Fair Enough.
Man, was that a mistake.... there's a lot of crazy assed shit in my conscience that I have no interest in unpacking. It's a scary place, and I don't like to go there.
But right there on one of the lower shelves was a clear indication that we should vote for Brown. Especially after the slur against Curt Schilling. For God sakes Martha, he freaking bled against the Yankees. How could you!!!!
- Typical liberal know it all and deep feeler, claiming the moral high ground. Sounds like a priest, you know, the ones who forgave all the sins and were adored by the sanctimonious, but were playing around with little boys. "Examine your conscience, John". Liberals are so goddamned arrogant and condescending, as if they are the only one's with a conscience. Bet this Higher Authority belongs to a book club and is, "well, if I must reveal it, quite frankly, oh willickers, I am in MENSA you know. Lovey, you know how cocktail sauce troubles my acid reflux - lets go with the watercress sandwich". No principles, just lines from the encounter group or therapist. Sounds like someone has mommy issue.