When the Tech came over to the house and checked the treadmill, the only thing wrong was a loose connection to the motor. Glad I didn't follow the expert customer care offered by Nordic Track.
The treadmill works like new, but my knee sure as hell doesn't. It's giving me a ton of pain.... the kind that would incapacitate a lesser man.
It's back to the Cybex bike for a week or so until the knee kicks into gear.
Tuna Lips said...
One can get to figgerin' that from the neglectin' you have done to this here blogosphere, sumfin' ain't sittin' well with you, Sure Shot. Irregarding the dark passages your thinkin is a wanderin', like the tunnel to pappy's hooch still near the landfill in Peppermill Hollow, knows you wills come out to a land of milk and humpin', of birds and bees and cigarette trees, where the whiskey dunt run dry. And this self-carved d-bag who calls hisself Pisc, or Piscabo, or some other name depending on the day, he can find another split personality in some neighboring blogpsphere, irritatin boil on my arse. Get offa my cloud you surly cur.