Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Osama Bin Stupid

Six years after 9/11.... we still haven't found that mongrel Bin Ladin. I hope he is enjoying the hole he is living in. With our system of justice, death would be too good for him and prison would be a big step up in his standard of living. So maybe he can stay in his dirt hole.
What did Al Queda accomplish by their suicide mission??? Unless your actions can capture hearts and minds, it is merely self destruction. A lot of people carry deep prejudice toward Islamic people now, who really shouldn't.
In the immortal words of New York Firefighter, Michael Moran, more than five years ago, Osama bin Laden can "kiss my royal Irish ass."

Nice job Osama. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. You've engendered deep anger towards your people for decades to come.
I had a good chance to be on the United flight to LA that crashed into one of the Towers. There was a trade show in LA that I was scheduled to attend that day, and my normal procedure traveling to the West Coast was to take that 7:30 flight from Logan landing in LA at 11:00 AM Pacific time. But then we had a major screw up in Pittsburgh, so I canceled the trade show plans. Screw ups can be beneficial.
It wasn't my time.
I plan to use these bonus years teaching my grandkids to blog and build boats among other things.

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