Then you sit placidly watching ABC News with the self righteous Charles Gibson making sure that it is reported that a "single" Muslim shooter did all of the carnage at Ft. Hood, Texas.... and they roll in a sound clip from out of nowhere saying, "I wish his name was Smith." Not Nidal Malik al Hassan.

I just don't get it. They keep telling us that an apple is a banana.... when it is a freaking apple for all to see. Are all apples rotten???? Course not.
And don't even think that you can label me anti-Islamic.
I'm not condemning every Muslim. I have Muslim friends... and they know that I'm no bigot. But that doesn't stop me from making the obvious observation that certain members of the Muslim faith are simply out to indiscriminately kill us.
So are Limbaugh and Severin over the top??? or are they just vociferous in their observation. I guess I trust them a bit more with the truth than the smug Gibson.
- Back in September when Acorn was outed for it's support of prostitution and Charlie Gibson was asked to comment...his comment was..."ha ha ha". I listen to Jay (James) Severin (Severino). He is extremely articulate and he knows his civics. He has his "schtick" and he knows how to use it. I also listen to Rush. He is to talk radio what the 'Mountain of a Man' is to this blog...a monster of a media machine. Is shock/jock/talk radio over the top? Maybe... but why is the current administration trying to shut it down...? I'll say good night now...
- Don't lose sight that Ms. Pelosi is ramming through the health care on a special saturday session. Use google, get the congressional office number, call you looney left rep, and while telling they are wrong on the merits is likely a losing proposition, telling them that the whole process is moving too fast, it is undemocratic and purely political. There needs to be a robust debate in Washington over a 2000 page bill (plus a 700+ page amendment) that was issued nine days ago. No one can say they agree, because you have to read it to agree. Note also there are nearly thirty cross references that modify existing law, that have to be look into. No way anyone has read this. So attack them on process. They are too blind in thinking they are right. Tell them the process and the voice of the people is be subordinated to the demagoguery of politicians and the will of lobbyists. No transparency. Its worth a shot. Don't lose sight on health care because of Hood, not today at least.
- When these types of events happen, we all tend to generalize and rush to judgement. I found myself wondering why someone with a name like that could attain the rank of Major in the United States Army! Then I thought about it for awhile and figured there's gotta be some high ranking christians and jews, too! I'm not sure I'm real comfortable with that either. But, yeah, there are members of Islam at war with this country. However, they're not alone. There are other religious groups not happy with us. There are political groups not so happy either. One thing though about this Hassan, he's a loon! And, quacks like him come in all kinds of flavors. Let's not forget Tim McVeigh and his buddy Terry Nichols or how about Ted Kaczynski. Then we have a couple of nice kids from Colorado, Eric Harris and Dylan Kiebold. One thing they all have in common is, they lost it. The silicon chip inside they're heads switched to overload! And, that seems to be able to happen to some people no matter what they're creed or color is.
Back in September when Acorn was outed for it's support of prostitution and Charlie Gibson was asked to comment...his comment was..."ha ha ha". I listen to Jay (James) Severin (Severino). He is extremely articulate and he knows his civics. He has his "schtick" and he knows how to use it. I also listen to Rush. He is to talk radio what the 'Mountain of a Man' is to this blog...a monster of a media machine. Is shock/jock/talk radio over the top? Maybe... but why is the current administration trying to shut it down...? I'll say good night now...
Don't lose sight that Ms. Pelosi is ramming through the health care on a special saturday session. Use google, get the congressional office number, call you looney left rep, and while telling they are wrong on the merits is likely a losing proposition, telling them that the whole process is moving too fast, it is undemocratic and purely political. There needs to be a robust debate in Washington over a 2000 page bill (plus a 700+ page amendment) that was issued nine days ago. No one can say they agree, because you have to read it to agree. Note also there are nearly thirty cross references that modify existing law, that have to be look into. No way anyone has read this.
So attack them on process. They are too blind in thinking they are right. Tell them the process and the voice of the people is be subordinated to the demagoguery of politicians and the will of lobbyists. No transparency.
Its worth a shot.
Don't lose sight on health care because of Hood, not today at least.
When these types of events happen, we all tend to generalize and rush to judgement. I found myself wondering why someone with a name like that could attain the rank of Major in the United States Army! Then I thought about it for awhile and figured there's gotta be some high ranking christians and jews, too! I'm not sure I'm real comfortable with that either.
But, yeah, there are members of Islam at war with this country. However, they're not alone. There are other religious groups not happy with us. There are political groups not so happy either. One thing though about this Hassan, he's a loon! And, quacks like him come in all kinds of flavors. Let's not forget Tim McVeigh and his buddy Terry Nichols or how about Ted Kaczynski. Then we have a couple of nice kids from Colorado, Eric Harris and Dylan Kiebold.
One thing they all have in common is, they lost it. The silicon chip inside they're heads switched to overload! And, that seems to be able to happen to some people no matter what they're creed or color is.
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