Friday, June 01, 2007


Now one of my steadiest, most reliable peeps, Stevie Lewis, wants me to bend the rules to make his new dog a POTW.
What audacity!! Totally out of the question!!
Plus, I can't imagine how Steve's nostrils taste. Even if animals were eligible, I'd be reluctant in view of this Pup's "bad taste".
Now.... Jill still has a shot for next week.

Wrongful Supposition

So Tommy McMahon thinks that everytime he chases an idiot off the field at Fenway Park, he should be a Peep of the Week!!!
Not even close.
How many times do I have to tell you???
The only automatic lock on a POTW slot is to get me a bottle of Lagavulin, 16 yr., Single Malt Scotch.
BTW, I'm running really low.

POTW Week 22

I have no excuse for the tardiness of the Peep of the Week selections today.
Maybe it was the full Moon.
Maybe the project management business is pre-occupying.
Maybe the Tender obsession has gotten out of hand.
Maybe I'm just a bad person.
But I'm human.... like the rest of you... and I make mistakes.
So KMA! Here they are....
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 22nd week of 2007

Katelyn Nestor
Nathaniel Philbrick
Mark Ferrante
Kelly Clarke
Diane Sawyer
Mark Ryan

Now get off of your high horse and don't squander your obligation to make this world a little bit better today.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Eating Their Own

I just finished reading another book by Nathaniel Philbrick, "In the Heart of the Sea" - the tragedy of the Whaleship Essex. I enjoyed this as much as "Mayflower".
Philbrick is a talented writer, and his historical narrative is an entertaining read. The Essex shipped out of Nantucket and was rammed and sunk by an eighty foot sperm whale, 3000 miles from the South American coast in the South Pacific.
The survivors resorted to cannibalism, as they traversed the Pacific in open 25' whaleboats for the next ninety days. Herman Melville loosely used the incident for his depiction of "Moby Dick", although the focus of this story is what happened after the ship sank. The Essex was scuttled in ten minutes.
Although I've seen companies resort to eating their own in the past few years, the tribulations on that Whaleship were the real thing.

Manhandling by McMahon

Apparently, Tom McMahon, POTY, is making a career out of tackling the hapless nitwits who jump onto Fenway Park during a game.
Tom, the guy is just trying to have a little fun. It's not like he's Al Queda or even Taliban.
Why can't you just live and let live???

Smart Lady

I begin to think, that a calm is not desirable in any situation in life....Man was made for action and for bustle too, I believe.
Abigail Adams, letter to her sister, Mary Smith Cranch, 1784
US wife of John Adams 1764 (1744 - 1818)
Abigail would have had an awesome blog.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Waiting for WhaleEye

So I go over to Ryan Marine to check on the WhaleEye. Sure enough, the propeller shaft is bent with the propeller badly dinged. The parts have been ordered. What was worse was that Chris and Peter Crawford were over there getting their boat launched before mine.
I had just left Ryan's Tuna Armory, where he has amassed enough fishing supplies to declare war on any hapless fish that dares to be in the same vicinity of the WhaleEye. He has some great lures, squid sets and a killer harpoon system. If I were a tuna, I'd be waving the white flag and seeking terms of armistice.
It will be an interesting fishing season. We sure as hell don't have any excuses. All we need is the damn boat.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tender Homestretch

So Close.

I'm not going to start varnishing until the masts are done though.

Then we'll see if this floats

Monday, May 28, 2007

Lobster Rolls

Joanne went to Marblehead Lobster yesterday and bought seven live 1 1/2 pounders for the dinner we had with all of the kids.
I didn't have one, because I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance, but the next day, I took a leftover one from the refridgerator, shucked it, and made two of the best lobster rolls ever consumed on a Memorial Day.
After removing all of the meat from the shells, I cut the lobster into bite size pieces and mixed it with Real Hellman's Mayonaise. adding a little salt and pepper.
The Lobster was over-stuffed into two Nissen Hot Dog rolls, then wolfed down by me. I broke out some Jameson's Irish Whiskey on the rocks for the occasion. A most memorable meal.
It's three hours later and I'm still satisfied.

Violation of Quiet Enjoyment

"Jump Down, Turn Around, Pick a Bale of Cotton.
Jump Down, Turn Around Pick a Bale of Hay.
Jump Down Turn Around, Pick a Bale of Cotton.
Jump Down, Turn Around Pick a Bale of Hay.
Oh Lord, Pick a Bale of Cotton.
Oh Lord, Pick a Bale of Hay.

Oh Lord, Pick a Bale of Cotton.
Oh Lord, Pick a Bale of Hay."
Tommy O' Shea, Linda, Joanne and I apparently pissed off some neighbors by our late night adaptation of this song as performed by Steve Martin and Cast in one of my favorite films, "The Jerk".
I thought we were pretty good.

Memorial Day Reading

I remember that Memorial Day mean't going to Union Street in Lynn to watch the parade. The highlight was always when the Scottish Bagpipers marched by.
Haven't done that for awhile.
I'm reading a book called "Mayflower" by Nathaniel Philbrick. The Pilgrims were a pretty brutal lot. There is something about that primeval time that is very attractive. It's interesting how the mix of philosophy, economics and techology converged in a mix of races and cultures. It almost seems like people are exactly the same as now, but the environment and technology dictated the cadence of life.
Once again, it is the Native American Indian culture that holds the greatest fascination for me. Although, Philbrick doesn't mention the great sachem, Nanepashemet. He is more concerned with Massasoit and his son, Metacomet, or "King Philip" as he is widely known.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Herreshoff Columbia Launch Punchlist.

Today, he interior was sanded and a final epoxy coating was applied. Even though the boat looks finished and ready to launch, there is still a ton of work to do....
1 Day
  • Oar Blocks attached and fitted
  • Centerboard attached to case
  • Rudder hardware attached to the transom
  • Rudder attached to the Tiller
1 Day
  • Mast constructed and shaped
  • Mast fitted into first seat
4 Days
  • 1st coat of marine varnish sprayed
  • Seating attached to hull
  • 2nd coat of marine varnish sprayed
  • 3rd coat of marine varnish sprayed
  • Hull turned over and sanded with 220 grit
  • Exterior coat of Marine varnish sprayed
  • Final coat of marine varnish sprayed interior and exterior
2 Days
  • Sail Stitched together
  • Rigging applied to mast and sail
That's eight work days before the Herreshoff Columbia Yacht Tender touches the salt in Marblehead Harbor. It won't be easy to squeeze these work days in before the 4th of July, but that is the goal.