Sunday, January 13, 2008

Perfect Role Models

Last night the Patriots did what the Patriots do.
They won the football game with a 31-20 win over the Jacksonville Jaguars at Gillette Stadium.
Next week they play in the AFC Championship game.
17 Wins - 0 Losses. Against football teams whose players are all elite professional athletes.
Tom Brady completed a record 26 or 28 passees, and said it was easy when the receivers all get open and the linemen keep the opponents away from him. I'm sure that his contribution wasn't easy, but he clearly understands and appreciates the interlocking contributions that produce this type of performance. He is certainly the type of leader that warrants a winning organization.
The Patriots' focus and preparation on the present task at hand, and their resulting patient execution is a prescription for success in most all endeavors.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


I was never a big "joiner".
Yet in the past year, I've joined the UMass Club, the Gerry 5 Volunteer Fireman's Association, and the Boston Yacht Club.
Clearly something is going on here, and I'm not exactly sure what it is.
I'm definitely not looking to make new friends, nor am I a social climber, but here I am joining these diverse groups and incurring charges for dues.
In the case of the Gerry, a decent monthly bar bill as well. Somebody must have really banged my number that last time I was there.
I did meet up with Greg at the Gerry this afternoon, and I guess it's cool to grab a beer in a place that you can claim for yourself outside of your home from time to time.
The BYC and the UMASS Club also have great potential for entertaining Business clients.

Binnacle Definition

  1. (nautical) The wooden housing for a ship's compass, its corrector magnets and illuminating arrangements; the log and other equipment for measuring the ships speed is also stowed there.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Belated Peeps of the Week

Yesterday was Thursday wasn't it?
I completely forgot about the POTW selection.
What a FREAKING MORON I am!!!!!
Now you have me exactly where you want me..... wrong, vulnerable, a sniffling mass of mucus and protoplasm.
What the hell, it's only a day late.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 2 of 2008

Peter Crawford
Lauren Rathbone
Brian Butler
Emily Ingardia
Tommy O'Shea
Patrick Piscatelli

I promise I will never be late again.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bird Bonanza

Weird scene at the feeder today.
At first there were a few Chickadees, Sparrows, and Dark Eyed Juncos.... the usual suspects.
Then there was a couple of Cardinals and Bluejays... a colorful combination.
But in the early afternoon, sitting right out there on a willow branch was a big Red Tailed Hawk. Probably the same one that had a bird meal on Tommy O' Shea's front lawn.
The afternoon was capped when I saw a Robin in the same stand of willow branches. That's the first Robin in January that I ever saw here.
All of this cool bird action, tearing me away from my crucial work at Nanepashemet Telecom.

More California Kate

Kate -
I see that you were in beautiful Napa Valley during your visit to California to see the Provocative Peep, Emily Ingardia.
BTW... it's called wine-tasting... not wine-get-completely-pie-faced.


Burning up the Western Slopes

Just when you thought this Blog was getting dull, I get these killer pics from Katelyn and Emily in Lake Tahoe! Careful on the black diamonds.
Emily skied alot and at the end of the day, her ass was dragging.

Emily said...

It was cross country, JAY!!! ANd yes I wiped out and couldn't get up, but not as much as your precious little Katelyn who would disappear for minutes on end, no where to be seen, having fallen with no way to get up!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Dentist as Artist

I forgot to mention.... popped over to Dr. Danny's Dental House of Pain in Peabody yesterday afternoon to get the final version of my left canine bridgework installed. You should see it... it looks AWESOME!!!!
I've fallen in love with myself all over again. Rough, Tough, Hard to Bluff, and even Better Looking than before! I didn't think it was possible. Even Joanne noticed the improvement.
Dr. Danny Levy is a maestro with a high speed drill.

Triple V Gut Check

OK.... I know, I know.
I've been really neglecting the Blog lately... the content has had no zing, no zip, no zap.
The Marblehead Chamberlain Gunning Dory project has also suffered.
But I have an excellent excuse, which I can't tell you about because it's personal. Don't worry soon as I get time a little more time, this Nanepashemet Blog will virtually vibrate with vitality once more.
As it is, it's still on the cutting edge of cyber-journalism, what with Tuna Lips, Nancy and McMahon making cogent contributions over the last few days. It's still vastly superior to most anything else that you can pathetically surf to.
So quit your freaking whining. It's not so bad.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

NH Primary Commentary

McCain's win in NH doesn't bode well for Mitt Romney.
Romney's record as a business man, Olympic Games Manager, and Governor is so much better than his campaigning style for President. He just seems so manipulative, and his negative posturing against his opponents is tedious.
At this point, the Clinton - Obama race is too close to call. It's an historic political contest for this country - an African American vs. a Women - two legitimately oppressed classes vying for the leadership of the USA, with white males trailing the field. And what is more impressive to me is that this fact has not been glommed onto by the obnoxious press.

Maybe we've finally beaten the minority mentality in this country. Only took 400 years - not bad in the grand scheme of things I suppose.

Tommy McMahon said....

I'm gonna have to disagree J. I bet there are people out there that don't even know there are republican candidates because Obama and Clinton are the only people the press talk about.

Total shocker by the way that Oprah is backing one of them. Didn't see that one coming huh. That just means that all the middle-age housewives of America who otherwise wouldn't know there was a presidential election will now be voting for Obama. (Not that all middle age housewives don't pay attention to politics. I'm only refering to the ones who actually don't).

Republican this year. The democratic party is becoming a circus for the media between Hillary crying and Obama dancing on Ellen.


Monday, January 07, 2008

A Crying Shame

Are you paying attention to the Presidential Primary in New Hampshire? Hillary lost control of her emotions and started crying twice yesterday. There was a part of me that really felt bad for her. I know that when I am dog tired, I feel like crying.
But that's me, and I'm not running for President, for the crying reason, as well as many others.
I don't want my President to cry, so I probably won't be voting for Hillary. It's not a political thing. Anybody running who cries automatically lost my vote. I need my leaders to be tougher than I am.

Dear Fearless Leader (that would be Dr. Nestor, not H.C.),

The paraphrased question posed to Senator Clinton, at an approximate 18 female round table in a diner, was,

"We are all women and we know how hard it is to leave the home every AM looking our best, yet you do it tirelessly day after day. How can you manage?"

Rather than tell the truth, which is the Senator travels with a hairdresser, make-up artist, and female valet, she responds, and again I paraphrase,

"People think running for President is a game blah blah blah blah but it is the future of America blah blah blah blah catch in the voice blah blah blah."

The End.

Nancy Bruett

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Disturbing Flashback

We ended up emerging from the couch and taking a trip up the coast, through Newburyport and Portsmouth to Kittery and finally ending up at Allison's Restaurant in downtown Kennebunkport, where Joanne and I had some killer lobster bisque.
It would have been a great day except for the flashback that I had.
I suddenly remembered Bob Wojcik saying that I should take my workout stats from the Blog because it was too embarrassing. At the time, though irritated, I quickly dismissed it. Naturally, I could care less what people think about my workout regimen, much less Wojcik.
But then.... while I was injesting a forkfull of cole slaw in Maine.... it hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks.
Here was Wojcik, who gave me the evil stretching advise that ultimately injured my knee, now telling me to remove my workout records from the Blog. Despicable!!!! What else lurks in that demented mind?
I will recover my health, get into running shape, and emerge completely victorious if only to get even with the Wicked Wojcik.

Piscabo said...

Nice take, KBP in the winter and Allison's. In the summer Federal Jack's has visits from Jenna and crew (though the engagement may end that) for a brew and Windows on the World up the street is a nice place to blow a couple hundred bucks. Or the Clam Shack, of course, with a dose of Lipitor.


It's a balmy 40 degrees outside. That's pretty good compared to the single digits that we have been experiencing in the Boston area lately.
Joanne and I are thinking about breaking from our couch potato ways and venturing up the coast of Maine in a day trip motocar excursion.
We're thinking about it anyway. I'll let you know how the plan works out.

No Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

by Marianne Williamson
Tuna Lips said...

I am hung like a gas pump at the filling station. Inadequacy does not occur to the likes of me.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Pajama Pants

No movement today. None. Pure couch potato action.
Then again, except for some invoicing in the morning and a call with Lec, this is the first Saturday that I've taken off work from Nanepashemet Telecom in some time.
I had originally planned to haul some stuff to the dump, and maybe pay a quick visit with Greg and Nancy, but the couch held me damn tight.
I do have to take a shower before we go to the Johnson's for dinner, and I'll hop on the Cybex for a half hour prior to washing, so the day won't be a total pajama pants event.

Bad Birder Bob

So I'm out to dinner last night with Two Bobs and Tommy D. Just as I was settling into my fried oyster appetizer, one of the Bob's (the Polish one) claims that he couldn't see the hawk on Tommy O's front lawn.
Look at the photo... I'll admit that Tommy took a sucky shot, but right in the exact middle is a Red Tailed Hawk dining on a bunch of feathers.
Click on the photo to get a closer look.
Bob, you'd make a freaking poor Birder!
BTW, I went off the wagon because of the bad influence of the Two Bob's and downed a shot of Talisker (or three). There was no Lagavulin in sight. Naturally, I layered in a good three Guinness base before venturing to the hard stuff.
Back on the wagon today, except for our planned dinner with Dale/Buck and Gale tonight. Can't be rude you know. So the wagon kicks in big time tomorrow.

More from the Peep of the Year

As I have explained to you time and again, being named Nanepashemet POTY is a life changing event. Look what happened to Tommy McMahon!!! You can see the transformation begin with Michael "Murph" Murphy.
Fasten your seat belt and hold on tight Murph. This year will be more thrilling than "Mr Toad's Wild Ride" at Disney. And be sure to keep Beth in line. But don't be too hard on her, what with her being new to the limelight and all...
Murph said...

I had no idea the magnitude of being POTY. I have Tuna Lips giving me his valued input and now I am getting fan mail. The following message was in my inbox this AM:

Dear Murph,

I would very much like to give you a half gallon of N. Nog the next time you grace Marblehead. Any chance it could be this weekend? Perhaps we could include the Nestors and the other Nestors. I believe they too are fans. Pre-Pittsburgh / Jaguars? (I'm thinking they're Sat. night, but if the game's earlier, we could do it during). Or Sunday?

Greg could be pissed, but we will soldier on.

A mere 36 years ago, I worked on the 25th floor of the State Street Bank Building on Franklin St. The elevator had a mirror on the ceiling.

Thank you Fans, Thank you Nancy. Upon hearing of my POTY Nancy has invited me to star in the Movie version of "Dustings". A true honor. Thank you Nancy.

The POTY is a bigger honor than I thought. I have my work cut out for me but it looks like I have the fan support. I shall continue my reign so that I could possibly pull off the unthinkable....a repeat in 2008. Tough challenge but I am ready. In a dissapointing move, my wife Beth was recently nominated as a POTW. I was excited to point it out to her and was ready to congratulate her when she asked the unthinkable... "Why did Jay make me a POTW?". I froze. How could she ask such a question. She is married to the Peep of the Year, perhaps the decade. Against all Peep rules. I hope this will not hurt my repeat chances.....She better make up for it with the Automatic Lagavulin rule...Perhaps that will help.....Tuna Lips may have some advice for her I hope....

Tuna Lips said...

This Jay feller you speak of, I would be wunderin' ifin he has eyes fer yer lass. Such subterfuge I have engaged in to hang another pair of bloomers from the good ship Tuna Lips. Beware, good sir, beware. And Rock n' Roll, Hoochie Coo! Oops, voices in my head, gotta run!

Thursday, January 03, 2008


  • The Paradoxical Commandments

"People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered. Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest persons with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest persons with the smallest minds. Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.

People really need help, but may attack you if you do help them. Help them anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.."

~ Kent M. Keith

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."

~ Mark Twain

Red Hawk Down

If you look closely, you can see a Red Tailed Hawk devouring its' hapless feathered prey on Tommy O'Shea's front lawn.
Obviously Tommy is trying to attract the Discovery Channel's attention to his side of Beverly Ave.
Tom, if they were not interested in my fascinating squirrel feeder footage of a couple of months back, what makes you think that a class act like the Discovery Channel will take stock of a big bird munching on a little bird????? In Tommy O's front yard no less!!!
Where's Tuna Lips when you really need him? I'm sure he could top Tommy's nature thriller.
By the way, Red Tailed Hawk bird turd must be a killer mess.

Peep of the Week - 1

You have to feel bad about ole Tuna Lips, the way he's reacted to Murph's taunting and all.... I suppose he'll get over it, but it must be hard being an undercover operative. Everybody has their breaking point.
But just because I have feelings for people, don't start thinking that I'm getting soft or anything. I have to toughen up, and fast.... because today is Thursday, and it's time to begin the year off by.....

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 1 of 2008
  • Courtney Lynch
  • Jill Phillips
  • Lindsey Kepnes
  • Beth Murphy
  • Ted Moore
  • Eric Rumpf
An appropriate group of Winners/Losers to start the New Year off Right/Wrong.