Wednesday, December 12, 2007

50% Rule

So I was at a customer's office the other day, and someone said that they ran into a party that didn't like me.
When I found out the name of said party, I was relieved and somewhat amused.
Because said dipshit party is an asshole that I frankly can't stand.
Which brings me to the point of this post. If everyone thinks that you are a great person, then you have a problem. Because there are jerks and idiots in this world, and you don't want these morons to think you are cool.
I'm pretty happy if 50% of my acquaintances like me, and 50% are offended, or better yet, intimidated. Then I know that the good guys are my friends and the assholes are my enemies.
There is a certain harmony and balance in this.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Joshing and Bending

So I missed a post yesterday.
Deal with it!!
Didn't I tell you that I couldn't go to watch the Pats at the Gerry on Sunday because of the week ahead???
Did you think that I was just joshing you? Did you think I was bending the truth?
Peeps... I'm only human. Just not the Mountain of a Man that all of you seem to expect sometimes. I have my weaknesses too.... just like you. Well, maybe not as bad as yours, but still freaking significant.
I did finish that job on the mountain in Claremont, NH today. It was the first time that I had to use a snowmobile at work. Never thought I'd see that day. Tomorrow I'll be in Providence and other cool Rhode Island locations.

BTW. "Always" and "Never" are adverbs that "always" guarantees arguments, and "never" resolves issues.

Tuna Lips said...

A bit full of yourself, big boss man. Nary a word of guidance for this sheppard-less flock. My mammy said pride goeth before youse fall, most often when she stumbled to her knees, having dosed down all that cough syrup to clear up her cold. She got colds all year round. Poor of health, my ma. But strong of wits, as can be seen in her wise sayings and, frankly, her progedy. That being me, and Shoo Fly, but no so much Shoo Fly.

11:04 AM

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Gerry Blow Off

I had planned to go up to the Gerry to watch the Pats, but thought the better of it. With cheap beers and lots of big spenders, the Gerry is impossible to leave without a decent buzz. Especially if the Patriots are playing.
And with the Nanepashemet Telecom week that I am anticipating, I can't risk waking up tomorrow with a heavy head.
So I'm sorry if I wrecked the Patriots-Steelers game for some of my favorite Peeps by not showing up. They'll get over it.
BTW, the Pats returned to their dominate style of play... which I had thought was gone after the last two games.

Piscabo said...

The blogging community laments your attention being diverted from idle chatter of birds and boats, but applauds your recent success and abiding resolve. Had to throw a fifty cent word in if I am going to post.

12:27 PM

Tuna Lips said...

Victory is mine! In case you wuz wonderin'. I remain superior to all y'all.

2:42 PM

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Gill Bash

Just came back from a very nice holiday party at Tyler and Liz Gill's house. Notables attending were Maggie Sides, her sister Sandy Greenlaw (not surprizing because she is also Liz's mother) and Greg and Nancy Bruett. Dave came also.
Little Maddie was in intensely cute form, and it was her Grandmother's birthday. Parker Sides and his new girlfriend were there. I forget her name, but I remember what she looked like. Very Attractive. Way to go Parky.
Many Harpoons were consumed in moderation.
Joanne couldn't go because she was babysitting Will, who was uncharacteristically fussy.
A very festive get together.

Successful Striving

That telecom deal that I was semi-telling you about kicked in last week. It's a bit different than what we were anticipating, but less may be more in the long run.
It means that the holiday season will be alot more stressful than usual, because I won't have too much idle time.
It's funny.... the let down that you get when you have achieved something that you have been striving for. When I was a business director at General Dynamics, the sales people always wanted to have a celebration when we won a big job. But the project managers were always soberly assessing the work effort ahead. I always tended to side with the PMs, even though the sales staff were legitimate in feeling good and resolved about the win. Their work was done.
I'm psyched though. This is the breakthrough that we have been looking for. We have a chance to go head to head with our competitors and show the customers how this business can be done.
The rubber is hitting the road. Should be a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Felice Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo

Friday, December 07, 2007

If you haven't already looked into it, you've got to get Skype.
It's a VoIP program that lets you place calls from your computer - free from skype to skype accounts and 2 cents per minutes otherwise.
I needed to do something because my cell phone minutes are getting chewed up early in the month, and the bills are atrocious.
Now the calls I make when I'm sitting in front of my computer (which in my dynamic, all-business lifestyle is a wicked lot) are not draining on my cell phone account. Plus you can set up an avatar or have video calls as well as instant messaging.
It should appeal to your inner geek.
BTW, my Skype account name is "nestor.npmi" for you peeps who are already cool enough to have your own account.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

POTW - Week 49

It's hard to believe that this year is coming to an end. Soon we'll be contemplating a momentous decision.... the Nanepashemet Peep of the Year. I see where Brett Favre, Quarterback of the Green Bay Packers, made it as SI Sportsman of the Year, which has recently lost its lustre to the coveted Nanepashemet designation.
Sorry to tarnish your accomplishment, Brett. It still is pretty impressive.
But you have to admit, it isn't Peep of the Year.
One of you deviant/over-achievers, pervert/role-models will walk away with the ultimate distinction/humiliation in a few short weeks. Yes it could be you.... so get your affairs together before it is too late.
Look what happened to Tommy McMahon, the defending 2006 POTY. His life has been a living hell this year.

Nanepashemet Peep of the Week for Week 49 of the year 2007
  • Dr. Danny Levy
  • Dave Bruett
  • Mike McLellan
  • Sarah Maxfield
  • Lauren Rathbone
  • Patrick Piscatelli
I'm not sure that I'm man enough, or strong enough, or sober enough to ultimately handle this year end duty.

Tuna Lips said...

Belated birthday salutation, there, Big Cheese. I wish you a good year, may many a bird alight on yer feeder and leave they droppins' on the vehickles of your enemies.

Speakin' of enemies, lest you pinkos forget, some 66 years past since the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor was launched by those devilish Jap imps. Sunday morning, too, when proper sorts was attending services. The horror. Never forget, the peaceful Sunday silence broken by the bombs those rice-eating slopes dropped on us unsuspecting like. I weren't there, but I can tells you such a thing is just bad. Like finding a cockroach in yer gumbo or your date has a penis. But we press on, and heed the call to defend our way of life, of affordable footware made by children who need jobs and would be up watching TV all night anyhow, of news ladies with really great tits and the camera crews with sense enough to make that the lead story, of discount cigarettes and sloppy joes, gorcery shopping at the cumby's where you can top off yer tank, pitching shoes and peeing in public, the sweet symphony of domestic negotiations and snarling rottys in the trailer yard, wide open spaces to dump our Arby's wrappers and the like. The list goes on. I'll close here with this thought. I have seen this great land from sea to shining sea. You wear a clean shirt and drawers, you can git somewheres.

9:14 AM

Anonymous said...

I have "Peep of the year" on my resume. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason I got my job. I think they now regret their decision.


9:39 AM

Pleasant Birthday

Joanne and I both went to Dr. Levy's office for some dental work... she for a cleaning and me to have my bridge repaired. I told him about the crisis and the Ryan-Courtney party, and how close he was to a massive lawsuit.

Turns out that he doesn't scare easily, and the novocaine shots were a bit more painful than usual.
Then we went to Cafe Italia in Marblehead to celebrate my birthday. Italian food with a numb face. Not a pretty picture.
But I had a happy birthday anyway, because all of my kids contacted me as well as the Florida relatives. All without incident or provocations.

Warm Thoughts

What is it about the Winter that makes you think of the Summer???
We actually saw a Humpback breach like this a summer or two ago out on Stellwagen Bank.
And the Blues Brothers added another around that time.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Kung Fu movies are great entertainment. But if you took them literally, the Chinese would have all of the high jump records for the next millenium, the way they leap over buildings and stuff. They make an eight foot vertical leap look like a hurdle.
That reminds me.... I have a recurring dream that I can dunk a basketball.
Tomorrow I turn 55. My kids are all grown up. My friends are all looking older.
I have a grandson. What the hell is going on??? How the hell did this happen????

Workout at Work

I got my aerobic workout in a work today - hiking up a 2+ mile trail to the cell site in Claremont, NH through 8 " of snow. Unfortunately, I worked up a pretty good sweat and the temperature at the top of the hill had to be around 10 degrees. Made the work rather uncomfortable. especially since the engineers at the other end of the cell phone connection had no clue what was going on.
It has to be healthy working up a sweat doing work. Sadly, we of the 21st century, sitting in front of our computer screens, are losing this health benefit.

First Blast of Winter

Nice and Cold this morning. Winter has definitely kicked in for New England.
I'm headed to a hilltop cell site in Claremont, NH today. Our subcontractors said that we would need a snowmobile to get up there. Looks like I'll have to break out the ski cap and gloves. Should be a real test for winter clothing.
Actually, I love the cold weather in December.... but hate it in March.

Tuna Lips said...

I woked up to hoar frost on my window and my scrotum all retracted like the shell of a terrapin. Sure sign winter has come, my nut sac starts manifestin' that type of behavior.

I told the washer girl that lives in the double-wide two doors down to give my bed dressings a good boil and to light a candle in the room, clear out that livestock stench. Shucks, I get so busy I can't keep the place put together for proper company. Good thing I can see fit to outsource things outside of my core competencies.

Got me a date with the new gal down in receiving, Brenda Pudding, that's right, pudding, like the savory treat. She is on work release, and has a weakness for men with all their limbs and a full likker cabinet. Plans, big plans. I needs to get some salted nuts, pickled eggs, let's see, a tub of oleo, and some sterno burners, in case she wants to take it to the next level. Always prepared, don't need no merit badge when you are a bona fide winner such as myself.

10:14 AM