Invaders from their country.
And we are fighting and sending our sons to die for....... What????
That blank should be able to be answered immediately and briskly.... and with conviction.  If  you have to stretch and think.... even a little....while our people are being shot at by religious zealots screaming "Allah Achbar" and gladly looking to die, then the situation borders on the outrageous.
So we are waiting for President Obama to make up his mind what to do.
Well Barack.... Shit or get off the Pot!   Either pour resources in so that we can send these wackjobs to gaze first hand at Allah..... or get the hell out of that high end piece of bullshit global real estate.
Beautiful Afghanistan... What a freaking garden spot.  Really worth seeing our sons and daughters being gunned down by brutal medieval zealots killing innocents in the name of God.
But leaving these kids over there in harm's way, and doing nothing but pontificating while  they get killed is obscene and immoral.   Get some Balls and stake a direction.

Tuna Lips said...

Downer, and I feels the same. Now, how about some boobies, like that Gay's Anatical gal with them big ole breastistes . . . . Holidays issa comin', ho ho hos for all the fellers!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Buff Bound

If you've followed this Blog, you've seen me make attempt after attempt to lose weight and get into shape... all for naught.
Well.... I'm going to make another push to drop some pounds between now and the end of the year.
More Cybex, More treadmill.... less pepperoni pizza, less Chardonnay.  As much Harbor Rowing as possible.
Being a Mountain of a Man means that you not afraid to admit defeat... you just get back up, dust yourself off, make another pointless resolution, and hop back on the Cybex.
Meet me in BuffLand around the end of the year.

 Harvey Rowe said....
Ok.....John, I am hoping you keep it going.......less talk more excuses
Trash Talk from the Bionic Octogenarian.

Tuna Lips said...

Ise recomendates you skip the veeno and hit the corn mash, Mr. Daniel's makes a fine brew that many in yer neck of the wood tolerates. Start smokin', too. Lotsa gals walkin' round these parts with a dixie cup of sour mash and a menthol danglin' from theys ulceratin' lips, done smoked theyself thin, and slaked they parched throats. These eyes dont lie.

Turning Back Time

This is a picture of Will Crawford, Cam D'Orio and Will Nestor....
But if you knew their fathers, Will, Brendt, and Ryan when they were around that age... the resemblances are uncanny.

Kerry D'Orio wrote...
Handsome little devils! XOXO Cam's Mommy

Monday, November 09, 2009

Cheap Shot Payback

Thanks to the Internet and the Information Age, this dirty soccer player will be scarred for life. Looks like she was a bad mood. A bad mood that she will never live down.
Elizabeth Lambert of the University of New Mexico, with a lot of help from YouTube, has demonstrated that you just can't get away with a cheap shot these days.
Brigham Young won the game, and Lambert lost a whole lot more.
The sad part is that if you look closely at the video below, Elizabeth was really retaliating in each  instance.  First she took an elbow, then responded with a slam to her opponent's back, and then she was grabbed in the crotch when she pulled her opponent to the ground with her ponytail.  Even though she was met with aggressive play, her over the top retaliation is what everyone notices.
She probably was justified in some form of retaliation, but she over did it to the point that nobody notices the original transgressions.
You have to believe that we are in for a new era of good behavior.  How can you risk acting like a jerk when it can be broadcast worldwide  and memorialized forever???   I can think of a couple of occasions that I am damn glad never made it to the Web.

Pisc said...
FROM THE WSJ The typical argument for ObamaCare is that it will offer better medical care for everyone and cost less to do it, but occasionally a supporter lets the mask slip and reveals the real political motivation. So let's give credit to John Cassidy, part of the left-wing stable at the New Yorker, who wrote last week on its Web site that "it's important to be clear about what the reform amounts to." Mr. Cassidy is more honest than the politicians whose dishonesty he supports. "The U.S. government is making a costly and open-ended commitment," he writes. "Let's not pretend that it isn't a big deal, or that it will be self-financing, or that it will work out exactly as planned. It won't. What is really unfolding, I suspect, is the scenario that many conservatives feared. The Obama Administration . . . is creating a new entitlement program, which, once established, will be virtually impossible to rescind." Why are they doing it? Because, according to Mr. Cassidy, ObamaCare serves the twin goals of "making the United States a more equitable country" and furthering the Democrats' "political calculus." In other words, the purpose is to further redistribute income by putting health care further under government control, and in the process making the middle class more dependent on government. As the party of government, Democrats will benefit over the long run. This explains why Nancy Pelosi is willing to risk the seats of so many Blue Dog Democrats by forcing such an unpopular bill through Congress on a narrow, partisan vote: You have to break a few eggs to make a permanent welfare state. As Mr. Cassidy concludes, "Putting on my amateur historian's cap, I might even claim that some subterfuge is historically necessary to get great reforms enacted." No wonder many Americans are upset. They know they are being lied to about ObamaCare, and they know they are going to be stuck with the bill.

Tuna Lips said...

Lizzy girl, come tell TL all yer troubles and doubts. I know that tuggin on your nickers has ye all confusified.

Kerry D'Orio said...

Those pretty little Mormon girls didn't stand a chance! Ouch!

I swear...
the more I look at the video, the more I think that Elizabeth was right to be pissed.  Those Mormon girls were messing where they shouldn't have been.

A Shocking Revelation

Now we find out the Hassan, the Army Major who massacred his fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood, had reached out to Al Queda.
What a surprize!
Good thing we didn't rush to judgement like our President told us.  Now what should we think, Charlie Gibson?  Without your careful thought guidance, we truly can never reach the right conclusion.
Now that Nancy Pelosi has given us all health care, we can all rest easier.  Just open your wallets.... Nancy will take care of us.

Maria Rowen said...

The commander-in-chief can call the attack at Fort Hood an act of violence all he wants. But...this terrorist attack happened on a US military base. He owns it. Charlie Gibson is a big wuss...At least Matt Lauer used the "T" word on his that was shocking. Don't give up on the healthcare bill just yet. We still have a shot with the Senate, despite the giddy “Sneaker-of-the-House-Pellosi”(Drudge). All of a sudden I like Joe that's my shocking revelation...

Closing Out Adirondack

It's about 31 degrees this morning, but the weather report says that Boston will get up to 70.  When the day heats up, I'm going to sneak in a last spray coat of marine varnish onto Katelyn's Adirondack Chair.  That will leave it with one coat of epoxy resin and four coats of varnish.
That should be enough to protect the chair from the outside elements for a few years.
After the varnish has dried solid, I'll sand it down with 220 grit paper with my random orbit sander to get the surfaces completely smooth to the touch.   A little furniture polish will restore the shine and the chair will be ready for delivery to Kate's condo.  I'm surprised at how comfortable the chair is to sit in.  The seat and backcontours seem right and it's extremely solid feeling.
Should give Kate many enjoyable hours of reading, contemplating and entertaining on her South Boston deck.
Course I have other things to do this week as well.  But it will be nice to closeout this Adirondack project.  I know that Lisa Panakio Rowe will miss me talking about it.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Health Haiku

So the fix is on to jam this health bill down our throats.  My prediction is a future of incompetent and mediocre care for the masses and acceptable treatment only to the very wealthy.
So if you are wealthy, you'll be healthy.
If you poor, you'll be sore.
Just a little "Health Haiku" for the Peeps to enjoy.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

POTW Week 45

Did I tell you that our team stepped up big on this new Nanepashemet Telecom opportunity?
They really hit it hard, and I have no doubt that we will deliver the quality that the customer deserves

ANNOUNCING.... Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 45th week of 2009

Deb Burke
Kelly Light
Dick Man   (yes.... that's his real name, so back off.)
Jim Lundgren
Patrick Piscatelli
Tommy O' Shea

Next week, the job gets past launch stage and will hit a rhythim of acheving metrics that will get us to the finish line.

Pissed and Perplexed

What is the value of randomly killing people in a shooting spree?  With all of the Muslim Terrorist Acts, I still don't really know what the gripe is.  If it is because a group of Israelis inhabit a patch of dry dirt in your neighborhood..... that just seems to be a little weak.  You would think that they could get over that.
Is it genetic?  Some kind of medieval mentality stretching from the Crusades?  Is there some sort of inferiority complex that causes these pointless lash outs?
I never did anything to those guys.... yet I just missed having a seat on one of the 9-11 United Flights out of Boston to LA that flew into the Trade Center.   If I had been killed that day, over something that bears no explanation, I would have been even more pissed and perplexed.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Obvious Observation

You listen to people like Rush Limbaugh and Jay Severin rant and rave, and you think that they are seriously over the top..... that they have to be outright exaggerating about the liberal bias of the mainstream media.
Then you sit placidly watching ABC News with the self righteous Charles Gibson making sure that it is reported that a "single" Muslim shooter did all of the carnage at Ft. Hood, Texas.... and they roll in a sound clip from out of nowhere saying, "I wish his name was Smith."  Not Nidal Malik al Hassan.
Why are these thought police, aka national network newcasters like Gibson and Couric, so dedicated to negate the obvious conclusion that this nation is under attack by members of the Islamic faith?
I just don't get it.  They keep telling us that an apple is a banana.... when it is a freaking apple for all to see.   Are all apples rotten???? Course not.

And don't even think that you can label me anti-Islamic.
I'm not condemning every Muslim.  I have Muslim friends... and they know that I'm no bigot.  But that doesn't stop me from making the obvious observation that certain members of the Muslim faith are simply out to indiscriminately kill us.
So are Limbaugh and Severin over the top??? or are they just vociferous in their observation.  I guess I trust them a bit more with the truth than the smug Gibson.

Maria Rowen said...
Back in September when Acorn was outed for it's support of prostitution and Charlie Gibson was asked to comment...his comment was..."ha ha ha". I listen to Jay (James) Severin (Severino). He is extremely articulate and he knows his civics. He has his "schtick" and he knows how to use it. I also listen to Rush. He is to talk radio what the 'Mountain of a Man' is to this blog...a monster of a media machine. Is shock/jock/talk radio over the top? Maybe... but why is the current administration trying to shut it down...? I'll say good night now...
Piscatelli said...
Don't lose sight that Ms. Pelosi is ramming through the health care on a special saturday session. Use google, get the congressional office number, call you looney left rep, and while telling they are wrong on the merits is likely a losing proposition, telling them that the whole process is moving too fast, it is undemocratic and purely political. There needs to be a robust debate in Washington over a 2000 page bill (plus a 700+ page amendment) that was issued nine days ago. No one can say they agree, because you have to read it to agree. Note also there are nearly thirty cross references that modify existing law, that have to be look into. No way anyone has read this. So attack them on process. They are too blind in thinking they are right. Tell them the process and the voice of the people is be subordinated to the demagoguery of politicians and the will of lobbyists. No transparency. Its worth a shot. Don't lose sight on health care because of Hood, not today at least.
Jim L. said...
When these types of events happen, we all tend to generalize and rush to judgement. I found myself wondering why someone with a name like that could attain the rank of Major in the United States Army! Then I thought about it for awhile and figured there's gotta be some high ranking christians and jews, too! I'm not sure I'm real comfortable with that either. But, yeah, there are members of Islam at war with this country. However, they're not alone. There are other religious groups not happy with us. There are political groups not so happy either. One thing though about this Hassan, he's a loon! And, quacks like him come in all kinds of flavors. Let's not forget Tim McVeigh and his buddy Terry Nichols or how about Ted Kaczynski. Then we have a couple of nice kids from Colorado, Eric Harris and Dylan Kiebold. One thing they all have in common is, they lost it. The silicon chip inside they're heads switched to overload! And, that seems to be able to happen to some people no matter what they're creed or color is.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Return of the Pendulum

Independents, the largest political group in the country, voted for Republicans yesterday.  And Gay marriage was defeated in Maine.
Seems like a conservative surge.  This pendulum is swinging before any of BO's campaign promises have been kept.  Where is health care reform?  Why are we still in Iraq?  When will you figure out your "strategy" in Afghanistan. 
Granted, he did teach us how to sneeze in our sleeve, and enjoyed beer after his "rush to judgement" race relations teaching moment.  But I had some great teachers in the Lynn Public School system that already covered alot of the basics for me.
It will be interesting to see how the Obamanistas spin this.
As always, I will continue to view this with my fair and balanced, open minded approach.

Maria Rowen said...

The spin is in...Robert Gibbs reports the President wasn't even watching the results last night. How insulting to Corzine and Deeds..oh well…Maybe BO should plan on watching the returns in 2010…

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Surf's Up

Did I mention to you already that Nanepashemet Telecom had a kick ass day today??
Well we did.
The only thing better than winning a new job is putting together a world class team and launching the project.
When a new team exhibits enthusiasm and starts brainstorming about efficiencies.... it's like the smell of napalm in the morning.....  smells like Victory.
Everyday won't be like today in this project.... so we'll enjoy the feeling and ride the wave.

Soft Moose Porn

My Friend, Bill Hillegas, who has a tender, romantic side to him, poses the following question....

Is this statutory rape???
Or just a moosedemeanor.....?

If anyone else has some good soft Moose porn... please let me know.

Tuna Lips said...
That moose shows mighty fine form, in terms of mountin' his selected one fer breedin'.
Maria Rowen said...
There can be no moosetake here...the heart knows what the heart wants...

Appeal to the Geeks

So I get a call from my good friend, Harvey Rowe,saying that he can't email me.   That the email is undeliverable.  I have the same thing happen to me when I try to email Mike Rockett's company.
I think that Harvey believes that I blocked him or something.  If I knew how to do that, I would definitely ban a whole pile of people, but not him.
If any of you techo geeks have an idea about how to abate this problem, please send me an email  to....

If your suggestion is annoying or inspiring, you may even find yourself as a Peep of the Week.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Going to the Dogs

Had a nice visit in Ayer this morning.  Ryan looks good and he has been upgraded to the "Dog Training Program".   The camp trains dogs -  collies, labs, even poodles - to be guide dogs for disabled veterans.
Ryan says that the dogs are so well trained that they would not eat a piece of pepperoni pizza unless you directed them to do so.
Apparently, these dogs have a hell of a lot more discipline than me.
So I predict that Jack Dog will be getting a cousin when Ryan gets home.

Tuna Lips said...

Shucks, that is quite a civilified pooch. Pappy had a mean ole coonhound, name of Throttler. Kept him at the still to fend off moochers and wet brains after that liquified gold. Pappy ferget to feed him from time to time, he took to eatin' his own droppins'. How comes I got that ideer when ole Shoo and me wuz being held captive by those reefer growers in west virginny.