Monday, July 09, 2007

Gaining Momemtum

Nanepashemet Telecom came up big today. Lots of stuff looking strong and an invite to the West Coast for some significant business. If this continues, we'll be in the market for a good financial planner.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Setting a Course

Now that the Tender is substantially done, with the exception of the sailing rig, I've been thinking of the next project for Nanepashemet Boatbuilding.
I've decided that it will be the Marblehead Gunning Dory, but the planking will be cedar strip planking with the chines substantially rounded. It will be long enough and equipped to allow two Piandetosi Rowing Rigs, and will also have a motor well for an outboard motor of less than 10hp.
I'll also include a centerboard, rudder and sailing rig that will incorporate the two sails that I have for the Tender and the Pram.
I will document the construction process in words and photographs sufficiently to convert into a book, which will be used to fund my early retirement. (I wish!!) A central focus of the book will be to point out all of the events and circumstances that cause delays in the project, such as business and personal obligations.
A bunch of stuff has to occur before I can launch this project. I have to finish the deck railing first, then complete the basement cabinet demolition and tiling. I've committed to Mike to finish the basement by next Thanksgiving. Finally, the garage has to fully overhauled and organized - not an easy proposition.
I'm guessing that the project starts in October. We'll run the whole thing through Microsoft Project, and try to use my professional PMP training, but that could get embarrassing.

July Turkey

Today turned out a little better than expected. I didn't have to go to the airport with Mike after confirming his flight on United's obnoxious system, so I used the time to construct the mast support and glue it to the Tender.
I left a small amount of epoxy untended while I lined the glue area with masking tape, and it set up in the cup in that short time. The cup was actually too hot to touch as the chemical reaction occurred. Epoxy is weird stuff.
Then Joanne and I went over to Tommy and Linda O'Shea's new pool across the street. It is really nice and Tommy has the filtering system going so that the water is crystal clear. But it turned cool and rained after an hour or so.
Joanne cooked a turkey for dinner. Not quite sure why, but she was bound and determined to have turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and corn on the cob, and I just wasn't in the questioning mood. Naturally, it was outstanding. The girl can cook.
After dinner, I took a quick doze, then rallied by 6:30 PM to get the Tender towed down to Marblehead Harbor for a row.
Tomorrow, it's all business.

Bush's Popularity

I'm sick and tired of hearing about popularity polls. Harry Truman had the worst and now he is revered as one of our best Presidents.
It is irritating to see the Democrats on the Sunday morning press shows railing against the pardon of Scooter Libby, since their morally challenged role model, Bill Clinton, pardoned 144 scumbags before closing out his controversial term.
"Judge ye Not, Lest ye be Judged." - God

Time for the Dentist

I'll be looking for an appointment soon with my Dentist, Danny Levy in Peabody since I chipped a molar while eating mussels with Joanne, Brown and Elsier yesterday afternoon.
Just when you think you have everything under control, you chip a tooth!! I guess you should never hope for a completely smooth ride.

Closing out the Week

Mike heads to the airport early this afternoon for the trip back to DC. I tried to use my frequent flyer miles for his flight, but they couldn't find a flight, or had him going to Chicago first. What a scam!!
You can have the remaining 123,000 miles United. I wouldn't talk to one of your Indian call centers in Calcutta again for any amount of money.
I finally had to pay for his flight on my credit card , but now United Airlines is requiring the "cardholder" to go to the ticketing. Such crap!! Hate is a strong word. I only use it when referring to the United Airlines reservation system.
We'll miss Mikey around the house again. He's easy to be around, and has grown in intellect and judgment since he left for Washington. He's due back in August.
High tide is around 6:00 PM. I'm going to put the Tender through the paces in Marblehead Harbor and kiss this 4th of July goodbye. Some good times, but way too much drama.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Whales and Cubans

I was never much for tobacco. I can't stand the smell of cigarettes and a fine Cuban cigar is a waste to give to me because I just don't enjoy it.
But that doesn't stop me from realizing the satisfaction that it brings to fine Peeps like Mike Elsier.
Our fishing trip to Stellwagen also included some great Minke Whale sightings, a twelve pack of Guinness, some Bud Lights, and three large Italian Subs with oil and hots from the Little Store.
No fish, but a highly successful excursion.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Tender Adjustments

I made some adjustments to the Tender today, in order for the Piandetosi Rowing Rig to work property. I basically screwed some mahogany onto the rig, then affixed the mahogany boards to the cedar benches with aluminum bolts and wing nuts, which will allow the rig to be easily removed when I finally get around to setting the Tender up to sail.
I also permanently screwed the back seat to the transom to alleviate all of the movement during towing.
The rowing rig worked great. If I was in the right physical shape, I could easily maintain five knots or better through Marblehead Harbor. Ran into Gill, Crawford, and Kevin Rockett. They invited me to raft at the Patriot for a beer, but better judgement prevailed and I made it back to Riverhead Beach just before the Tide was leaving the ramp area.


Just in case you didn't know it, nothing satisfies Joanne and I more than cheeseburgers. I know I'm wide open on this, and there's no shortage of witty comebacks among the Peeps, so have at it. But the truth must be told.
Cheeseburgers are central to life on Earth as we know it.
Here's how I make mine.....
Fire up the grill. Get it as hot as possible.
While the grill is heating, take a pound of hamburger and place it in a mixing bowl.
Sterilize your hands with Purell, then thoroughly wash them. I mean real clean. I don't know where the hell those hands have been. Even my own.
Put some Parmesan grated cheese, parsley, Italian bread crumbs and soy sauce onto the meat in the mixing bowl. Mix thoroughly with your hands, then form four burgers. (Hence the clean hands requirement).
Place the Burgers on the hot grill and leave them alone for four minutes. Turn them once and grill again for four minutes. For God Sakes... don't pat them with the spatula or anything. Just leave the freaking burgers alone on the grill.
Then turn them one more time and put slices of your favorite cheese on. We like cheddar, but it really doesn't matter.
Get some fresh, soft, hamburger rolls, open them up and place mayonaise and ketchup on both sides. Lay down a leaf of lettuce, place the burger, top on the cheese side with a slice of onion and tomato. Carefully place the top of the roll on the burger and press down to compact.
When you eat it, don't make groaning noices and stuff. Everybody else knows how good it is, so keep the pleasureable sounds to yourself.

Lucky Mike

Mike and I were going to take the morning off and demolish the countertops in the basement, but a large pricing negotiation has loomed forth for Nanepashemet Telecom, and I have to stay focused on that. Lucky Mike dodged a bullet.
He will feign disappointment, and I will accept his ruse.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

POTW Week 27 - Special Selections

Although there was a ton of annoyance this week, I'm naturally taking the high road. As you know, it's not easy being morally superior, and intellectually better. I like to think that I carry it off well. Loud and Obnoxious in public has it's lovable side... don't you think?
This has been a unique week. The extraordinary irritation requires extraordinary selection. For this reason, I'm breaking with the pattern and adding more names than customary.
Just so you know..... all of the Peeps this week are inspirational. To throw in the annoying ones would have been way too easy.

Announcing ... A Special Peeps of the Week Selection for Week 27 of 2007....

Peeps who are not idle business acquaintances
  • Mike Rockett
  • Amy Mann
  • Joe Collins
  • Kathy Rowe
  • Bobby Brown
  • Mike Elsier
Peeps Who have Stood Up Big
  • Peter Crawford
  • Will Crawford
  • Laren Crawford
  • Sarah Crawford
  • Christopher Crawford
  • Liz Gill
  • Tyler Gill
Peeps Who Have Shown the Real Stuff
  • Joanne Nestor
  • Mike Nestor
  • Katelyn Nestor
BTW. They will get invited to the next one, whenever that occurs. We've been assured of that.

Kali Mar - Shact te De
You can be free from being totally embarrassed.
Look for blame elsewhere and avoid mirrors.