Monday, March 09, 2009

Cosmic Wink

I was really getting depressed about something, then I came upon this entry into my own Blog from a couple of years ago.

What's your Great Grandfather's first name? That's your father's or mother's grandfather. I don't know either!
That is a whole life that went by, directly related to your existance, and you don't know jack about him - even his first name.
How important can our life's issues be if in less than 100 years, nobody will know if you even lived?
Makes you wonder about sweating the small stuff, or taking life too seriously.

So there it is.... the "present me" gaining solace from the "past me".
In a short wink of a cosmic eye, all of this stuff won't matter, and will seem not to have even existed. This is getting too weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cosmic Winks says it all.You guys are in our hearts and prayers.