This year is no different. Fending customer expectations and trying to get subs to take on challenging amounts of work.
The Stress and Strain Game. Pressure that a lesser man would surely find daunting. And yet I carry on. If I only was eligible for POTW, this type of inspiration would be a no-brainer.
Tuna Lips said...
Speaking of strain, I need to introduce some fiber to my diet. I popped a blood vessel "heavin' a havana" last night, plugged up the Route 135 rest stop outhouse but good.
Seems the local area boys choir gave a concert last night, al fresco, takin' to the woods about the rest area, singin' what musta been Christmas carols, what with all the howlin' and gleefulness. Gave me a special feelin'. And the local police provided the twinkle lights, with their strobes of blue and red flashin' and they search lights flashin' across the tree line. Real community spirit.