Friday, February 29, 2008
On a Streak
The establishment of consistency is an accomplishment in and of itself. And Maintaining that consistency is a strong motivational influence.
My knee ( the one that I screwed up by taking the advice of the insidious Wojcik ) feels great. And I feel pretty good, although I'm definitely not ready to leave the bike and go to the treadmill. There's plenty of time, and I am keeping the faith.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Farewell, Lagavulin
It's like saying goodbye to an old friend.
I can't keep torturing myself like this.
Wisdom...... and POTW 9
Those of you who know me well, know that while I'm not always right, I'm seldom wrong.
So let me give you these words of wisdom.
If some pompous Asshole decides to tell you in a highhanded, condescending, sanctimonious way that his point of view is the moral and ethical alternative.... prepare to be lied to and/or cheated by said Dipshit.
Heed my wisdom... I'm damn right about this.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 9 of 2008
- Doug Maxfield
- Lauren Rathbone
- Sam Simons
- Bill Hillegas
- Mike Nestor
- Steve Farrar
BTW, the above wisdom applies to none of these individuals.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Doctor's Appointment
That's so premature.
I wanted to lose at least 25 lbs before I am to be subject to his sneering attitude as he ridicules my weighted state of being. Plus I hate those rubber gloves.
The problem is of my own making. Louis Casale was my MD when I was 18 years old and weighed 160 lbs. I should have switched physicians in the meantime so he wouldn't have such a clear point of reference.
Just because he hasn't changed in 30 odd years, he expects me to weigh as much as I did as when I was a carefree, young stud.
Although I was never really that. Carefree I mean.
This will be a good benchmark though as I make my assault on marathoning history.
Hunch Plays Out.
Totally out of the Blue.
I was completed blindsided.
It couldn't be better.
Too Bad I can't tell you what it is. I'm sworn to confidentially.
But it's real good.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Workouts are Working Out
So, I have to log 10 miles on the bike and note it on the Blog to keep Collins honest. I have no place to go but up, (or in this case, down... based upon my current overweightedness.)
The good part is that no matter how your day goes, if you get a workout in, you've done something good and positive. And exercise definitely reduces stress.
My problem is that after I work out, I feel like I've deserved a beer, or anything else that I can scarf down from the refridgerator. So weight loss doesn't seem to be keeping in step. But my pants do feel a bit roomier. My scale is off, so checking weight has not been a consistent metric in this regime.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Dovetail chests
Follow Up
Maybe something happened that I haven't noticed yet.
Tuna Lips said...
I have been hobbled lately, got me a hitch in my gitalong ever since the Over 50 Hootenany we put on Thursday last. Cut myself several rugs. But since then I have been pained severe like in my feet. So this mornin' I forsook the traditional medicine types and had the a corn removed from my left foot by a toothless Vietnamese gal. This was one wrinkled gook; no facial was gonna smooth out them weathered looks. She sure could wield a skin peeler. It was like the screws had been loosened in my puppy, she havin' worked her Oriental magic. So that might be the vibration in the universe you senses.
Crazy slope gave me a crack in the crotch when I tried to show some appreciation for her medification. That may also account for it. The balancing of the cosmic winds. Which I also got from eating that pickled cabbage she offered.
Prepare for Greatness
I feel like this will be a great day, but I have nothing scheduled that would indicate this.
My plan today is pretty mundane - prepare the books for taxes, survey some cell sites that we have orders for modifications, issue some overdue purchase orders, get ready for a customer meeting tomorrow, cut some vendor checks.
By the end of the day, I'll let the Peeps know if this was a day to remember.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Basement Marathon Start
The spirit really doesn't move me today, but I agree that it has to get done.
I have to set the Nordic Track Treadmill back up down there, for when I migrate from the Cybex Bike and actually start running. But that won't happen for at least another month, when I will have shed another 10 lbs. or so. The treadmill has a lot of bounce and gives my weighted body a better introduction to the pounding of running before I head out onto the streets for serious mileage.
The key to getting to the Marine Corps Marathon next fall is to remain injury free. That means that I have to get into shape in order to get into shape. Patiently stay on the stationary bike until my weight drops, then migrate onto the low impact treadmill. By May or June, I'll be ready for the jolt of paved roads, and that gives me plenty of time to put the Marathon training mileage in by the end of October.
I seriously don't plan to beat Towne, but I will annihilate any of you other pretenders who decide to take the challenge. Especially my ArchRival, Joe Collins.
Mike Nestor is considering making the commitment, and I haven't made the pitch to Katelyn, Ryan and Courtney yet. I fully expect the Crawford Brothers to engage now that they have recovered from their humiliating defeat by the Kenyan at Boston last year.
I'm thinking that I'll have to order about 50 - 100 Nanepashemet Peeps Marathon Shirts to meet the demand for participants and their significant others.
I'm not winning the carbs battle though. How the hell do you expect me to give up pasta and bread??? That's worse torture than water boarding.
The key to getting the basement in order will be to take it in small steps, so that it doesn't appear to be overwhelming and doesn't cut into my other obligations. Katelyn said that she would help me, but the last time I checked the weather report, Hell wasn't freezing over.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Calling Out Towne
He ran in a marathon in Austin, Texas this February, and finished at 3:08:28, 2nd in his age division.
Would I like a piece of him at the Marine Corps Marathon next October!!!!
Bob, You're going to have to bear down and sharpen up. Looking for you to confirm your appearance at the epic field of honor this fall.
Repeat Blog Visits
Linguini with Clam Sauce
A little butter (ie - a whole stick), the clams, some Frank's Red Hot Sauce, parsley, chives, dryed garlic, red hot pepper, black pepper, a little salt, the pasta.... then some romano cheese sprinkled on the top... it is the Food of the Gods.
The trick is to mix all of the ingredients except for the Romano and let them sit in the kettle and meld the flavors into the pasta.
Tommy deserves it after snowblowing my drive way this morning. He says he'll check with Linda.
A Wise Choice
Luckily for my wallet and my sobriety, Joanne and I were serving steamed clams that Jim Bob and Kathy Peabody brought over to the house last night. Then we watched "Gone Baby Gone" with Casey Affleck's brother Ben portraying the grittier side of Boston. In the Bonus Features,

A great flick though. It's still painful to see actors try to capture Boston accents. You can pick out the foreigners a mile away.
The lack of throbbing pain in my head this morning is testament to my better judgment last night.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Craig Ferguson

This guy is hilarious. His thick Scottish accent allows him to say all sorts of outlandish stuff with impunity. He is a quick wit like Robin Williams and I guarantee you will get a laugh out of him.
It will disrupt your good night's sleep, but it's worth it.
Pandering Priorities

I thought that the Navy missile destroying the satellite in space was big news. A huge technological and engineering success. With its load of toxic chemicals, the satellite represented a serious threat.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- "Pentagon officials said they think a Navy missile scored a direct hit on the fuel tank of an errant spy satellite late Wednesday, eliminating a toxic threat to people on Earth."
It was a big story.
Larger that Roger Clemens and his wife on steroids.
Larger that Senator McCain having the hots for a lobbyist.
Larger than Barach Obama plagiarizing Gov. Duval
Larger than Manny Ramirez in Spring training.
But the news channels had it as a virtual asterist.... there's no doubt that many of you ill-informed Peeps didn't hear about it at all. But you heard about the other stuff I mentioned, didn't you?
I suppose that I should moralize here that this society doesn't have it's priorities straight, that it panders to emotional gossip, that it enjoys our weaknesses and frailties more than our accomplishments.
But I won't.... People don't want to see that shit on the Blog.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week - 8
Bob Brown, that Meandering Mass of Molten Manhood, has stepped forth and entered the Arena of Glory. He has declared his willingness to put it all on the line at the Marine Corps Marathon. Damn impressive.
That brings the list to five who will make the trek to our nation's capital in the fall.
- ME
- Archrival Joe Collins
- Insidious Advisor Bob Wojcik
- Peep of the Year 2006 Tommy McMahon
- Meandering Mass of Molten Manhood, Bob Brown
This is gaining momentum.... getting larger than life. I'm really intrigued to see who will be the next to take the pledge. If this gets out of hand, I'll need to stage a fundraiser just to buy the Peep shirts.
But I have even more important news to address.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 8 of 2oo8.
- Joanne Nestor - Automatic Lagavulin Rule
- Mike McLellan
- Bob Brown
- Bob Wojcik
- Tom McMahon
- Dave Bruett
I can't believe that it took eight weeks for the Lagavulin Rule to kick in. The year is starting out lean.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Hump Day Visualization
By the end of the day, I'll have my customer billing up to date, my business accounting into the accountant, and a tower construction bid completed.
Plus I'll have logged some miles on the Cybex Bike to keep pace with my Archrival, Joe Collins.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
History Channel
International History Channel
Military Channel
National Geographic Channel
Discovery Channel
.... though not necessarily in that order.
I've been waiting for Comcast Cable to come by for a week now to set me up with HD. What a pain in the ass they are for service. But their product is addictive.
- Pisc said...
Dude, give Comcast a call and take this opportunity to drive your rates down. I got my bill last Saturday and noticed that all the "deals" that I had signed up for had now expired and they were ringing the cash register on me. With much aplomb and ice water running throuh my veins, I parried with the two pack a day voice on the other end of the phone, and took $42 off my cable bill. This weekend, I am call the digital phone people to see what I can do there. The Insidious Doctor taught me this technique, no less.
Just ask nicely.
Gaining Momentum
I knew he would.
- McMahon said...
I might just have to step in on this J. and beat each on of you by at least an HOUR. I'm aiming for Lance Armstrong in this year's Boston and have kept good pace on it so far. My time is looking to improve from last year's 3:08:12 (with a blown out knee in the last 3 or 4 miles) to an estimated 2:45:00. I'm up to 17 miles already in my training and I'm thinking of breaking the 20 mile marker this Sunday.
You challenged the Peeps and now I'm here to represent. 2 marathons in one year, no biggie.
See you in D.C.
Now that is another reason why Tom is Peep of the Year material.
- This brings the list to....
- ME
- Archrival Joe Collins
- Insidious Advisor Bob Wojcik
- Peep of the Year 2006 Tommy McMahon
Monday, February 18, 2008
Another Future Marathon Victim
After baiting Collins to accept the challenge, I now have Bob Wojcik agreeing to meet me on the field of honor in Washington DC this October.
Talk about killing two birds with one stone!
The only problem is.... now I really have to get in shape for the Marine Corps Marathon. That means dropping at least 50 lbs., keeping injury free, yet maintaining the business pace at Nanepashemet Telecom.... and keeping Joanne happy on top of all of it.
A Herculean Task.
But there is no turning back now. No going back to a sedentary lifestyle complete with double cheese pepperoni pizza, nightly Sam Adams, fried dough, potato chips, and pasta binges.
Maybe I should think this through.
I can live without these things, but it would be great if I could take some more Peeps down with me... like that wussy old roommate, Bob Towne, who let his body go all to hell. Bob, get your ass to Washington DC in the fall.
In the meantime, if any of you Peeps are up for the challenge, I'd be happy to put you on the list of those destined for humiliating defeat on October 26, 2008.
So far, the list is....
- ME
- Archrival Joe Collins
- Insidious Advisor Bob Wojcik
Marathon Smack
Look at the smack he's putting down for his preparation for our race of destiny at the Marine Corps Marathon in Virginia next fall.....
Weekly recap
date workout
2/11 18.2 miles biking, 160 jump ropes curls while biking
2/13 12.3 miles biking, 135 jump ropes, 60 situps curls while biking
2/15 1.5 mile run 60 situps
2/17 10 mile bike 212 jump ropes 60 situps ! curls while biking
Do you think this scares me Joe? You're going to have to jump a lot more rope before you jangle the nerves of this Mountain of a Man.~
When my mojo kicks in, you'll be eating my dust and staring at my backside.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Overall Improvement
He was.
But I did my civic duty by telling the park employee that the web site was wrong and didn't state the fee to North Conway taxpayers. He acted like he appreciated the information.
We'll see if he corrects the freaking website.
In the meantime, I made Curt Schilling's bloody sock look paltry compared to the bleeding blisters that I developed on my left heal and big toe.
A lesser man would have cashed it in after the first mile, but I was determined to get my four in while the conditions were so good. Actually it didn't hurt too bad, and I was amazed at the amount of blood when I took my ski boot off. I successfully grossed Joanne out.
She pleasantly surprised me by buying me a bottle of Lagavulin, which, as you know, is an automatic POTW selection.... the first automatic of the year. I love her so much.
- Lauren Rathbone said...
Can you believe all the snow in North Conway, we have been going up every weekend, and no one believes me when I tell them the snow banks at our house are 12 feet plus. Saw your adorable grandson on Thursday, dropped of some more of Ethans clothes for him to wear this spring.
I dreamed about people and things that spanned the length of my experience for over 40 years. It wasn't scary, and the people were ageless, both dead and alive, and were inserted and juxtaposed into situations which were incongruous with the manner that I knew them.

People interspersed with others who had no relation to each other, like a City Planner from Lynn dealing with an Admin from General Dynamics. Totally different ages and contexts.
In the middle of it all, I had a nasty case of the runs and was thrashing around making Joanne's night a little too exciting in a not so nice way.
I'm not versed in Freud's interepretation of dreams theories, and I'm not sure if these are internal brain storms or external spiritual events. Probably a combination.
At any rate, I'd appreciate a less active night tonight.
- Tuna Lips said...
Sounds like one of them dreams from Joseph of biblical times, you know, seven years of feast, seven years of famine.
I spose you best stock up on the pepto. Just one fellers thinking. Maybe start advising that picaninny governor you gots up there, them folks is all for such voo doo. Make some cash, grab a pension out of it.
Proaction thinking, best done on the latrine.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Self Control
After checking the web on how to obtain a pass, I find out that North Conway residents and taxpayers are supposed to have a free pass.
You would think that I was applying for a visa to Afganistan by the loser counter geek at Ragged Mountain Sports where you are supposed to pick up the passes. After showing him a Town of Conway correspondence that was addressed to Joanne, he asked if that was my name.
Naturally, I kept my cool.
I said "No, that's my spouse. See the address? It's the same address as mine on the license that I'm showing you."
Captain Dipshit took a least two minutes studying the license and the letter, then he said that I needed a current bill from the Town.
Again, I maintained my kind and courteous disposition.
I asked him to look us up on the web. We are taxpayers in Conway and have been for 15 years.
Seeing that I wasn't going to leave, our Moron of the Hour pulled out a printout of taxpayers, and lo and behold, there was Joanne's name. So he says, "It says Joanne and not John."
Now, I disclosed a tiny bit that I was starting to get annoyed by this useless sack of monkey shit, and I asked him if I should just get a pass for Joanne.
Lieutenant Dork then opined that it seemed like he could give me a pass, but that the internet was wrong and that it would cost $15.00.
Now I was downright pissed, and required all of the self control that I could muster, because this Asshole deserves to have his head ripped off so that I can wipe his ass with his own face.
But again, I exhibited appropriate restraint.
Mega Dink took my picture with a polaroid camera and laminated a freaking season's pass, handing it to me and wishing me a nice day.
So Captain Dipshit, enjoy your bureaucratic powerhouse position as Bitch of the XC Trail passes.
I pray to GOD to find you alone out on the groomed course.
X-C Test
That is a metric that I am trying to improve upon.
I was surprised how tired I was, and drenched with sweat in the single digit temps, after a relatively short distance. I guess that's bad.
The good part is that my left knee (the one that Wojcik screwed up by giving me faulty advice) held up really well, paving the way for a serious attempt at the Marine Marathon, where my arch rival, Joe Collins will again know how it feels to be defeated atheletically by non other than myself.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
POTW Week 7
If you read the earlier shit from Piscatelli and McMahon, you'd see how hard it is to be me.
With friends like that... who needs Al Queda???
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 7 of 2008
- Courtney Nestor
- Pat Piscatelli
- Tommy McMahon
- Jim Peabody
- Katelyn Nestor
- Kim Dunn
Tuna Lips said...
I applaud yer return to your garage roots. That garage is a place where a man can do some thinking, and the epoxy and lacquer essences can put your mind on a God plane of knowing things.
Winter time too. I tells you what, grasshopper, you get that cat in there to russle up some varmints. Aimin' to hone your arts of war? Then have a snort or three of clear likker and sit in that fume hood. You watch that cat hunt them field mice, and you shall see the face of God. Pilgrim, I kid you not. But dont put on Burt Bacharach's Greatest Hits and start rummaging through the missus clothing storage. The EMTs told me I nearly asphyxiated myself in those panty hose and pumps. Not good.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Integration of Microsoft Access and Project.
There still is a need, for the uninitiated, to believe that Microsoft Project is most effective for managing projects of this kind. It is very unwieldly and hard to enter data on a massive site by site basis. Yet, a MS Project Gantt chart always gives the customer a warm and fuzzy feeling that you are on top of the details of their project.
My goal is to create a linking Excel speadsheet that ties project data both to the presentation assets of Access and the detailing assets of Project.
Incredibly, I haven't found a computer textbook that addresses this subject, yet I can see a clear need, and the process doesn't seem to be too difficult. I would need one or two days to devote exclusively to the problem, which is the constraining factor for me.
Piscatelli said....
Get Elsier to call McLellan. If it can be done, he can tell you how.
How about these dill hole congressmen beating up on Clemens? I don't like Rog, but c'mon, is this necesssary? This would happen to no one else. Here, its not about the sin, its about the sinner, which is ass backwards. Its a press event. Nothing else. Glad Congress has the whole subprime thing figured out and our global presence is firm enough that we can take time to address the important societal concerns of a private industry involving a wicked tiny part of the population. These guys would be ISO reps. Take it from me, I was one. Jeez.
McMahon said....
I would like to know what the man of all men gets his ladyfriend, Joanne, for Valentine's day.So literally a half hour ago I came accross your daughter at the Boston Sports Club. I asked her about her Valentine's day plans, to which she replied she had none. So I thought I might ask her to be my Valentine. She quickly and harshly refused my request. So she would rather have no Valentine than be my Valentine. She couldn't even show some pitty and say yes even if she didn't mean it. You would think a former Peep of the Year would have all sorts of Valentine's offers and Peep groupies. Go figure.
Choice of Candidates

I'm thinking that the candidates for President will be John McCain and Barach Obama. In fact, I'm hopeing that this is the case.
I can't really stomach another Clinton Presidency, with all of the rationalizations and double talk. They are just so disingenuous. Plus, it always bothered me that Clinton's intern was the same age as my daughter at the time. "I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky."
Sure Bill... I'm sure that Joanne would believe me when I told her that a blow job wasn't sex.

Which brings me to the Obama candidacy. Hillary's theme has been that he isn't qualified. Who the hell is??? And what the hell did she ever do, besides cut a deal with that horny husband of hers???? The President has to be a leader, not a bureaucrat or a rationalizing double talker. The President should inspire. I believe that Obama can do this.
This isn't to say that I'm on the Obama bandwagon. I'd like him to beat out Hillary to take her out of the game. Then I'll make my choice between McCain and Obama.
Tuna Lips said...
I smells me a race traitor.
Look, Grandpa has a Kwanza present for little Will. Its a doo rag and Glock 9. Now let's hold hands and sing 'Swing Low' aoround the tribal spears.
How friggin' quaint.
Jesus, give thems eyes to see.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Battles Lines Drawn
He's agreed to meet me on the field of honor... the Marine Corps Marathon in Arlington, VA on October 26, 2008.
I hope, that with the prayers and well wishes of all of you Peeps, that I will be injury free to train for this epic encounter. But, if you can't pray and well wish, at least don't taunt and ridicule.
With any luck, we can lure others, such as Bob Wojcik, or even Bob Towne, to test their skills in this battle of the Titans. As it is, with just Collins and myself, it should be quite a media event. If any more of you Peeps are up for the challenge, you have plenty of time to prepare for your pathetic attempt, but you better start now.
I know what your are thinking.... "Now he'll never finish the Chamberlain Marblehead Gunning Dory!" .... Please.... Just stop the panic and whining.
No need for shallow thinkers to have a field day. I have it all under control. Your precious Dory will be built according to schedule..... by a boatbuilder preparing for marathoning glory.
Sunday, February 10, 2008

I had big plans to accomplish a lot of little picky things this afternoon, but then I started watching Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto". Pretty brutal look at the pre-Columbian Mayan culture. The way they were depicted, they deserved everything the Spanish could do to them.
Whether or not Gibson is accurate, he is a hell of a director. Too bad he had that Anti-Semitic brain fart. That is a shadow on huge talent.
Tuna Lips said...
Makes him all the more favored by this native son. Be he a papist, though. And calling the dame playin' police woman 'sugar tits', well that is down right folksy.
Cut the Carbs

But then, pizza, beer, and pasta entered my life again.
I was happy, but the bulk returned.
Now I'm going to combine no carbs with a dedicated routine of riding the Cybex. By the end of February, my goal is to feel a little more room in my pants, and no pain in my left knee. (The knee that I screwed up by listening to the advise of the insidious Wojcik !!!)
As soon as I can run without pain, I'll rededicate to another marathon attempt, maybe the Marine Corps Marathon next October in Wash. DC. With any luck, Wojcik or Collins might be tempted to run as well, giving me a chance to feed them my dust.
The challenge will be to prevent business swings from taking priority over time to execise. And cash flow problems always seem to propel me to the comfort of a large kettle of macaroni and cheese. If business stays good, I should be fine.
Tuna Lips said...
I take great pride in keeping myself fit. As a ladies man, I must be in prime form at all times, able to react with cat-like agility when the damsels need some "TL-C", heh heh heh. It can be a burden at times, there being only one TL to goes around, but I am one fer believin the Almighty nodes that TL is but a man, and showing mercy on me. That's whycome I find some ladies cringe at the sight of me, it being Jesus carrying me on the beach, wherein there is only one set of footprints, so I might take a rest from being the TL that the world knowds. And yes, chicks also dig me because I am deep.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Renewed Resolve
I looked at my workout record, and it is rediculous. It doesn't show that I'm getting in shape... it's barely evidence that I'm alive!!!!
If I told you that I had an excuse, would that matter??? Course not! You fair-weather, one-way, single-minded pathetic and impertinent Peeps.
At any rate, now that Nanepashemet Telecom has finally gotten legs, I'm going to spend a little time trying to eat right and exercise daily. It's time to turn this heaving mass of protoplasm into its proper state of Greek-god-like, sculpted flesh and muscle.
Plus, Joe Collins dropped 25 lbs and actually looks pretty good.
Club Smackdown

Joe is on the Board of Directors at Oakley, and I'm not even a Junior Assistan

Next time, we'll pit the Oakley v. the Gerry 5 Volunteer Firemen's Association.
My favorite part of the night was when Joanne said "You're still good looking, you're still hot !"Michelle said "Jay better not be Commodore or he will have to buy an Escalade" (like the present Commodore!)Nice to see you've joined the Yachting class ! I'm going to have to tell Towne that you dazzled us with your new Club !
Thursday, February 07, 2008
POTW - Week 6
My favorites were...
People really need help, but may attack you if you do help them. Help them anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.
So true.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 6th week of 2008
- Joanne Nestor
- Joe Collins
- Bill Campbell
- Pam Ward
- Eli Manning
- Lauren Rathbone
Tomorrow, maybe I'll kick some ass for shits and giggles.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Marketing Strategy
The marketing strategy is that a mug that costs about $2.50 will stimulate recognition of our company, which will result in millions of dollars in sales. It's like buying lunch for someone, but the lunch has your logo on it and never leaves the customer's desk. And, it doesn't spoil.
Plus people like getting free stuff, as long as it's good quality. They love T-shirts, golf shirts and mugs. The beauty of the mugs is that one size fits all. Some people won't wear a baseball cap, but sooner or later everyone drinks from a mug.
So we have these mugs with our killer logo on them.
Can't wait for the strategy to kick in.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Carrot Cake
How do you think it came out???
With a pound of carrots and real cream cheese frosting, it was freaking unreal.
I never made a cake from scratch before, but it was really easy with the food processor and the fourth slice was as good as the first. This could be a permanent part of the Nanepashemet Diet. Right up there with the accompanying Dark and Stormies.
Sports Movie
Angels were on the shoulders of the Giants in the last two minutes of the game, and they deserved the victory by the way they played. Manning's pass to Tyree was out of sports fiction. It would not have withstood credibility as a sports movie.
But it happened for real.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Sensational Superbowl Sunday
Patriots try for a perfect season. In reality, it's not perfect. If it was, every play would lead to a touchdown and the opponents would never have scored. So this "perfection" description is a misnomer.
However, to compensate for this inaccuracy, Joanne and I are planning the perfect Superbowl get together for the Peeps in the Hood, Tommy O and Linda O'Shea, and Jim Bob and Kathy Peabody. Nobody else is formally invited, including Kathy's cousin with the tight pants, and Jim Bob's idiot Little League friends.
If you want to drop by, we won't ask you to leave though.... especially if you bring your pal, Sam Adams.
Should be a gastronomic extravaganza!!!!
Tommy is bringing his chili, which he always emphasizes has "no beans". I don't know why he is so proud of that fact. I like beans. A lot.
Kathy is making Fajitas. She must have been getting friendly with the Mexican who lives across the street from her and Jim Bob. I thought she was still feuding because of slapshots that her son, Andrew always shoots against the Mexican's retaining wall. You wouldn't think that the Mexican would care. After all, Andrew is a goalie and doesn't seem to have a lot of steam on the puck.
At any rate, Kathy, who was brought up as an East Boston Italian, is bringing Mexican over. Go figure.
I have a good supply of Barrett's Ginger Beer and enough Black Seal Rum to keep the Dark and Stormies flowing until half time.
I'm also heading to the deck and the turkey fryer to get a batch of Buffalo wings going. I'll take advantage of the hot oil to deep fry some bread dough afterwards, for the White Trash Balls that have become a cult favorite.
I was thinking of trying to bake a carrot cake for dessert. Course, if the Patriots lose, that could get messy.
I truly hope that the Patriots beat the Giants though. It would be nice to tell the grandkids what it was like to watch the Patriots cap a "perfect" season.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Cutesy Time
He certainly is cute. We'll have to get him rough, tough and hard to bluff in the coming months and years. There's time.
Plus, he'll undoubtably want to build boats in the garage with his Grampy.
But enough of this cutesy bullshit. Sometimes I forget that this Blog is all serious business.
Tuna Lips said...
Yer darn tootin' this here is a serious forum. Iffin' I dine to opinionate here, its reachin' corners of the world wide web you did not know where there. I speak truth to power, if there wa one greater than minefew as there are comparin to mine.
I will be votin' for Willard Mitt Romney, in case anyone is interested. I likes them polygamizers.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Work WrapUp

I'm semi-all caught up at Nanepashemet Telecom. No big pushes or priorities this weekend. Plus I bought 72 killer mugs from with our logo printed on them to give out to customers. Next week should be fun.
Pump the Purell

So many of you have asked me recently, "J.... How do you keep yourself so vigorous and healthy?" It's a worthy question...deserving of a thoughtful answer.
It's true that I avoid the common cold much more than the rest of you mucus-laden, rhinovirus-carrying wheeze bags.
My secret is to keep a good Purell anti-bacterial instant hand sanitizer close by at all times.... in my house, office and truck.
Any time I handle coins or change...
Any time I pump gas... pump the Purell.
Anytime I scratch myself in private territory... pump the Purell.
Any time I shake hands... pump the Purell as soon as you can.
Also, I also never miss a chance to take a mouthful of Listerine and swish it around.
So that's how I stay sniffle free. I may seem like a dirty old man, but in reality, I'm as germ free as possible without being weird about it.
When you are POTY does every major newspaper want a piece of you? How does one obtain anonymity? I might have to speak with either Tuna Lips or McMahon for some advice.....
Heh heh, every ding dong day is hump day for ole TL! Positive visualization is a practice I employ on regular like. It does not pay to reflect on your current situation when you are surrounded my a gang of illegal aliens with bicycle chains and razors (it was her that gave me them crabs, and all 300 pounds of her will not get me to admit otherwise!). But as I was expounding, you have to visualize the things that you want, like world peace or an unatended Hostess delivery truck, in order to actuate that premonition. Only then can the things that others claim I am taking without right truly become mine by virtue of my self actualized majesty.
It was like those teenagers I was holding in my cabin out by the creek.