Monday, May 28, 2007

Lobster Rolls

Joanne went to Marblehead Lobster yesterday and bought seven live 1 1/2 pounders for the dinner we had with all of the kids.
I didn't have one, because I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance, but the next day, I took a leftover one from the refridgerator, shucked it, and made two of the best lobster rolls ever consumed on a Memorial Day.
After removing all of the meat from the shells, I cut the lobster into bite size pieces and mixed it with Real Hellman's Mayonaise. adding a little salt and pepper.
The Lobster was over-stuffed into two Nissen Hot Dog rolls, then wolfed down by me. I broke out some Jameson's Irish Whiskey on the rocks for the occasion. A most memorable meal.
It's three hours later and I'm still satisfied.

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