In the spirit of total honesty and open disclosure, I have to admit to you that I snore.
Really Bad.
Each and every time I doze off.
And incredibly loud... like an old moose with a head cold.
I know that it bugs the shit out of Joanne, but there was nothing I could do about it.... until now.
Being sensitive to all of Joanne's needs, I decided that it was time after 36 years to take on this snoring problem. Plus it seems to have worsened over the last 2 1/2 years or so.
So I extensively researched the problem, and after 10 minutes of browsing, I came across a product called "SnoreMeds". Amazon sold it for about $39 bucks.
This is a plastic mouthpiece that you put into boiling water and then mold it to your mouth, causing the lower jaw to jut about a bit and create an open air passage past the offending palate.
It's the palate which vibrates when relaxed as you are sleeping, and that is the source of the gutteral snoring noise which Joanne loathes so much, but I don't even hear.
Tested SnoreMeds on a catnap today for about 1/2 hour and it is the first snorefree slumber that I can remember. So now I will be even better in the bedroom.
It puts a strain on your heart as well. I would not hesitate to mention it to your doctor. You might end up wearing one of those vacuum thingamajigs that make you look like you are ready to shoot down a MIG, but it could save your life. Plus, you can act like you are shooting down MIGs.
My mom has this problem with my dad, she wears industrial ear plugs every night. So much so, that my brother orders her them from some industrial safety catalog he gets at work.