Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Election Formula

Like many of you, I'm watching the Presidential candidates debate tonight, smirking at each other, and looking to discredit each other. Lots of pandering... lots of false emotions.... lots of gotchas.
I suppose that you have to be an egotistical asshole to run for the office in the first place.... so it's not surprising that these debates can be so tedious.
The great Harvard political scientist, V.O. Key, Jr., pointed out thirty some odd years ago that these elections are settled almost solely on the economic state of the nation. This bodes poorly for the Republicans, so I am resolved to see Obama win the "prize".
I am fearful of going soft on the war on terrorism, and a tax policy that stifles investment and entrepreneurship.
But we survived Carter, even though Iran treated us like their Bitches.
We survived Clinton, even though he got impeached and lost his law license for lying under oath.
We'll survive Obama too. And for God's sake..... there is no truth to the rumor that he is the Anti-Christ. I don't buy that bullshit for a second. He is just a politician, and we'll see how fate treats the country under his watch.
If he is elected and asks me to serve in his Cabinet, I'll have to refuse. Nanepashemet Telecom is just too freaking hot to leave. I'll just have to evolve into one of these high income fat cats that will get their taxes raised.
BTW, Katie Couric is instant nausea. Her interviews with "real voters" after the debate were so transparently slanted to Obama.... saying "Oh Good" when somebody said they had committed to Obama and coming out with her bullshit instant poll with Obama crushing McCain as the "winner" of the debate. That certainly wasn't the consensus in the studio. I can't believe what a tool she is. Now she cut off "Joe the Plumber" because he wasn't expressing doubt about McCain.
Sorry Katie. You are an Idiot. Bona Fide Capital "I".

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