Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Marketing Strategy

We have a meeting with one of our largest customers today, and will be bringing a liberal amount of Nanepashemet coffee mugs to give out.
The marketing strategy is that a mug that costs about $2.50 will stimulate recognition of our company, which will result in millions of dollars in sales. It's like buying lunch for someone, but the lunch has your logo on it and never leaves the customer's desk. And, it doesn't spoil.
Plus people like getting free stuff, as long as it's good quality. They love T-shirts, golf shirts and mugs. The beauty of the mugs is that one size fits all. Some people won't wear a baseball cap, but sooner or later everyone drinks from a mug.
So we have these mugs with our killer logo on them.
Can't wait for the strategy to kick in.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Carrot Cake

Wouldn't you think that the Peeps would let me grieve in peace over the Patriots loss??? But no, I've been tortured by a bevy of emails from unfeeling, heartless Peeps who can't help but ask, "How did the carrot cake come out?"
How do you think it came out???
With a pound of carrots and real cream cheese frosting, it was freaking unreal.
I never made a cake from scratch before, but it was really easy with the food processor and the fourth slice was as good as the first. This could be a permanent part of the Nanepashemet Diet. Right up there with the accompanying Dark and Stormies.

Sports Movie

Patriots lost. Nobody's perfect.
Angels were on the shoulders of the Giants in the last two minutes of the game, and they deserved the victory by the way they played. Manning's pass to Tyree was out of sports fiction. It would not have withstood credibility as a sports movie.
But it happened for real.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Sensational Superbowl Sunday

It's Superbowl Sunday!
Patriots try for a perfect season. In reality, it's not perfect. If it was, every play would lead to a touchdown and the opponents would never have scored. So this "perfection" description is a misnomer.
However, to compensate for this inaccuracy, Joanne and I are planning the perfect Superbowl get together for the Peeps in the Hood, Tommy O and Linda O'Shea, and Jim Bob and Kathy Peabody. Nobody else is formally invited, including Kathy's cousin with the tight pants, and Jim Bob's idiot Little League friends.
If you want to drop by, we won't ask you to leave though.... especially if you bring your pal, Sam Adams.
Should be a gastronomic extravaganza!!!!
Tommy is bringing his chili, which he always emphasizes has "no beans". I don't know why he is so proud of that fact. I like beans. A lot.
Kathy is making Fajitas. She must have been getting friendly with the Mexican who lives across the street from her and Jim Bob. I thought she was still feuding because of slapshots that her son, Andrew always shoots against the Mexican's retaining wall. You wouldn't think that the Mexican would care. After all, Andrew is a goalie and doesn't seem to have a lot of steam on the puck.
At any rate, Kathy, who was brought up as an East Boston Italian, is bringing Mexican over. Go figure.
I have a good supply of Barrett's Ginger Beer and enough Black Seal Rum to keep the Dark and Stormies flowing until half time.
I'm also heading to the deck and the turkey fryer to get a batch of Buffalo wings going. I'll take advantage of the hot oil to deep fry some bread dough afterwards, for the White Trash Balls that have become a cult favorite.
I was thinking of trying to bake a carrot cake for dessert. Course, if the Patriots lose, that could get messy.
I truly hope that the Patriots beat the Giants though. It would be nice to tell the grandkids what it was like to watch the Patriots cap a "perfect" season.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Cutesy Time

It's a sunny Saturday morning, heading for the mid forty degree range. Joanne is in her glory because little Will Nestor, the cutest grandkid in the world, spent the night, and she is playing on the floor with him.
He certainly is cute. We'll have to get him rough, tough and hard to bluff in the coming months and years. There's time.
Plus, he'll undoubtably want to build boats in the garage with his Grampy.
But enough of this cutesy bullshit. Sometimes I forget that this Blog is all serious business.

Tuna Lips said...

Yer darn tootin' this here is a serious forum. Iffin' I dine to opinionate here, its reachin' corners of the world wide web you did not know where there. I speak truth to power, if there wa one greater than minefew as there are comparin to mine.

I will be votin' for Willard Mitt Romney, in case anyone is interested. I likes them polygamizers.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Work WrapUp

I'm semi-all caught up at Nanepashemet Telecom. No big pushes or priorities this weekend. Plus I bought 72 killer mugs from www.discountmugs.com with our logo printed on them to give out to customers. Next week should be fun.

Pump the Purell

So many of you have asked me recently, "J.... How do you keep yourself so vigorous and healthy?" It's a worthy question...deserving of a thoughtful answer.
It's true that I avoid the common cold much more than the rest of you mucus-laden, rhinovirus-carrying wheeze bags.
My secret is to keep a good Purell anti-bacterial instant hand sanitizer close by at all times.... in my house, office and truck.
Any time I handle coins or change... pump the Purell.
Any time I pump gas... pump the Purell.
Anytime I scratch myself in private territory... pump the Purell.
Any time I shake hands... pump the Purell as soon as you can.
Also, I also never miss a chance to take a mouthful of Listerine and swish it around.
So that's how I stay sniffle free. I may seem like a dirty old man, but in reality, I'm as germ free as possible without being weird about it.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Super Bowl Chicken

So MegaPeep, Brian Butler, wants to know how I make my chicken wings as the Super Bowl looms near. Normally, I'd just blow him off, but he's married to the Fabulous Stacey, so I can't turn a deaf ear.
Good Chicken wings begin with good chicken. I don't care if it's from that hick at Springer Mountain Farms or the Perdue heir, the wings should look plumb and pink to yellow. They should look like they were flapping on their own a short time ago.
I get mine from Costco, but that's because I like the way they sell in bulk, but portion well in plastic for freezing. I personally can't stand that Springer Mountain Farms idiot.
Sharpen your cleaver and chop the wings, discarding the tips. I don't see why they even sell the tips... who the hell ever eats them, and what is there to eat????
Fill a large kettle half full of oil - peanut oil is best - and heat to about 400 degrees. Don't worry about the cost of the oil. Life is too short. I use a thermometer to test the oil. You want the wings to be in the oil for 12 minutes at 350 degrees, and they will immediately drop the temp down from 400 when they enter.
Dip the wings in an egg and milk mixture then place in a bowl filled with flour, garlic powder, Italian bread crumbs, parsley, and anything else that you think might make your toes curl. Sometimes I throw in some crushed red pepper. Use your imagination.
Coat the wings with your flour concoction.
Now with your wings coated and your oil hot, gingerly place some wings on a large serving spoon and place in the hot oil. It will make a big, loud and crackly disruption, but don't pussy out. You've gone too far to turn back now.
Add enough chicken to fill the oil, but don't overfill, because the chicken must have enough room to float around freely in the hot oil. Set your timer for 12 minutes. Stir the chicken every once in a while.... just because it's fun to screw around with the hot oil.
After 12 minutes, take the chicken out with the serving spoon and place in a large mixing bowl. Repeat the process with the remaining chicken.
With the chicken in the mixing bowl, take a large bottle of Frank's Red Hot Sauce and dredge liberally.
Place the chicken in a serving dish with a bowl of blue cheese dressing and another bowl for bones.
Have plenty of paper towels. Tell anyone who asks for the recipe to send $19.95 to Nanepashemet Recipes, 32 Beverly Ave., Marblehead, MA 01945.

Tuna Lips said...

Sounds cluckaliscious, Colonel Sanders. I am gonna whip up some of my "Angry Catfish Balls" and "Arby's Beef Curtains", mix up a jug o' Kool Aid, and roll out the welcome wagon! Its party time at Casa Tuna!

POTW - Week 5

Even a mountain of a man like myself can get tired.... a little fatigued.... a little short of gas from time to time. Especially when there are so many responsibilities and obligations. Like tending to you pathetic Peeps, or bringing Nanepashemet Telecom to the promised land, or worrying about the next move by the insidious Wojcik.
There is just so much pressure that you can stand, before your cellular structure gets bogged down in lactic acid, and you look to the couch for solace and sustenance.
But I know that it's Thursday, and I don't want you Peeps to wail in insecure lamentations about the Peep of the Week Selections. At times like this, you just have to ask yourself, "What would Tuna Lips do???"
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 5 of 2008

Inspector Joe Mountain of the Gloucester Fire Department
Brian Butler
Tom McMahon
Sue Dunleavy
Lauren Crawford
Maddie Gill

A couple of Dark and Stormies helps to shake out the cobwebs.

Site Office

I'm sitting here in one of my site offices away from Nanepashemet corporate headquarters, Panera Bread. This one happens to be in Beverly, MA, but it doesn't matter. Whenever I find one, I'm in touch with the Peeps because this company has ingeniously offered free connectivity to the Web with no strings attached.


When you order a coffee, they give you a mug, and you can fill it all day. It's like being in my office, but with a lot of people that I don't necessarily know all milling around.


With the price of gas, these cafes allow me to get into the field, and establish complete contact with all of my business processes. It they had a little room with a printer, it would be perfect. As it is, all I have to do is save to CD or Flash stick, and head for a copy shop like Staples or something.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Patriot Lessons

Tom Brady is the real deal.
In the midst of the Superbowl hoopla in Arizona, he has been pummeled with all kinds of stupid questions by idiots with press credentials.
Yesterday, someone asked him what he thought the "meaning of life was".
In a perfect display of grace and poise, he answered "I throw footballs.... we're not out here curing cancer or anything." Then he went on to say that the stature that football gives him and his teammates might enable them to do something worthwhile for humanity off of the field.
I think that his football work is much more worthy than he evaluates. By demonstrating a very visible professional demeanor, he gives valuable life lessons that his fans can emulate in almost any endeavor.
Staying in the Moment
Losing the Ego
Crediting the Team Role
These are lessons that Brady and his team impart directly in the way that they play football. It's not curing cancer, but it's damn worthwhile.
Plus Brady Dates Hot Chicks.

Tuna Lips said...

Therein lies his weakness, the dating part. Love 'Em and Leave 'Em is what ole TL does. Shoot, if he is anything like me, that boy would be gettin' more ass than a toilet seat. Not just one piece of pouty model pooh nanny. Don't get caught up in some sort of "who I'm supposed to be" dialectics, son. Just throw footballs and humps the honeys, Tommy Boy, its best to do yer thinkin with a cooz thats got a daddy complex ridin' like Mustang Sally. Shucks, line 'em right up, I got a lot of love to give!

McMahon said...

Hey J.

Don't forget that tomorrow is Peep of the week day. Can't have any more slackin out of you.

Monday, January 28, 2008

State of the Union

Watching President Bush address the Congress is a scary thing. Grown men and women, sitting in their party chairs in a ritualized display of approval and distain. At the same time, either clapping wildly or sitting glumfaced, based upon the political leanings of the President's remarks.
We get older, but we really never abandon the behavior that we had in the schoolyard during recess. We just disguise it with different rituals.
When I was younger, I used to think that there was a type of order and that the best example of this was in our governmental system. Now, as I have grown older, increasingly it seems that our civilized society is a big free-for-all, with the rules made up as we go along.