Sunday, June 29, 2008

Secret to Success

"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."
~ Calvin Coolidge
"Man is made or unmade by himself. By the right choice he ascends. As a being of power, intelligence, and love, and the lord of his own thoughts, he holds the key to every situation."

"Right thinking begins with the words we say to ourselves."

~ James Allen

There you have it. Visualize the results that you want and think positive thoughts about your goals and yourself. And persist. You will create your own success.... per your own definition.
I will admit.... it's very hard to think positively. We are constantly bombarded with real or perceived slights, threats, and ill feelings. My technique for controlling negative thoughts is to realize that you are having them, accept them and forgive yourself for having them... then move on and try to think positively again. Not easy, but worth it.
The persistence part speaks for itself. When you have realized what you want, relentlessly pursue it. The hard part here is to realize what you want. Because what you want in not necessarily what you need.
So think good thoughts about what you want, for yourself and other people.... then persist in your goals.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saturday Blahs

I thought that getting up at 5:30AM and rowing through the Harbor looking for fish would be a good thing.
By 6:15 I was on the water, but there was a strong fog and a steady wind causing a two foot chop at the harbor mouth. Plus no fish.
Pretty good exercise though. By ten o'clock, I was done messing around, and by eleven, I was good for nothing on the couch without an ambitious bone in my body. Kate and Mike showed up, but they headed for the basement couches right away.
I really let this Saturday go by with little to show for it.

Friday, June 27, 2008


George Carlin died this week.
History will show that he was one of the purest thinkers of his generation.

Lean In

Lots of Leaning going on here.

Fine Revision

"It's time to start living the life you've imagined."
- Henry James

I pulled out of the tender rowing plan because of thunder, but tomorrow it will be break of Dawn... just me, the Tender and Stripers owning the Harbor.


I was wondering when Tuna Lips was going to make an appearance again and he came in a little close to over the top as usual. He seems to like it when I get a little agitated.
It's after 4 o'clock on Fri. and I'm going to wind it down at Nanepashemet Telecom after a very promising week. Things are looking up. We're closing out the first six months of the year in excellent shape, but it's not time to let up.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 15th week of 2008

Abby Bruett
Joanne Nestor (Automatic Lagavulin Rule)
Courtney Lynch
Dwight Jennings
Mike Rockett
Carol Andrade

Hope that your half year went well too. Now I think that I'll take the Tender out for a spin in Marblehead Harbor since the tide is right.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Nantucket Nitwit

I don't take vacations often, so you would think that they would be restful, stress free affairs. But that wasn't the case last year when I encountered Captain Dipshit administering XC ski permits in North Conway, and it wasn't the case in Nantucket either.
It started out as a nice day with Joanne and I doing some tourist trap shopping. I bought some great XXL T-shirts that said "NANTUCKET" on them. What a lucky find!!
By noon, all of the browsing had worn us down a bit, and we went into the Schooner on Easy St. for a light lunch.
We sat on a bench at the wall, and two tables down was a precocious 4 year old, with his loud and overly enunciating mother. Our tyke was wielding a pirate pistol and sword and in no time had disassembled the curtain behind us.
Naturally, Joanne and I were dispassionate and cool in our response to this annoyance.
Then the little guy lost his sword under the bench, which required waitstaff help to retrieve.
We were slightly peeved, but his obnoxious Mom didn't seem to mind.
Then, "Little Asshole", as I now started to mentally refer to him, walks down the bench to me pointing his toy pistol.
With restraint and reserve, I notioned that this was not cool to "LA". No response from Stupid Shit Mom, who was too busy doing anything but pay attention to Little Asshole...
Now this little Annoying Little Future Loser of America walks on the bench right up to me and points the pistol an inch from my head. It seemed to have one of those suction cup darts on it or something.
Naturally I kept my composure..... but I was hoping for a miracle that his father would appear, so I could pummel Dad's face to bloody mush until the police and ambulance arrived and carted him to the hospital and me away to a Nantucket lock up.
No luck with this fantasy coming true though.
So, turning to Little Asshole, I calming addressed Stupid Shit Mom saying, "Excuse me... Is this your SON???", figuring that she would take some responsive action.
LA retreated to the comforting arms of Stupid Shit, who said nothing... neither to Joanne and I nor to Little Asshole. Idiots beget idiots.
We continued eating our Buffalo Wings and Nachos as the Obnoxious Duo wisely decided to exit the Schooner.
I know that a lot of you are new parents or will be shortly.

A few words of caution/advise.
  • Nobody wants to hear you talking loudly to Little Precious so that you can demonstrate what a superior caregiver you are.
  • Keep the inappropriate stupid toys out of public places, and teach your cute little tyke to stay in his own seat.
  • Your kids are bound to act out of line from time to time, but that doesn't mean that you have to add to the problem by ignoring their behavior, or even acting like a role model for Idiots yourself.
  • Bring your husband next time so that I won't look like a bully reprimanding you for the utter lack of control that you have, and I can take out my frustration on somebody my own size.
Joanne and I brought up our three kids, and I can safely say that they never acted like the Little Asshole.

Tuna Lips said...

I find whippin' out my weiner an effecacious rejoinder in such situations. It frightens off most people around. Its a gila monster, my most excellent friend. You take that dog out the pound and folks are rightly lockin' thems gates shut. That's how I roll.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Heading down to Nantucket today for a bid walk on a Coast Guard site. I've never been there, so I'm taking Joanne and we're going to stay for a day or so.
I'll undoubtably post to the Blog while I'm there, so ease up on the anxiety and panic.
Don't I deserve a little R&R once in a whle????

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Now What???

If our primary purpose is to perpetuate the species, then I think my time is up.
Joanne and I have raised three great kids... they make good choices and we have one incredible grandchild to undoubtably be followed by numerous others.
A nice friend of mine just sent me pictures of her best friend's four beautiful girls, who have entered the workforce, are getting married, and are contributing to society. While I'm really happy and impressed by these beautiful people, it definitely causes a bit of insecurity.
We've done our job. My generation has passed the torch. Now what the heck are we supposed to do???? My fervent hope is that some of the grandkids will want to learn how to build cedar strip boats.
That will give me a good enough purpose I guess.

Saturday Challenge

High Tide in Marblehead Harbor is not until 2:00PM this afternoon.
I definitely want to get the Tender out for some serious rowing and fishing by that time, but before then, there are some errands that can't go amiss.
Pick up the lawn mower at Salem Rent All and cut the grass at Beverly Ave. and Sundance, make a bank deposit, pay some Nanepashemet bills, and pick up the stock for Joanne's corner cabinet at Moynihan Lumber in Beverly.
It's 8:45 AM. We'll see if I can get these done before High Tide.

Everything got done with the exception of some Nanepashemet vendor payments which I will get to tomorrow morning.
Got the usual oohs and ahhs about the Tender during my row in the Harbor. That's getting tiresome. Paul Lynch yelled across the water that he wanted me to build him one, but he'd have to handle a hell of a lot of zoning cases to pay for it.
I have to admit that I do enjoy the banter that the Tender elicits from people. Somebody even took a picture of me today, and I'm not sure of the proper technique for sucking in my gut while rowing, without potentially hurting myself.
The truth is that the Tender cuts a nice figure in the harbor and I don't want to respond falsely modest when I am genuinely proud of the way that the Tender looks. When they ask if I built it, I just say yes, but if they ask if it was a kit, that tends to piss me off a little.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Pregnancy Pact

So the City of Gloucester has really hit the big time with this cult of pregnant girls. It's too bad because Gloucester deserves better. It's a hard working, blue collar town with a character that befits it's windswept, wave pounded location on Cape Ann.
Somehow, there was a cultural breakdown that allowed having babies to be a teen fad. Bringing up kids was the toughest thing that I have had to encounter in my 50 odd years of existence. For somebody to reduce it to a high school "go with the crowd" thing is a serious breach of judgement, and these kids will be paying for this lapse for a long time.
Ultimately, it is their own fault, but I wonder what type of influences they had to enable this type of behavior. I'm not blaming the parents or the schools, but it's obvious that someone was asleep on their watch.


Joanne bought me a bottle of Lagavulin to celebrate our recent business success.
That makes her an automatic.