Tuesday, March 31, 2009
But for the next two days, I really have to limit my focus. Emotionally and intellectually, I just don't want to take on too much.
So if you have some big problem to lay on me.... wait until Thurs. You'll simply have to deal with the fact that I won't be addressing you until then.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Establishing Routines.
This day came together well. I've decided to take the advise of my friend, Lisa Rowe, and work out first thing in the morning. Especially if you are not traveling, it seems to make the most sense. So today, that's what I did. Jumped out of bed, had coffee, took a massive dump, exchanged niceties with Joanne, then hit the Cybex for 12 miles.
By 8 o'clock, I was on the regular Nanepashemet conference call, and already had an item ticked off of my to do list. Everything else seemed to come together pretty smoothly after that too.
So tomorrow, I'll try the same routine.
- Tuna Lips said...
I gots an established routine of loosin' my bowels when i arises to greet the day, and then pleasuring myself whilst perched atop the porcelain honda. I find such ablutions most effifecious, and quite effevesent. Multitaskin, the Wall Street types calls it. On Stall Street we call it Coppin' a squat and rubbin' one out.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Waiting for Trust Funds
I don't really suspect that I have any trust funds, so this is probably an unrealistic fantasy.
But what is definite reality is that March and April suck in New England.
It's not cold enough for winter stuff, and typically wet, muddy and uncomfortable. Plus, the temperature is just below a nice warmth that starts to make you feel good.
I would rather go from the winter right to the summer, hence the tropical beach house fantasy.
Maybe I can substitute the trust fund approach with a couple years of kickass business years with Nanepashemet Telecom.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Weather Delays
Once again, the freaking weatherman throws us a curve ball.
If he was under oath, he'd be doing time for perjury.
But I've always prided myself as being a forgiving person. Forgiving is fine, but forgetting is not my policy.
I got into the driveway, built the case for my workbench tail vise, cut the tails and pins for two dovetailed DVD cases, and milled the top for Mike's coffee table.
No freaking weatherman is going to slow down this Mountain of a Man.
Friday, March 27, 2009
POTW - Week 12
They've just completed the insurance claim adjustment on our New Year's Day fire and did a most excellent job. The Salem Country Club serves a damn fine meal.... much like the Oakley Country Club in Watertown that my archrival, Joe Collins, espouses to.... but the good ole Boston Yacht Club beats them both..... hands down.
That's not to say that it wasn't a great meal. It just didn't beat my club.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the Twelfth week of 2009.
Bill Hillegas
Bobby Brown
Tom Raich
Emily Ingardia
Lauren Rathbone
Tyler Gill
I mean.... It's no big deal if your club isn't as good as mine.
- Harvey Rowe said...
You will have to take us back to the BYC to see if I agree.
Bird Preference

So the other day, I get this annoying Peep question that went like this....
"Which do you like better??? Blue Jays or Cardinals?"
As I've often said.... there are no stupid questions.... only stupid people who ask questions.
The answer is that I like any bird that seeks to take nourishment from my feeder. Don't care if it's a gull or a crow. They all make a mess, and they all shit everywhere.
So they are pretty much equal in my view.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Herreshoff Maintenance
I'll probably buy a case of Epiphanes Marine Varnish from Jamestown Distributers and wait for a good weekend to sand and start spraying coats.
No wonder that wooden boats from the past century are so rare. There is a lot of work and care just to make them presentable each season. If left fallow for a season or so, it would probably seem like an insurmountable job.
- Tuna Lips said...
Prioritize getting us a peep of the week. I makes book on this sorta thing, and the street don't likes to wait.
What is wrong with you son? Snap out of it!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Getting Back to It
The 3" thick plywood top will be trimmed with 3/4" solid maple that will be attached to the 1 1/2" thick mahogany endpieces with half blind dovetails. Plus we have to precisely cut in for the end vice that will be integrated into the top.
Tomorrow, I will glue and screw the top pieces of the worktop, then design and layout the end clamp.
It's good that the long awaited workbench project is underway, but I must simultaneously start the coffee table that I promised Mike that I would build for his new condo in Southie. That tabletop will be constructed from the thick fir mantle piece that we removed from the living room after the fire.
If this Spring proves to be relatively warm and dry, the Marblehead Gunning Dory will be resumed in full swing by June or so. It's conceivable that the Dory hull be substantially complete by the end of the summer, although the interior fit out will take quite a bit more time.
Fire Away
I almost dread an outlook of peace and quiet when I get up in the morning, because it is so certain to be shattered by some crazy unforeseen circumstance. Maybe the best outlook is to get up, stare the world in the face, and goad it to give you its best shot.
Then at least, you won't he so shell shocked when the bombs land.
Peep of the Week - Week 11

Spring has sprung. Astronomcally at least. But by the 20 degree temp this morning, it's not so apparent.
So I broke down and got an Apple Ipod Touch this week. Holy Shit.... what a freaking device!!!!
I've downloaded about 100 bucks worth of songs and applications. Everything on freaking earth is online at the Apple iTunes store. Plus, it will go online and you can email.
But the pain is not just financial. I downloaded a pushup training program that tracks your progress to where you can do 100 pushups at a setting. I haven't done a pushup in over 20 years, and after the first day routine, I feel like someone has been pounding me from armpit to armpit with sticks and clubs. It's a wonder that I didn't throw out my back.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 11 Week of 2009
Courtney Nestor
Liam Neelson
Phil Freeman
Kurt Bagwell
Alex Watts
Mike McLellan
Who would have thought that an Ipod would be so physically challenging!!!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Turn on a Dime

The tragic death of Natasha Richardson is a disturbing reminder of how fragile the parameters of your life can be.
A talented actor with a young family, in the prime of her life, takes a harmless tumble on a bunny ski slope, and dies in a day.
Never take any day for granted.
Always appreciate the people that you care about.
Life can turn on an instant..... at a time when you least expect it .... in ways both bad and good.
Mark 11:22-24
22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. 23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. 24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
The power behind this Biblical quotation is so simple as to be unbelieveable. Christ simply says to ask God to give you what you want, believe that you will receive it, and you will get it.
Be careful what you ask for!
The hard part is believeing in the receiving.
Plus, sometimes, you receive what you want and don't even realize it.
- Tuna Lips said...
We all gots it comin' to us. Make ready the way of the Almighty, ye sin smeared heathen. The Man comin' round takin' names. What side will you choose?
Like I said, did me some preachin' on AM radio back in Galveston days. Met some wonderful sinners, taught me plenty of what I do.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Better Deal
Just coming up for air after a worldwind three days this week, pumping the production from the Nanepashemet mill.
Tomorrow will be no different. We are going in four different directions and will be covering projects from Harrington, Maine to New London, CT.... with two points in between.
If you want to know where the hell Harrington is, we were wondering the same question. It's six hours drive north from here... about an hour north of Acadia National Park. My partner, Mike Elsier, is handling that one and I'll be in southern Connecticut, pulling permits and attending a hearing. I was feeling bad about having to drive all the way to New London, until I Google Mapped Harrington.
Now I'm pretty certain that I have the best side of that deal.
It's a glamorous job... plus we get paid for doing it.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Economic Stimulis
It's time to start to turn this tanker around. Set a new course for commerce and prosperity.

Sometime today, this Blog will receive a hit for the forty thousandth time. 40,000 times people have sought out Nanepashemet for one pathetic reason or another. What really irks me is that not one of you "suspects" have ever sent me a dime to support this oasis of insight and rationality.
It's not that I haven't asked.
I am 100% in favor of capitalism. Let the money come and go. It's not like I would take your contributions and invest them in stocks or something.
Be assured that your money would be recycled in the most worthy of places.
- Like buying extra cheese, garlic and pepperoni pizza from Vesuvius of Marblehead.
- Like purchasing bottles of Lagavulin, the King of Scotch, Stephan's Ginger Beer and Black Seal Rum from Beacon Hill Imports at the Community Store.
- Like keeping the garage full of meranti mahogany and red cedar from Moynihan Lumber for those beautiful Nanepashemet boats.
- Like ponying up for rounds of Bud and Miller High Life for the Peeps at the Gerry Club.
- Like stocking up on paper towels, 48 rolls of toilet paper, and 7,000 packets of Splenda from Costco.
- Like late night purchases of power tools that I will rarely use from Amazon.com.
- Like dining on the world's best lobster rolls and Sam Adams at the Boston Yacht Club.
I'm doing my part to keep this economy going. You can too.... by contributing to Nanepashemet.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
They are right.
We will have our revenge.... and the naysayers will be continue to anguish as they wallow in their putrid pool of palpitating protoplasm contemplating the utter injustice that we will not be stifled.
Miss Rogosa, my ninth grade English teacher, would have appreciated the onomatopoeia.
She was an old spinster who was crippled by polio and got around with huge metal braces. We used to call her "Rogo Stick" in our insensitive 9th grade way. Read a lot of Edith Hamilton's "Mythology" in her class, and we spent an inordinate amount of time on the works of Helen Keller. Now I think I know why..
Haven't thought of Miss Rogosa in 40 odd years.
- Tuna Lips said...
- My pappy was one fer blowin his stack, no douts about it, and but fer me mammy I think a few more charges woulda stuck.
As I mentioned afore, mammy was visionary, seein' things and oppertunities when ole pappy was just seein' red. She was fer the simmerin rage - she bein' of the lady persuasion - and was all fer servin' it cold. This way, she saw to it taht on the front end, no one bounced us off the mule, and thussin they had nary a finger to point. And when they did, agin and agin and agin, as hard ons like thems like to do, our uncivilization eventually waranted the point no more. It become about them sayin' they was better than someone else. It become them hatin' on us, and they fancy friends all tight up with Jesus had no choice but to think twice.
Give it time. Tehn we'd burn them sumbitches barn down, and cover it good, make it look like the Almighty raining his justice on they asses fer what they had done to us (forgettin on what we allegedly had done to them). Justice with mammy was best done slow, like molasses in winter. Nice and cold.
Think on that. TL is everyman.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
POTW Week 10
But also an extraordinary amount of inspirational stuff.
A truly Nanepashemet style week!
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 10th week of 2009
Steve Lewis
Will Murray
Amy Mann
Tricia Rockett
Claudio Alvarez
Nate Clarke
There were so many more that deserved it.
Moral Judgement
I'll tell you the story, but it's not really funny.
Nobody's perfect. Which is why a lot of people are intrigued with the imperfection of others. It makes them more comfortable with their own imperfection. Or at least draws attention away from it.
There are a lot of Bible quotes to turn to.... "Judge not lest ye be judged." "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
I vastly prefer the less civil.... "Why don't you kiss my royal Irish Ass? You pompous, moral high ground, Hypocrite!"
- Tuna Lips said...
I find "eat the peanuts on my feces" especially effective at displayin' my effrontery sentimentality. A bit too far, somes would say, but it breaks er down to the bottom line. You knowds where you stands with ole TL when I suggest where you can get some corn niblets to snack on.
I suggest you don't publicate this here thinkin, it might break down the last remainin' strands of the yacht club community you palavers with. I mean, can you see Mrs. Wilhemina Wasp tellin' Candice Throttlesnot to snif her smelly briefs? The bar would dry up and not another glass of non-fortified wine would be poured, spilled, or, later on, end up in a pile of sick next to a marcedes bens.
But what they heck, plain speakin' folks is my cup o' tea.
I'm gone.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Katelyn Party Post Mortem.
Toning it Down.
Like I wanted to smash somebody's head like a cantalope melon with a sledge hammer?
Yeah.... I guess that was a little harsh.
I'll tone it down a bit.
Just a little.
- Tuna Lips said...
Ise finds that bomastin' is good fer the sole, like takin' a dump on yer neighbor's porch and ringin' the doorbell. All American style, that's how we roll.
They absolutely know that when they look into the mirror, that they are scumbags and cowards, so they are constantly looking for someone else to blame.
Have your day, Bitches. You've never gone out of your way to help anyone else in your pathetic, self-absorbed life. You say that you've never done any evil, but you've never done any good either. A waste of freaking protoplasm.
I'll take one mistake in a lifetime of good over your putrid, one-way existence anyday.
So take your judgemental, fat assed, self righteous bullshit, and kiss my ass.
Wouldn't trade our tainted life for your pathetic, hypocritical, shill of a life in a million years.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Bucking the Trend
How we are Kicking Ass and Taking Names.
It's come to the point that if we take on more work. we will be bucking the economic trend and hiring people.
This week, we will have been down to Richmond, RI, over to Concord, MA, down to to the Cape in Orleans and then over the Ferry to Block Island. Plus processing the hell out of our current backlog.
So despite all of the other Bullshit, Nanepashemet is firing on all cylinders.
Choked Up
I'll admit it.
Even a Mountain of a Man like me can get choked up once in awhile.
The calls and messages we got today, expressing so much support will never be forgotten. They are engraved in the Akashic Record. And we appreciate it deeply.
Mistakes that were made will fade, but your outpouring will always live with us.
So there it is.... you've got me where you always wanted me..... misty and emotional.
Soak it up. It won't freaking last!
- Tuna Lips said...
That's which don't kill ya makes fer bein'stronger, that is what my mammy would say. Her bein' all loopy on cough syrup, notwithstanding, she was visionary.
Face forward.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Juicy Tidbits
We definitely know who our friends are, and gradually over the next few weeks it will become apparent who are not our friends. Some will come as no surprise, but others will shock the hell out of us.
That is valuable, but I've already been through something similar, so I don't wish this process on anyone. Even those of you who are enjoying this juicy tidbit.
That's basically the end of this topic.... so don't be hitting this Blog to see if you can get a juicy tidbit, because that will just be a waste of good internet browsing.
Taking the Hits
You probably know why.
All I can tell you is that it is not what it seems. Stupid mistakes were made and already paid for.
The reports leave out some crucial facts.
And when all is resolved, there will be no reports at all.
Cosmic Wink
What's your Great Grandfather's first name? That's your father's or mother's grandfather. I don't know either!
That is a whole life that went by, directly related to your existance, and you don't know jack about him - even his first name.
How important can our life's issues be if in less than 100 years, nobody will know if you even lived?
Makes you wonder about sweating the small stuff, or taking life too seriously.
So there it is.... the "present me" gaining solace from the "past me".
In a short wink of a cosmic eye, all of this stuff won't matter, and will seem not to have even existed. This is getting too weird.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Happy Birthday Katelyn
Many former Peeps of the Week will be there, and we may even have some POTY's.
Should make for the perfect Nanepashemet evening.... inspirational, yet annoying.
The occasion of your kid's 30th birthday signifies much....
She is getting old... and you are getting wicked freaking old.
- Old beyond repair.
- Memory loss Old.
- Short of breath Old.
- Snoring at night Old.
- Hair growing out of your nostrils Old.
- Forgetting your friends names Old.
- Playing Golf is a workout Old.
- Almost bought some Grecian Formula Old.
- Never stray far away from a bottle of Tums Old.
- Pee three times as much Old.
- Considering Rogaine Old.
- All your pants are too tight Old.
- Letting the Bastards get away with it Old.
I would say, that one really good thing about getting old is that you've seen a lot of things before. Now, its not that "Here's the way something should happen"... it's more like... "I've seen this shit before, and here is what's GOING to happen".
Experience has its virtue. The problem is that nobody listens to you, so all that experience gets a kind and polite nod as they proceed to stumble into the same outcome. People have to learn on their own. They have to make their own mistakes. Can't really leverage off of yours.
So Happy Birthday Katelyn... it's not so bad to be getting old. Especially after having a daughter like you.
- Tuna Lips said...
Judging by the mugs on yer lads there, the young miss got the better side of the gene pool. Big wheel, spinnin' round, hoo ha!
Goin' contra dancin' with Miss Pudding's sister, Candy, this evenin'. Miss Pudding is working the 7:02 train from Lowenwich (wees calls it Scrotum Itch, what with all the harlot's them turns out), lift a few wallets, roll a few drunk johns, in general keep the undersirables on theys guard. Multi-taskin, I calls it. Entrepreneurishness abounds in ole TL!
Another week of Blog neglect.
It's not because I was sitting on the couch, eating corn curls, and watching Days of Our Lives like the rest of you losers.
I was out freaking working.
And if I wasn't working, I was trying to maintain a light but fitful sleeping pattern.
Speaking of Light but Fitful....
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 9 of 2008
Sam Khairi
Chris Crawford
Beth Murphy
Rob Wise
Steve Lewis
Tommy O'Shea
Now I can rest easier.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Uncanny Comparison
Lincoln and Obama are very much alike:
1. Lincoln placed his hand on the Bible for his inauguration. Obama used the same Bible.
2. Lincoln came from Illinois. Obama comes from Illinois.
3. Lincoln served in the Illinois Legislature. Obama served in the Illinois Legislature.
4. Lincoln had very little experience before becoming President. Obama had very little experience before becoming President.
5. Lincoln rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration. Obama rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his
6. Lincoln was a skinny lawyer. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
7. Lincoln was a Republican. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
8. Lincoln was highly respected. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
9. Lincoln was born in the United States. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
10. Lincoln was called Honest Abe. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Challenge Met
It's well known that the Bunny slopes there can be quite terrifying, and we spent a considerable bit of time mastering those.
There were no significant incidents.... even on the chairlifts.
My legs are sore.
Did ye git on yer bike and ride this mornin', like youse was supposin' to do? Or did you slather some cream cheeze on a bagel and get to thinkin' "the other feller must be doin' this, too, I can lean on my shovel a few more minutes."
Layin' about is the road to ruination, sure as corn likker and peep shows at the road house, so mammy said. Mammy was one to talk.
I'm gone.