Monday, August 18, 2008

Hidden Benefit

Back to Rockland again to punch out the Coast Guard job. It's getting bad when you feel like leaving the house at quarter of four in the morning is starting to seem like routine.
But that's where quitting drinking has its benefits.
Joanne and I took the WhaleEye up the Annisquam River in Gloucester yesterday with the Murray's, then back over to Brown's Island where we tied up with my "Friend who doesn't want his name mentioned in the Blog", and his lovely wife Nancy.
The weather was perfect, and normally the beer would be flowing like wine and I'd be paying for it today.
Instead, I bounced out of bed and made the 3 1/2 hour trek to be at the jobsite by 8:00 AM.
Course, driving home will tend to suck, but that's to be expected.

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