Monday, January 18, 2010

Presidential Desperation

Just 1500 people to see Obama with Coakley in Boston.  Plus, without a teleprompter, he forgot he was in Massachusetts.  I kid you not... it was on Fox last night.
Meanwhile a couple of thousand including "Yankee Fan" Curt Schilling and Doug Flutie were out in Worcester with Brown.
President Obama has been in office for one year.  The discontent of the Massachusetts electorate, in making a close race of the seat vacated by Ted Kennedy, should be a clear message to him that he has to change course.
  • His economic stimulis package is a bureaucratic boondoggle.
  • The war in Iraq and Afghanistan rages on.
  • 10% of the people here are out of work.
  • His Health Plan is a Democratic pork barrel.
Barack.... you've got three more years to get a handle, or you'll be as desperate as Martha Coakley.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Outlook Adjustment

Not a bad outlook for those of us (myself included) who tend to let the small stuff derail us from time to time.

Next Year

I got a 20.6 mile workout in on the Cybex for one hour.  That's probably the toughest cardio workout that I've had in the last 20 years or so.   At least on purpose.   There were the mountain hikes that got a little out of hand that were probably tougher.
And I ate well, so the times this week where I fell off the wagon were properly responded to.  I think that closed the week a bit under the calorie budget.   Still on track with the weight loss plan, but it's only been 17 days.  I'm giving myself the whole freaking year to lose these sixty pounds, and I'm not looking for anything to happen instantly. 
So get off my back.  One day you'll be ready to call me "Big Guy" and it just won't be freaking valid.  But that won't next week or next month.  It will be next year.

Conscience Examination

A naive and misguided Peep admonished me to "examine my conscience" this morning.... ostensibly because of the Senate Race stand of this venerable, yet pathetic Nanepashemet Blog..
Fair Enough.
Man, was that a mistake.... there's a lot of crazy assed shit in my conscience that I have no interest in unpacking.  It's a scary place, and I don't like to go there.
But right there on one of the lower shelves was a clear indication that we should vote for Brown.  Especially after the slur against Curt Schilling.   For God sakes Martha, he freaking bled against the Yankees.  How could you!!!!

Pisc said...
Typical liberal know it all and deep feeler, claiming the moral high ground. Sounds like a priest, you know, the ones who forgave all the sins and were adored by the sanctimonious, but were playing around with little boys. "Examine your conscience, John". Liberals are so goddamned arrogant and condescending, as if they are the only one's with a conscience. Bet this Higher Authority belongs to a book club and is, "well, if I must reveal it, quite frankly, oh willickers, I am in MENSA you know. Lovey, you know how cocktail sauce troubles my acid reflux - lets go with the watercress sandwich". No principles, just lines from the encounter group or therapist. Sounds like someone has mommy issue.

POTW Week Two of 2010

I've been so aggravated by the Senate Race that I almost forgot the POTW selections this week.  Talk about political fallout!  That would have been a true crisis.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 2nd week of 2010

Gail Johnson
Christos Laganos
Bill Weld
Tom Raiche
Lauren Rathbone
Steve Lewis

Pray for the unfortunate Haitians.

Building Codes

When you see the media coverage of the rubble of shanties in Haiti, you have to wonder what the building codes are like down there, and whether this type of carnage could have been avoided with a different standard of construction.
Eyewitnesses have said that the actual quake went on for about 3 seconds, then the buildings came crashing down.  I'd like to think that my house wouldn't come apart after being shook for 3 seconds.
We should donate to the Haitians, but when they rebuild their communities, I hope they build in some lessons learned.

Manipulation Mutilation

I know that I have been obsessing lately about the United States Senate race.   But this thing has really hit my hot button... you know... the button that gets pushed when people try to manipulate others by lies and deceit.
I'll admit that I'm really in an uncomfortable state of agitation.
Some of the attack ads are sent in by national interests who have keyed in on this race, and those ads can't be blamed on the candidates.... except for the one that starts with "I'm Martha Coakley, and I approve this message."   Then the ad goes on to depict a women who ostensibly has just been raped.
As my friend, Harvey, has said, "You can't make this stuff up."  But it looks like Martha is trying to.  But ultimately the manipulation will turn to self mutilation.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Knee Jerk

Without thinking, Coakley moves to discredit. You can see why she favors attack ads. I just fear that she is part of a machine.

Maria Rowen said...
There was a great comment on Fox this morning. Massachusetts is not a blue state. It's a Red Sox State... Martha! How do you spell Massachusetts?

Case for Brown

The machine that changed the rules to put Paul Kirk into the US Senate seat has a lot of work to do this weekend.  We've got Clinton and Obama taking time out of the Haitian disaster to tend to this other earthquake.... the unimaginable thought that the Massachusetts electorate might give the senate seat held by Ted Kennedy for the last forty years to a Republican.
Rest assured, after they make the plea for Martha and she loses, it won't be any reflection on them.  They will blame the loss on Coakley's weaknesses as a candidate, and not the misgivings of the Obama startup, or the manipulation of the Senate seat by Duval Patrick..
Man.... I'm sure they didn't see this coming.   But they should have.  The people of Massachusetts have always found a balance over their party affiliation.   Guys like Ed Brooke, Ed King, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld,  Paul Celluci have broken the mold with messages that resonated with the Massachusetts voters.
And that is is case with Scott Brown
  • He wants a well thought out health care approach - and not a power play jammed down our throats.
  • He wants terrorists tried in a military tribunal, not with all of the privileges of the US citizens that they are resolved to annihilate.
  • He is a free enterprise advocate who believes that lower taxes can encourage economic growth. 
  • He is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army National Guard, who has won the respect and endorsement of Police Unions across the state.
  • He wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and his family seems to be a solid hard working unit.
Those are the things that stick out with me.   And I resent ads that say that somehow he is bad because he is a Republican.   Obama didn't win in a landslide.  There are all kinds of legitimate viewpoints in this country, and to demonize one viewpoint is ultimately a losing strategy.

Pisc said...
Wicked well put.
Pat, when you look at the list of Republicans that Mass Voters have sent to statewide seats, it seems like really bad advice to run ads denigrating Scott as a "Republican".   You have to wonder who is pulling the strings for the Coakley strategy.  

Nice Evening

Tonight we had dinner at Maddies with POTY, Jeremy Johnson's Mom and Dad, Dale and Gail,  then headed over to the Harbor Light Inn for a nightcap.
Nothing bad happened (that I was aware of).

Friday, January 15, 2010

Senate Shoo In

The Massachusetts Senate Race is being looked at nationally as a referendum on Obama Care.   This headlong rush by the Democrats to stuff a pork infested Health bill that has huge fiscal implications down our throats will be their ultimate downfall.
The people voted for Obama for change, not a pork fed, self destructive trip to financial oblivion.
I'm no prognosticator, but the Democrats have run into a buzz saw with Scott Brown, who can take the heat and send it back.  At this point, I think he will win even if I didn't give him the Nanepashemet Endorsement.
Although, since I did..... he is a shoo in.

Issues of the Senate Candidates.

If you go to the Coakley and Brown websites and look at the how they examine the issues, it's clear why Martha Coakley has taken the low road in this campaign.  Martha articulates so poorly.  She should take the time to spell out what she believes, and stop acting like this Senate Seat is a Democratic birthright.

Click on the links yourself and make your own deternination.

Scott Brown issues    Martha Coakley Issues

I read what they said, not what mud has been slung about them.
The Nanepashemet Nod proudly stands for Scott Brown as our next US Senator from Massachusetts.