Monday, July 20, 2009

Down Day

I truly thought that I had bounced back from the intensive travel schedule last week, but my ass is really dragging this monday morning. I feel like I'm just going through the motions at Nanepashemet Telecom... which is not good.
Because we've got a ton of stuff going, and I have to snap out of it.
I suppose one down day is acceptable.... even if you are a mountain of a man like me.

Tuna Lips said...

Nuttin' like a good beer buzz on a Monday mornin' to remind yerself that no one's the boss of yerself.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bounce Back

OK Peeps.
I know you were worried about my exhausted condition, but a mountain of a man like me bounces back fast. Slept in until 8:00 this morning and I am ready for another go at it.
So we'll be springing into action today to check the lobster traps, revarnish the deck railing and make a dent in the workbench project. Maybe get some seed for the bare patches in the lawn.... and plant some daisies or something.
Plus the grandkids are over.
There's plenty of time for rest when you are six feet under.... which reminds me to get my prescriptions refilled.

Friday, July 17, 2009

POTW Week 28

The Road Trips this week to Maine, Connecticut and Rhode Island have taken their toll. I am a bit overtired and cranky, but still up to making the crucial Peep choices for this pathetic blog.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 28th week of 2009

Linda O'Shea
Jay Turner
Will Crawford
George Clooney
Nathaniel Clarke
Lindsey Kepnes

Don't be calling me and asking me to do shit this weekend because the answer is a slightly rude "No". I won't be taking any action until the batteries are completely recharged.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Push to Conclusion

Back to Block Island tomorrow.
Ryan and Alex have been making progress on the ground with the civil work, and the aerial work on the tower is finished. We'll be testing the antennas and cables for radio frequency integrity tomorrow. By the end of the day, I am hoping that this chapter is closed and we are ready to concentrate on the mainland.
I can guarantee you that I will not be going close to my truck this weekend. With an average of over 300 miles per day since Tues in the F150, and the Block Island trip tomorrow, I'll be more than happy to stay off of the road.
But the weekend won't start until 8:00PM tomorrow night.
I'm already looking forward to building the base for the workbench, and pulling the lobster pots.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Physical Work

Out by 5:00 AM this morning to see what Ryan and Alex had going at the Block Island site. They have a busy couple of days ahead, but should be in good shape by Friday. I was home by 8:30 tonight, and snapped at Joanne a little bit. Hey.... I was freaking tired and cranky. Deal with it.
I hope to get back down to the Island on Friday to see if we are at the punch list stage.
But before that, I have to check out sites at Cambridge, Burlington, and will need to file for permits in Groton, CT. I should easily log over 1,000 driving miles this week in the F150. Suppose that it is ultimately worth it monetarily, but I freely admit that this type of travel really wipes me out physically.
Maybe there are easier ways to make money... so clue me in if you have the answer.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

National Public Radio Contribution

On the drive back from Maine, I let my radio scan to PBS Radio and actually kept it on the station for an hour or two.
Linda Wertheimer, Nina Totenberg, Terry Gross... these people are such gag reflexes. Just the way they talk is so self centered and phoney, but then if you actually listen to what they say.... it's just amazing how they skirt the facts to fit their leftist agendas.
This afternoon, they were discussing Presidential "Signing Statements" which is a situation whereby the President may sign a bill into law, but will give examples where the Executive Branch may not agree or honor the legislation in certain circumstances.
One of these "Fresh Air" Moonbats said that the evil George Bush was the only President to issue such "Signing Statements". And she repeated this several times.
When it was established that this practice has been in use since the James Madison administration, and that Barach Obama has already issued several, and that Wild Bill Clinton issued far more than the evil George Bush.... in other words, when she was completely and totally discredited.... she stated that Bush's statements were "more onerous".
I'm not making this up.... unlike this National Public Radio Dipshit. Even I couldn't lie that bad.
I have to thank these pseudo-intellectuals for getting my ire up in what could have been a dangerously drowsy ride.
So maybe if I make the planned trek down to Block Island tomorrow, I'll tune into some "Fresh Air" with Terry Gross. A suitable host's name for this very gross and tainted radio show. At least it will keep me alert.

Tuna Lips said...
Give me a bag of pork rinds, a pickled egg and a warm six pack of Red White and Blue beer, I'll give them commies some fresh air. Put them to mind of a warm nucular breeze, have 'em crying "oh, the humanities!"

Coastal Maine Roadtrip

Got up at 2:30 AM this morning to drive to Swan's Island, Maine - 282 miles away including a 9 mile ferry ride - to attend a bid walk and take care of some site acq work. I'm a little tired, but nothing that a couple of cans of Red Bull can't cure.
The physical beauty of this place is stunning.... particularly if you like seascapes.
If I can get back in the 1:30PM ferry, then I'll be in Marblehead by 7:00 PM tonight. Trouble is that I've only got a reservation for the 4:00 PM ferry. That would push the Marblehead ETA out to 11:00 PM or so.
Which could be fatiguing.
Even for a Mountain of a Man like me.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Pat McManus -Rest in Peace.
God took you too soon, but a lot later than you thought he was going to. That's our secret.
Lynn's former Mayor, Pat McManus died suddenly on Friday.
I saw him walking door to door on Lynnfield Street in Lynn, last Thurs. and wanted to stop and talk, but I had a delivery in Burlington that I was rushing to attend to. Now I really wish I made the time.
Pat was a classmate of mine and teammate on the track team at Lynn English. I watched his political career unfold and was happy for his success... and now particularly sorrowful at his untimely death.

Adirondack Chairs and Lobster

Contrary to your negative Peep thought processes, I did accomplish quite a bit this weekend, most of which I can't talk about until the summer is over, but I can tell you that the patterns for Katelyn's Adirondack chair were all traced from the plans and cut out in luan plywood.
I also cleaned and organized the garage somewhat, and the workbench may be getting some life soon.
Tommy O and I rebaited all of the lobster traps and caught 16 shorties in the process, which we lawfully returned to the sea. By Wed of this week, when I get back from Swan's Island, ME, we will pull the traps with the hope of getting six keepers or so. Then on Sat. the same thing, which will insure a great clambake next weekend. Stay tuned.
If you think that there is a lot that I'm not telling you, you are dead on. But discretion is the greater part of valor.
When the time is right, I will tell you how we dealt with all the bullshit, but now is not the time. For way too long, we have been waiting for the pendulum to swing back. Soon, it will begin it's karmic drift, drastically challenging those who felt that they were secure in their self serving precarious perches.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bonus Plan

A sunny Saturday morning. Mega bonus. Time for a plan.
Tommy O and I baited the lobster traps yesterday afternoon, and the boat is a mess. Plus there is some unprocessed bait that I have to take care of. High tide is around 3:00 PM. So I'm thinking of going out around noon, bringing the boat into Village Landing for a hose down, then heading out to Bluefish Alley behind Baker's Island for a troll or two.
That will get me back to the dock by 3:00 PM.... Time for a nap before we rev up the evening with Harvey and Lisa Rowe. We'll probably do a harbor tour with them.
So that leaves between now and 12:00 noon to start Kate's Adirondack Chair in the garage. I'll cut the patterns out of luan plywood and use these for final pattern routing of the chair parts.

Pisc said...

When was the first beer cracked/dark & stormy mixed? Peach of a day it was.

Patrick -
Many a beer and Dark and Stormy was encountered. Statistics are hazy.
- J.

Friday, July 10, 2009

POTW Week 27

Watching the politically correct lefty assholes on Good Morning America playing a video of President Barach Obama checking out a young French woman's ass. They played it three times to emphasize that he was really watching his step.

For God's sake!!!


The girl had a killer ass.


If I was President, I'd still look at asses. It's only human.


So don't say he was looking down to watch his step.... you manipulative thought police assholes. Which brings me to the task at hand.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 27th Week of 2009
Diane Sawyer
Julie Johnson
Paul Parocchi
Grady Butler
Denise Kearns
Lou Panakio
Now I have to get through one more day before we rock this weekend.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

You Go Sarah

To the pathetic Peep who emailed me asking if my fondness for Sarah Palin has waned since she has resigned the Governorship of Alaska, I have this response.
What are you freaking Crazy????
She's still sizzling hot isn't she????
Plus I love the way that she brought that sanctimonious "funnyman", David Letterman to his knees.
Whatever her reasons for resigning were, this much is true. She was brilliant in her timing.
All those lefty media types who are so threatened by her were too busy fawning over the untimely death of Michael Jackson. Even though she could never slip under the radar, nobody had the chance to tee off on her like they would on a slow news week.
We haven't seen the last of Sarah Palin. And that is all right by me.

Paul on the road to Damascus said...

Now its all about Barry, no more smug mocking - you wont have Palin to kick around anymore. The whole "economy we inherited" bit is starting to lose some resonance. Joe Plugs has been like a broken record with that.

And Medvedev and Barry seem really tight, but when the Russian version of Darth Vader appears (Putin) Barry decides its wise to lecture the real leader of Russia that his ideas are in the past. And that "stern" proclomation about the fledgling democracy in Georgia, that has the Georgians feeling real positive about the stand they took for popular governance at the beginning of this century. Wow, the moral authority, Russians historically respond well to that. Where have you gone, Dick Cheney? What do the Iranians think of the democracy (admittedly fledgling) that you established in Iraq, in light of their "democratically" elected officials murdering them in the streets. The Mullahs are to Achmadinijad as Putin is to Medvedev. Playing nice with the folks who can't make deals, why, that reminds me of the sales folk that would golf with the lowest level lackey in a customer's orgnaization, and claim progress. Its playing business.

For the moonbat reader, note that the G-8 countries told him to go shove his global warming talk - Gore can get a medal, but the Europeans, who invented racism and excess, ain't havin' it.

It will take time to have all this nonsense discredited, but it will happen. Thanks to Governor Palin for falling on the sword, and stepping away from a rigged game.

Your home mortgage is a good hedge against inflation. The dollars you pay down with will not be worth the dollars you borrowed in real terms - the banks get Josed.